11 research outputs found


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    The fibronectin is an extracellular matrix protein, which play a significant role in cell proliferation, differentiation and migration in several physiological and pathological processes. During pregnancy the fibronectin mediate attachment of embryo to uterine surface epithelium. The aim of the present study is to identify plasma and cellular fibronectin isoforms in uterine secretions of pregnant pigs. The results indicated presence of proteolytic degradation of the plasma and cellular fibronectin molecules during embryo implantation and weak increasing of levels of plasma fibronectin with advancing of pregnancy. On the basis of these results it was suggested that the generated fibronectin fragments may be affect cell differentiation and migration of a trophoblast cells and endometrial surface epithelium.Фибронектинът е екстрацелуларен матриксен протеин, който играе съществена роля в процесите на клетъчна пролиферация, диференциация и миграция на различни физиологични и патологични процеси. По време на бременност, фибронектинът медиира прикрепването на ембриона към повърхностния маточен епител. Целта на настоящото изследване e да се идентифицира плазмен и клетъчен фибронектин в маточни секрети на бременни свине. Резултатите показаха наличие на протеолитично разграждане на фибронектиновата молекула на плазмения и клетъчния фибронектин по време на имплантация на ембриона и слабо повишаване нивата на плазмения фибронектин с напредване на бременността. На базата на тези резултати може да се допусне, че генерираните фибронектинови фрагменти могат да повлияят клетъчната пролиферация и миграция на трофобластните клетки и тези на повърхностния маточен епител


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    The fibronectin is an extracellular matrix protein, which play a significant role in cell proliferation, differentiation and migration in several physiological and pathological processes. During pregnancy the fibronectin mediate attachment of embryo to uterine surface epithelium. The aim of the present study is to identify plasma and cellular fibronectin isoforms in uterine secretions of pregnant pigs. The results indicated presence of proteolytic degradation of the plasma and cellular fibronectin molecules during embryo implantation and weak increasing of levels of plasma fibronectin with advancing of pregnancy. On the basis of these results it was suggested that the generated fibronectin fragments may be affect cell differentiation and migration of a trophoblast cells and endometrial surface epithelium

    The testicular form of angiotensin converting enzyme as a marker for human sperm quality assessment

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    Introduction: Spermatozoa are rapidly changing cellular structures that are highly dependent on their interaction with the environment. These interactions cause fundamental changes in the spermatozoa’s cells and membrane. All physiological changes that a spermatozoon goes through are required for fertilization. One of the proteins that are essential for the physiological processes in the spermatozoon membrane is the testicular angiotensin-converting enzyme (tACE). In human ejaculated spermatozoa, tACE is found on sperm plasma membrane in the head, neck, and midpiece of the tail having an active role in the capacitation and acrosome reaction. Aim: Immuno-histochemical and fluorescent testing of the testicular isoform of the angiotensin-converting enzyme during spermiogenesis and acrosome membrane of spermatozoa. Materials and methods: Testis biopsies from infertile males have used immunohistochemical testing and fixed spermatozoa for the immunofluorescence assay of tACE. Results: The immunohistochemical test showed tACE expression during spermiogenesis and its participation in the stages of spermatid differentiation in the testis. The immunofluorescent test follows the manifestation of tACE in untreated, capacitated, and acrosome-reacting spermatozoa. In the process of capacitation and acrosome reaction, we found considerable dynamics accompanied by a change in the expression of tACE on the sperm membrane. Conclusions: tACE expression during spermiogenesis and its visualization in the acrosome region confirms the active role of the enzyme in the processes of maturation, capacitation, and acrosome reaction, which determines the enzyme as a reliable marker for the selection of quality spermatozoa in assisted reproduction

    Comparative electron microscopic and immunohistochemical study of stromal cells in giant cell tumor of bone

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    Giant cell tumor of bone is an osseous neoplasm that is histologically benign but clinically shows local aggression and high rate of recurrence. The histogenesis of this lesion remains unclear. The histological appearance does not predict the clinical outcome and there are still many unanswered questions with regard to both its treatment and prognosis. In order to further clarify this lesion, we examined ultrastructurally and immunohistochemically the tumor mononuclear cells in ten patients operated on in our hospital for matrix metalloproteinase-9. Positive reaction was detected in the spindle-like stromal cells of giant cell tumor of bone and these cells had the ultrastructural characteristics of fibroblastic cells. The other mononuclear cells did not express matrix metalloproteinase-9 and showed ultrastuctural characteristics of macrophage-like cells. The positive reaction for matrix metalloproteinase-9 in all patients clearly shows that this protease may play a key role in the pathophysiology of giant cell tumor of bone

