2,135 research outputs found

    Allelic Frequency of ABO And Rh D Blood Group Among The Banjara Backward Caste of Yavatmal District, Maharashtra , India

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    The distribution of ABO blood groups and Rh(D) factor has been studied among the Banjara of Backward population of Yavatmal (Maharashtra). The A, B, O and AB blood group percentage were recorded as 24.54%, 33.82%, 29.64% and 12% respectively. The allele frequencies of O, A, B and AB groups in the combined data were found to be 0.5354, 0.2022 and 0.2624 respectively. The distribution of Rh(D) group varies among the ABO blood groups. The Rh(D) positive allelic frequency was 0.8405 and the Rh(D) negative incidence was recorded as 02.55% in the studied population

    Ant Species Richness Around Amravati City Maharashtra, India

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    Ants deserve a special place in the study of ecology, including behavior, given their species richness, social habits, and high densities, contributing to much of the animal biomes on earth (Gadagkar et.at. 1993). As ants can be studied virtually everywhere from forest interiors below ground, right up to the kitchen, we attempted a study to assess the ant species richness in a variety of habitats in and around Amravati city. The prime objective of this study is to prepare a partial checklist of ants of Amravati and to compare species richness between selected study sites. Eight study sites with different levels and types of vegetation were selected for the study.
We employed an “all out search” method for collection in the months of June and July 2010. Ants were hand collected using a brush and forecep during the day time for 6 hrs at each study site. Collected samples were preserved in 70% alcohol in the Department of Zoology, Govt. Vidarbha Institute of Science & Humanities, Amravati.
We identified Ants up to the genus level by using a Stemi DV4 Stereo microscope based on taxonomic keys of (Holldobles & Wilson, 1990; Bolton, 1994; Mathew & R.N. Tiwari, 2000).
During the present study a total of 34 species of 20 genera have been recognized from Amravati city representing five subfamilies namely Myrmicinae, Formicinae, Ponerinae, Dolichoderinae and Pseudomyrmicinae. Out of this subfamily, Myrmicinae is the most abundant having 11 genera including the genus Rhoptromyrmex. It has been recorded for the first time in this region, followed by Formicinae with four genera for being recorded for the first time as genus Oecophylla. Subfamily Ponerinae and Dolichoderinae were recorded only with two genera each; while the subfamily Pseudomyrmicinae where recorded very poorly with only one genera from G.V.I.S.H. campus.
Few ant genera such as Crematogaster and Myrmicaria of subfamily Myrmicinae, Camponotus and Polyrhachis of subfamily Formicinae and Leptogenys of subfamily Ponerinae were mostly found in all the habitats and most localities. Few genera are confined to few localities or habitat types, such as Rhoptromyrmex and Oecophylla recorded only from Pohara forests. Genus Tetraponera of subfamily Pseudomyrmicinae were collected from the tree trunk of Azadirakhta indica in the G.V.I.S.H. campus. 
Comparison of ant species distribution between the different study sites revealed that ant species richness was highest in Pohara forest with 28 species & lowest with 9 species around urban areas. Relatively high ant species richness was recorded at all the study sites such as the Agriculture field, Tree plantation area, and the Wadali and Chhatri Garden. On the other hand, ant species richness was low around urban houses compared to rural houses due to little or no vegetation and high levels of disturbance. The tree plantation site, roads, and pavement showed higher numbers of ant species compared to around urban areas probably due to road side richness of tree plantation.
From this study we conclude that due to availability of food and shelter, richness of ant species increases in forest and tree plantation areas. The number of ant species declines in low vegetative areas including urban areas. It is possible to study the ecology and biodiversity of living faunas by the studying the habitats of ants. The environs of Amravati city are rich in Ant fauna which deserve further study

    Antifungal activity of some stem extracts against seed-borne pathogenic fungi

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     Plant extracts are being used to control the diseases since last several years. Extracts of the various plant parts like leaf, stem, root, fruit and seeds are found to be effective against seed-borne pathogenic fungi. The in vitro studies have been performed by using cup-plate method to examine the antifungal activity of some stem extracts. Stem extracts of 9 plants were screened against 5 seed-borne pathogenic fungi viz. Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus niger, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium moniliforme and Trichoderma viride. Out of 9 stem extracts, 6 stem extracts showed antifungal activity. The extract of Azadirachta indica showed maximum activity; while minimum activity was observed with Callistemon rigidus against the fungi under investigation. These plant extracts can possibly be exploited in the management of seed-borne pathogenic fungi to prevent biodeterioration of seeds in an eco-friendly way.   Â

