154 research outputs found

    Polarization in a three-dimensional Fermi gas with Rabi coupling

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    We investigate the polarization of a two-component three-dimensional fermionic gas made of repulsive alkali-metal atoms. The two pseudo-spin components correspond to two hyperfine states which are Rabi coupled. The presence of Rabi coupling implies that only the total number of atoms is conserved and a quantum phase transition between states dominated by spin-polarization along different axses is possible. By using a variational Hartree-Fock scheme we calculate analytically the ground-state energy of the system and determine analytically and numerically the conditions under which there is this quantum phase transition. This scheme includes the well-known criterion for the Stoner instability. The obtained phase diagram clearly shows that the polarized phase crucially depends on the interplay among the Rabi coupling energy, the interaction energy per particle, and the kinetic energy per particle.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Pathway toward the formation of supermixed states in ultracold boson mixtures loaded in ring lattices

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    We investigate the mechanism of formation of supermixed soliton-like states in bosonic binary mixtures loaded in ring lattices. We evidence the presence of a common pathway which, irrespective of the number of lattice sites and upon variation of the interspecies attraction, leads the system from a mixed and delocalized phase to a supermixed and localized one, passing through an intermediate phase where the supermixed soliton progressively emerges. The degrees of mixing, localization and quantum correlation of the two condensed species, quantified by means of suitable indicators commonly used in Statistical Thermodynamics and Quantum Information Theory, allow one to reconstruct a bi-dimensional mixing-supermixing phase diagram featuring two characteristic critical lines. Our analysis is developed both within a semiclassical approach capable of capturing the essential features of the two-step mixing-demixing transition and with a fully-quantum approach.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Phase separation can be stronger than chaos

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    We investigate several dynamical regimes characterizing a bosonic binary mixture loaded in a ring trimer, with particular reference to the persistence of demixing. The degree of phase separation is evaluated by means of the "Entropy of mixing", an indicator borrowed from Statistical Thermodynamics. Three classes of demixed stationary configurations are identified and their energetic and linear stability carefully analyzed. An extended set of trajectories originating in the vicinity of fixed points are explicitly simulated and chaos is shown to arise according to three different mechanisms. In many dynamical regimes, we show that chaos is not able to disrupt the order imposed by phase separation, i.e. boson populations, despite evolving in a chaotic fashion, do not mix. This circumstance can be explained either with energetic considerations or in terms of dynamical restrictions.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    The phase-separation mechanism of a binary mixture in a ring trimer

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    We show that, depending on the ratio between the inter- and the intra-species interactions, a binary mixture trapped in a three-well potential with periodic boundary conditions exhibits three macroscopic ground-state configurations which differ in the degree of mixing. Accordingly, the corresponding quantum states feature either delocalization or a Schr\"odinger cat-like structure. The two-step phase separation occurring in the system, which is smoothed by the activation of tunnelling processes, is confirmed by the analysis of the energy spectrum that collapses and rearranges at the two critical points. In such points, we show that also Entanglement Entropy, a quantity borrowed from quantum-information theory, features singularities, thus demonstrating its ability to witness the double mixining-demixing phase transition. The developed analysis, which is of interest to both the experimental and theoretical communities, opens the door to the study of the demixing mechanism in complex lattice geometries.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Two-species boson mixture on a ring: A group theoretic approach to the quantum dynamics of low-energy excitations

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    We investigate the weak excitations of a system made up of two condensates trapped in a Bose-Hubbard ring and coupled by an interspecies repulsive interaction. Our approach, based on the Bogoliubov approximation scheme, shows that one can reduce the problem Hamiltonian to the sum of sub-Hamiltonians H^k\hat{H}_k, each one associated to momentum modes ±k\pm k. Each H^k\hat{H}_k is then recognized to be an element of a dynamical algebra. This uncommon and remarkable property allows us to present a straightforward diagonalization scheme, to find constants of motion, to highlight the significant microscopic processes, and to compute their time evolution. The proposed solution scheme is applied to a simple but still very interesting closed circuit, the trimer. The dynamics of low-energy excitations, corresponding to weakly-populated vortices, is investigated considering different choices of the initial conditions, and the angular-momentum transfer between the two condensates is evidenced. Finally, the condition for which the spectral collapse and dynamical instability are observed is derived analytically.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Fractional-filling Mott domains in two dimensional optical superlattices

