58 research outputs found

    Noise residuals for GW150914 using maximum likelihood and numerical relativity templates

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    We reexamine the results presented in a recent work by Nielsen et al. [1], in which the properties of the noise residuals in the 40\,ms chirp domain of GW150914 were investigated. This paper confirmed the presence of strong (i.e., about 0.80) correlations between residual noise in the Hanford and Livingston detectors in the chirp domain as previously seen by us [2] when using a numerical relativity template given in [3]. It was also shown in [1] that a so-called maximum likelihood template can reduce these statistically significant cross-correlations. Here, we demonstrate that the reduction of correlation and statistical significance is due to (i) the use of a peculiar template which is qualitatively different from the properties of GW150914 originally published by LIGO, (ii) a suspicious MCMC chain, (iii) uncertainties in the matching of the maximum likelihood (ML) template to the data in the Fourier domain, and (iv) a biased estimation of the significance that gives counter-intuitive results. We show that rematching the maximum likelihood template to the data in the 0.2\,s domain containing the GW150914 signal restores these correlations at the level of 60%60\% of those found in [1]. With necessary corrections, the probability given in [1] will decrease by more than one order of magnitude. Since the ML template is itself problematic, results associated with this template are illustrative rather than final.Comment: Minor correction

    On the time lags of the LIGO signals

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    To date, the LIGO collaboration has detected three gravitational wave (GW) events appearing in both its Hanford and Livingston detectors. In this article we reexamine the LIGO data with regard to correlations between the two detectors. With special focus on GW150914, we report correlations in the detector noise which, at the time of the event, happen to be maximized for the same time lag as that found for the event itself. Specifically, we analyze correlations in the calibration lines in the vicinity of 35\,Hz as well as the residual noise in the data after subtraction of the best-fit theoretical templates. The residual noise for the other two events, GW151226 and GW170104, exhibits similar behavior. A clear distinction between signal and noise therefore remains to be established in order to determine the contribution of gravitational waves to the detected signals.Comment: The body of the current version is essentially identical to the previous one submitted to arxiv and JCAP. In order to meet the various suggestions of the referees, we have included an extended and detailed Appendix. This Appendix also contains significant new results that provide additional support for our conclusions. This version of our manuscript has been accepted for publication by JCA

    Degeneracy of gravitational waveforms in the context of GW150914

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    We study the degeneracy of theoretical gravitational waveforms for binary black hole mergers using an aligned-spin effective-one-body model. After appropriate truncation, bandpassing, and matching, we identify regions in the mass--spin parameter space containing waveforms similar to the template proposed for GW150914, with masses m1=364+5Mm_1 = 36^{+5}_{-4} M_\odot and m2=294+4Mm_2 = 29^{+4}_{-4} M_\odot, using the cross-correlation coefficient as a measure of the similarity between waveforms. Remarkably high cross-correlations are found across broad regions of parameter space. The associated uncertanties exceed these from LIGO's Bayesian analysis considerably. We have shown that waveforms with greatly increased masses, such as m1=70Mm_1 = 70 M_\odot and m2=35Mm_2 = 35 M_\odot, and strong anti-aligned spins (χ1=0.95\chi_1=0.95 and χ2=0.95\chi_2=-0.95) yield almost the same signal-to-noise ratio in the strain data for GW150914.Comment: Accepted for publication in JCA

    Auto and cross correlation of phases of the whole-sky CMB and foreground maps from the 1-year WMAP data

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    The issue of non-Gaussianity is not only related to distinguishing the theories of the origin of primordial fluctuations, but also crucial for the determination of cosmological parameters in the framework of inflation paradigm. We present an advenced method for testing non-Gaussianity on the whole-sky CMB anisotropies. This method is based on the Kuiper's statistic to probe the two-dimensional uniformity on a periodic mapping square associating phases: return mapping of phases of the derived CMB (similar to auto correlation) and cross correlations between phases of the derived CMB and foregrounds. Since phases reflect morphology, detection of cross correlation of phases signifies the contamination of foreground signals in the derived CMB map. The advantage of this method is that one can cross check the auto and cross correlation of phases of the derived CMB and foregrounds, and mark off those multipoles in which the non-Gaussianity results from the foreground contaminations. We apply this statistic on the derived signals from the 1-year WMAP data. The auto-correlations of phases from the ILC map shows the significance above 95% CL against the random phase hypothesis on 17 spherical harmonic multipoles, among which some have pronounced cross correlations with the foreground maps. We conclude that most of the non-Gaussianity found in the derived CMB maps are from foreground contaminations, except, among others, l=6. With this method we are better equipped to approach the issue of non-Gaussianity of primordial origin for the upcoming PLANCK mission.Comment: 2 figures added: new representation of reconstructed (from 1D Fourier composition) DT distribution for each multipole number el

    Testing Gaussian random hypothesis with the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies in the three-year WMAP data

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    We test the hypothesis that the temperature of the cosmic microwave background is consistent with a Gaussian random field defined on the celestial sphere, using de-biased internal linear combination (DILC) map produced from the 3-year WMAP data. We test the phases for spherical harmonic modes with l <= 10 (which should be the cleanest) for their uniformity, randomness, and correlation with those of the foreground templates. The phases themselves are consistent with a uniform distribution, but not for l <= 5, and the differences between phases are not consistent with uniformity. For l=3 and l=6, the phases of the CMB maps cross-correlate with the foregrounds, suggestion the presence of residual contamination in the DLC map even on these large scales. We also use a one-dimensional Fourier representation to assemble a_lm into the \Delta T_l(\phi) for each l mode, and test the positions of the resulting maxima and minima for consistency with uniformity randomness on the unit circle. The results show significant departures at the 0.5% level, with the one-dimensional peaks being concentrated around \phi=180 degs. This strongly significant alignment with the Galactic meridian, together with the cross-correlation of DILC phases with the foreground maps, strongly suggests that even the lowest spherical harmonic modes in the map are significantly contaminated with foreground radiation.Comment: submitted to ApJL, one paragraph is added in Section 3 and some more in the Referenc