    Antifungal activity of some leaf extracts against seed-borne pathogenic fungi

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    Plant extracts are being used to control the diseases since last several years. Extracts of the various plant parts like leaf, stem, root, fruit and seeds are found to be effective against seed-borne pathogenic fungi. The in vitro studies have been performed by using cup-plate method to examine the antifungal activity of some leaf extracts. Leaf extracts of 18 plants were screened against 5 seed-borne pathogenic fungi viz. Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus niger, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium moniliforme and Trichoderma viride. Out of 18 leaf extracts, 9 leaf extracts showed antifungal activity. The extract of Azadirachta indica showed maximum activity; while minimum activity was observed with Holoptelia integrifolia against the fungi under investigation. These plant extracts can possibly be exploited in the management of seed-borne pathogenic fungi to prevent biodeterioration of seeds in an eco-friendly way

    New Chromogenic Spray Reagent for TLC Detection and Identification of Organophosphrous Insecticide Monocrotophos in Biological Material.

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    Monocrotophos is a member of Organophosphate insecticide. It is an important insecticide and has a diversified role in agriculture in INDIA. The increasing numbers of human poisoning cases were found to be occurred by the consumption of organophosphate insecticide monocrotophos. So in this paper, we represent a novel Thin Layer Chromatographic spray reagent for the detection and identification of Monocrotophos

    A study of clinico-demographic profile and ventilatory pulmonary function tests in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease. DM produces damage in small blood vessels characterized by morphologic and biochemical alterations of the capillary basal lamina. These abnormalities have been observed in several organs including the lung. As the prevalence of diabetes is rapidly increasing, it would be important to study pulmonary functions in this sub group.Methods: The present observational study carried out at medicine department. It includes previously diagnosed type 2 DM patients between 31 to 50 years of age, non-smoker, non-pregnant with no major respiratory illness. Ventilatory Pulmonary Function Test (VPFT) which includes FVC, FEV1 and FEV1% were studied in all selected participants. VPFT categorized as per American Thoracic Society (ATS). All collected data analysed using Microsoft Excel 2010.  Results: The total of 55 previously diagnosed Type 2 DM cases was recruited. 26 (47.2 %) & 29 (52.7 %) were male & female respectively. 21 (38.2 %) has duration of DM more than 5. 11 (20 %) & 5 (9 %) had neuropathy and retinopathy respectively. 29 (52.7 %) had abnormal pulmonary function test.  The Mean FVC (84.11 ± 14.94), Mean FEV1 (84 ± 13.72) & Mean FEV1% was (100.05 ± 7.32) among the study participants.  29 (100.0 %) were restrictive type of abnormality. Conclusion: The reduced lung function is likely being a complication of diabetes mellitus. Lung functions needs to be checked periodically.

    Moving Object Detection and Tracking for Video Surveillance: A Review

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    This paper presents a review and systematic study on the moving object detection and surveillance of the video as it is an important and challenging task in many computer vision applications, such as human detection, vehicles detection, threat, and security. Video surveillance is a dynamic environment, especially for human and vehicles and for specific object in case of security is one of the current challenging research topics in computer vision. It is a key technology to fight against terrorism, crime, public safety and for efficient management of accidents and crime scene going on now days. The paper also presents the concept of real time implementation computing task in video surveillances system. In this review paper various methods are discussed were evaluation of order to access how well they can detect moving object in an outdoor/indoor section in real time situation


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    Herbal medicine has become an item of global importance both medicinal and economical. Although usage of these herbal medicines has increased, their quality, safety and efficiency are serious concerns in industrialized and developing countries. Herbal remedies are getting increasing patient compliance as they are devoid of typical side effects of allopathic medicines.          The present research has been undertaken with the aim to formulate and evaluate the herbal gel containing Lantana camara leaf extract. The gel formulation was designed by using Carbapol 940, Lantana camara leaf extract, propylene glycol, methyl paraben, propyl paraben and required amount of distilled water. The skin pH (6.8-7) was maintained by drop wise addition of Tri-ethanolamine. The physicochemical Parameters of formulations (pH, Spreadibility, Stability etc.) were determined. Stability studies have carried out as per ICH guidelines for 3 months at different temperatures and humidity. The results showed that formulation containing Lantana camara leaf extract Show better stability. Further formulations have studied for skin irritation on animal model (Rat) and result showed that there was no skin irritation to animals. Our literature survey revealed that the herbal gel of Leaves extracts from leaves of Lantana Camara was not investigated; hence these activities have been investigated in the present study.   Key words: Lantana camara, hydroalcoholic extract, Carbapol 940, Ge
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