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    Ultracold bosons in optical superlattices are expected to exhibit fractional-filling insulating phases for sufficiently large repulsive interactions. On strictly 1D systems, the exact mapping between hard-core bosons and free spinless fermions shows that any periodic modulation in the lattice parameters causes the presence of fractional-filling insulator domains. Here, we focus on two recently proposed realistic 2D structures where such mapping does not hold, i.e. the two-leg ladder and the trimerized kagome' lattice. Based on a cell strong-coupling perturbation technique, we provide quantitatively satisfactory phase diagrams for these structures, and give estimates for the occurrence of the fractional-filling insulator domains in terms of the inter-cell/intra-cell hopping amplitude ratio.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Residual entropy and critical behavior of two interacting boson species in a double well

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    Motivated by the importance of entanglement and correlation indicators in the analysis of quantum systems, we study the equilibrium and the bipartite residual entropy in a two-species Bose Hubbard dimer when the spatial phase separation of the two species takes place. We consider both the zero and non-zero-temperature regime. We present different kinds of residual entropies (each one associated to a different way of partitioning the system), and we show that they strictly depend on the specific quantum phase characterizing the two species (supermixed, mixed or demixed) even at finite temperature. To provide a deeper physical insight into the zero-temperature scenario, we apply the fully-analytical variational approach based on su(2) coherent states and provide a considerably good approximation of the entanglement entropy. Finally, we show that the effectiveness of bipartite residual entropy as a critical indicator at non-zero temperature is unchanged when considering a restricted combination of energy eigenstates.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Inter-species entanglement of Bose-Bose mixtures trapped in optical lattices

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    In the present work we discuss inter-species entanglement in Bose-Bose mixtures trapped in optical lattices. This work is motivated by the observation that, in the presence of a second component, the Mott-insulator lobe shifts {\em{differently}} on the hole- and particle-side with respect to the Mott lobe of the single species system (Phys. Rev. A 82, 021601, Laser Phys. 21, 1443). We use perturbation theory, formulated in a Hilbert space decomposed by means of lattice symmetries, in order to show that the nonuniform shift of the Mott lobe is a consequence of an inter-species entanglement which differs in the lowest excited states to remove and add a particle. Our results indicate that inter-species entanglement in mixtures can provide a new perspective in understanding quantum phase transitions. To validate our approach, we compare our results from perturbation theory with quantum Monte Carlo simulations

    Analysis and resolution of the ground-state degeneracy of the two-component Bose-Hubbard model

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    We study the degeneracy of the ground-state energy EE of the two-component Bose-Hubbard model and of the perturbative correction E1E_1. We show that the degeneracy properties of EE and E1E_1 are closely related to the connectivity properties of the lattice. We determine general conditions under which EE is nondegenerate. This analysis is then extended to investigate the degeneracy of E1E_1. In this case, in addition to the lattice structure, the degeneracy also depends on the number of particles present in the system. After identifying the cases in which E1E_1 is degenerate and observing that the standard (degenerate) perturbation theory is not applicable, we develop a method to determine the zeroth-order correction to the ground state by exploiting the symmetry properties of the lattice. This method is used to implement the perturbative approach to the two-component Bose-Hubbard model in the case of degenerate E1E_1 and is expected to be a valid tool to perturbatively study the asymmetric character of the Mott-insulator to superfluid transition between the particle and hole side

    Quantum Dynamics of Coupled Bosonic Wells within the Bose-Hubbard Picture

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    We relate the quantum dynamics of the Bose-Hubbard model (BHM) to the semiclassical nonlinear equations that describe an array of interacting Bose condensates by implementing a standard variational procedure based on the coherent state method. We investigate the dynamics of the two-site BHM from the purely quantum viewpoint by recasting first the model within a spin picture and using then the related dynamical algebra. The latter allows us to study thoroughly the energy spectrum structure and to interpret quantally the classical symmetries of the two-site dynamics. The energy spectrum is also evaluated through various approximations relying on the coherent state approach.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure
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