8 research outputs found

    Displacements, damage measures and response spectra obtained from a synthetic accelerogram processed by causal and acausal Butterworth filters

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the reliability of strong motion records processed by causal and acausal Butterworth filters in comparison to the results obtained from a synthetic accelerogram. For this purpose, the fault parallel component of the Bolu record of the Duzce earthquake is modeled with a sum of exponentially damped sinusoidal components. Noise-free velocities and displacements are then obtained by analytically integrating the synthetic acceleration model. The analytical velocity and displacement signals are used as a standard with which to judge the validity of the signals obtained by filtering with causal and acausal filters and numerically integrating the acceleration model. The results show that the acausal filters are clearly preferable to the causal filters due to the fact that the response spectra obtained from the acausal filters match the spectra obtained from the simulated accelerogram better than that obtained by causal filters. The response spectra are independent from the order of the filters and from the method of integration (whether analytical integration after a spline fit to the synthetic accelerogram or the trapezoidal rule). The response spectra are sensitive to the chosen corner frequency of both the causal and the acausal filters and also to the inclusion of the pads. Accurate prediction of the static residual displacement (SRD) is very important for structures traversing faults in the near-fault regions. The greatest adverse effect of the high pass filters is their removal of the SRD. However, the noise-free displacements obtained by double integrating the synthetic accelerogram analytically preserve the SRD. It is thus apparent that conventional high pass filters should not be used for processing nearfault strong-motion records although they can be reliably used for far-fault records if applied acausally. The ground motion parameters such as ARIAS intensity, HUSID plots, Housner spectral intensity and the duration of strong-motion are found to be insensitive to the causality of filters

    Structural Identification (St-Id) Using Finite Element Models For Optimum Sensor Configuration And Uncertainty Quantification

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    Developments and advances in experimental technologies providing useful data make it possible to identify civil engineering structures and to obtain a more reliable model characterizing the existing condition for decision making. Analytical models such as Finite Element (FE) models, which are calibrated using structural health monitoring (SHM) data, better represent the existing structures\u27 behavior under different loading conditions. However, the SHM data should include sufficient information about the structural parameters to be identified. In this study, a novel methodology is proposed in order to determine the optimum sensor configuration which provides adequate data for structural identification (St-Id). The success of the St-Id is investigated in a comparative fashion by comparing the model parameters calibrated using different sensor configurations. Uncertainties both in the mathematical model and the experimental data are taken into account using the fuzzy number concept. A so-called inverse fuzzy arithmetic technique is used to quantify the uncertainties in the updated parameters. The proximity of linkage values, which are the product of cluster analysis, is used to determine the optimal sensor configuration. The optimal sensor configuration is then verified by using the relative amount of uncertainty in the updating parameters resulting from the inverse propagation of the uncertainties. A hybrid evolutionary optimization algorithm is also proposed in order to efficiently minimize an objective function that consists of differences between the fuzzy experimental measurements and the analytical data. Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Harmony Search (HS) algorithm are combined to enhance the efficiency and the robustness of the optimization process. An analytical benchmark bridge structure developed for bridge health monitoring studies is used as the test structure to verify the proposed methodologies. Three different cases including the undamaged and the damage cases are considered. It has been shown that there is no significant difference between the St-Id results obtained by using a dense sensor configuration and the optimum configuration obtained by the proposed method in terms of accuracy. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Quantification Of Parametric Model Uncertainties In Finite Element Model Updating Problem Via Fuzzy Numbers

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    Analytical and numerical models that simulate the physical processes inevitably contain errors due to the mathematical simplifications and the lack of knowledge about the physical parameters that control the actual behavior. In this sense, parametric identification of civil engineering structures using uncertain numerical models should be subject to a particular interest in terms of accuracy and reliability of identified models. In this study, model uncertainties are modeled by fuzzy numbers and quantified using fuzzy model updating approach. In order to find the possible variation range of the response parameters (e.g. natural frequencies, mode shapes and strains) using uncertain finite element model, successive updating is employed. A simplified approach is proposed in order to facilitate the time consuming successive model updating phase. The identified variation range of the response parameters is employed to construct the fuzzy membership functions for each response parameter. Finally, fuzzy finite element model updating method (FFEMU) is used to obtain the membership functions of the model parameters. Different sets of model parameters are chosen to represent different models in terms of accuracy and these parameters are identified in the same way to investigate the model complexity. A two span laboratory grid structure developed for simulating bridge structures is used to validate and demonstrate the proposed approaches. The results show that the proposed approaches can efficiently be utilized to quantify the modeling uncertainties for more realizable and quantitative condition assessment and decision making purposes. © The Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc. 2013

    Investigation Of Uncertainty Changes In Model Outputs For Finite-Element Model Updating Using Structural Health Monitoring Data

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    This article aims to investigate the effect of uncertainties on the predicted response of structures using updated finite-element models (FEMs). Modeling uncertainties are quantified by fuzzy numbers and are incorporated into the fuzzy FEM updating procedure. The impact of the amount and types of data used on the performance of the updated model is investigated. In order to perform the complex FEM updating calculations, which generally take too much time for complex models, a Gaussian process (GP) is used as a surrogate model. The central composite design (CCD) method is used to sample the input parameter space for more accurate GP models. Genetic algorithms (GA) are employed to solve the inverse fuzzy model updating problem. Additional constraints are presented to capture the variation space of the uncertain response parameters. The University of Central Florida benchmark test structure, which is designed to represent short-span to medium-span bridges, is used in the scope of uncertainty quantification study. Static and dynamic experimental test data obtained from the benchmark structure under different loadings and conditions are used for the demonstration. A damage case, in which the stiffness reduction in boundaries is simulated by using flexible pads, is considered. The results show that appropriate data sets, which contain the least uncertainty, should be generated instead of involving the entire set of measurements obtained from different tests. Nevertheless, uncertainty quantification should be employed to find the variation range of uncertain responses predicted by simplified FEM models

    Investigation of Uncertainty Changes in Model Outputs for Finite-Element Model Updating Using Structural Health Monitoring Data

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    This article aims to investigate the effect of uncertainties on the predicted response of structures using updated finite-element models (FEMs). Modeling uncertainties are quantified by fuzzy numbers and are incorporated into the fuzzy FEM updating procedure. The impact of the amount and types of data used on the performance of the updated model is investigated. In order to perform the complex FEM updating calculations, which generally take too much time for complex models, a Gaussian process (GP) is used as a surrogate model. The central composite design (CCD) method is used to sample the input parameter space for more accurate GP models. Genetic algorithms (GA) are employed to solve the inverse fuzzy model updating problem. Additional constraints are presented to capture the variation space of the uncertain response parameters. The University of Central Florida benchmark test structure, which is designed to represent short-span to medium-span bridges, is used in the scope of uncertainty quantification study. Static and dynamic experimental test data obtained from the benchmark structure under different loadings and conditions are used for the demonstration. A damage case, in which the stiffness reduction in boundaries is simulated by using flexible pads, is considered. The results show that appropriate data sets, which contain the least uncertainty, should be generated instead of involving the entire set of measurements obtained from different tests. Nevertheless, uncertainty quantification should be employed to find the variation range of uncertain responses predicted by simplified FEM models