    Utjecaj hranidbe s dodatkom trutovskog legla na folikulogenezu u nazimica

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    The biological properties of bee drone brood make it an ideal additive for growth promotion in animal husbandry instead of banned hormonal anabolics and antibiotics. However, the drone brood action on mammalian ovaries has not been well studied. The present study analyzes the impact of drone brood homogenate (DBH) in the diet of growing gilts on folliculogenesis. Large White female pigs at the age of 35 days were randomly divided into two groups of 10 animals each, and fed with the same basal diets. The experimental group was supplemented with 25 mg/kg forage of DBH for 180 days, after which the animals were slaughtered and morphometric, histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of their ovaries was performed. In addition, the expression of ovarian growth factors BMP15 and GDF9 in oocytes and cumulus cells was analyzed by RT-PCR. A significant increase in body weight and average daily gain at day 145 in the DBH-supplemented group was established. The length of the ovaries in the treated animals also was enhanced. More pools of primordial follicles, involved in intensive growth, as well as a larger diameter of primary and tertiary follicles were found in the ovaries of DBH-supplemented animals. These findings corresponded with an increase in the expression of GDF9 mRNA in the oocytes and cumulus cells. At the same time, signs of atresia in the Graafian follicles of treated animals were observed. The supplementation with DBH stimulates the early stages of folliculogenesis in gilts, but provokes atresia in the last stage of follicular development.Biološka svojstva pčelinjeg trutovskog legla čine ga idealnim dodatkom za poboljšanje rasta u stočarstvu umjesto zabranjenih hormonskih anabolika i antibiotika. Ipak, utjecaj trutovskog legla na jajnike u sisavaca još uvijek nije dovoljno istražen. U ovom se radu analiziran je utjecaj homogenata trutovskog legla (DBH) u prehrani nazimica na folikulogenezu. Ženke pasmine veliki jorkšir u dobi od 35 dana nasumično su podijeljene u dvije skupine po 10 životinja, s jednakim osnovnim prehrambenim obrokom. Pokusnoj skupini u krmu je dodavano 25 mg/kg DBH-a tijekom 180 dana, nakon čega su životinje usmrćene te je učinjena morfometrijska, histološka i imunohistokemijska procjena jajnika. Zatim je u oocitama i stanicama kumulusa RT-PCR-om analiziran izražaj faktora rasta jajnika, BMP15 i GDF9. U skupini s dodatkom prehrani DBH ustanovljen je znakovit porast tjelesne mase i prosječnog dnevnog prinosa 145. dan. Povećana je i dužina jajnika u pokusnih životinja. U životinja hranjenih dodatkom pronađeno je više nakupina primordijalnih folikula uključenih u intenzivan rast, kao i veći promjer primarnih i tercijarnih folikula. Ovi su rezultati u skladu s porastom izražaja GDF9 mRNA u oocitama i stanicama kumulusa. Istodobno su opaženi znakovi atrezije u Graafovim folikulima pokusnih životinja. Dodatak prehrani DBH stimulira rane stadije folikulogeneze u nazimica, ali uzrokuje atreziju u posljednjem stadiju folikularnog razvoja

    Strengthening CoViD-19 therapy via combinations of RAS modulators.

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    Evidence has accumulated that the pathology of CoViD-19 is strongly related to the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). The blockage of the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) by the SARS-CoV-2 virus leads to downstream consequences such as increased vascular tone, extensive fibrosis and pronounced immune reactions. Different approaches to tackle the adverse viral effects by compensating the lost ACE2 function have been suggested. Here, we use an unequal-arm lever model to describe a simplified version of the biased regulation exercised by the angiotensin II and angiotensin-(1-7) hormones, which are the substrate and the product of ACE2, respectively. We reason upon the lever dynamics and its disruptions caused by the virus, and propose that a combination of RAS modulators will most efficiently compensate the imbalance due to the excess of angiotensin II and the scarcity of angiotensin-(1-7). Specifically, we focus on the possible benefits of the simultaneous application of two agents, a MAS-receptor agonist and an angiotensin-II-type-2-receptor agonist. We conjecture that this combination has the potential to introduce a beneficial synergistic action that promotes anti-hypoxic, anti-fibrotic and anti-proliferative effects, thereby improving the clinical management of acute and chronic CoViD-19 pathologies

    The testicular form of angiotensin converting enzyme as a marker for human sperm quality assessment

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    Introduction: Spermatozoa are rapidly changing cellular structures that are highly dependent on their interaction with the environment. These interactions cause fundamental changes in the spermatozoa’s cells and membrane. All physiological changes that a spermatozoon goes through are required for fertilization. One of the proteins that are essential for the physiological processes in the spermatozoon membrane is the testicular angiotensin-converting enzyme (tACE). In human ejaculated spermatozoa, tACE is found on sperm plasma membrane in the head, neck, and midpiece of the tail having an active role in the capacitation and acrosome reaction. Aim: Immuno-histochemical and fluorescent testing of the testicular isoform of the angiotensin-converting enzyme during spermiogenesis and acrosome membrane of spermatozoa. Materials and methods: Testis biopsies from infertile males have used immunohistochemical testing and fixed spermatozoa for the immunofluorescence assay of tACE. Results: The immunohistochemical test showed tACE expression during spermiogenesis and its participation in the stages of spermatid differentiation in the testis. The immunofluorescent test follows the manifestation of tACE in untreated, capacitated, and acrosome-reacting spermatozoa. In the process of capacitation and acrosome reaction, we found considerable dynamics accompanied by a change in the expression of tACE on the sperm membrane. Conclusions: tACE expression during spermiogenesis and its visualization in the acrosome region confirms the active role of the enzyme in the processes of maturation, capacitation, and acrosome reaction, which determines the enzyme as a reliable marker for the selection of quality spermatozoa in assisted reproduction

    Centriolar satellites associate with condensed chromatin in early mouse oocytes and undergo redistribution during transition to dictyate

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    In eukaryotic cells during interphase, the centrosome is positioned close to the nucleus by a yet unidentified mechanism and determines the basic cell polarity. The aim of this study was to trace the dynamics of centriolar satellite protein PCM-1 in newborn mouse ovaria. Ovarian sections of newborn mice were subjected to immunofluorescent analysis. The intracellular localization of PCM-1 in prophase I oocytes was compared between 1- and 2-day-old mice. In oocytes from 1-day-old ovaria, double or broader single discrete PCM-1 aggregates with perinuclear localization were observed in association with condensed chromatin regions. In oocytes from 2-day-old ovaria, PCM-1 structures were less discrete and chromatin was homogenous. In some oocytes, single or double PCM-1 aggregate was still recognizable, while in others, the PCM-1-containing structure was crescent-shaped. Our study describes for the first time reorganization of centriolar satellite protein PCM-1 in prophase I oocytes from developing primordial follicles correlated with chromatin changes during transition to dictyate