16 research outputs found

    Predictive role of nasal functionality tests in the evaluation of patients before nocturnal polysomnographic recording

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    Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome is a disease characterized by a collapse of the pharyngeal airway resulting in repeated episodes of airflow cessation, oxygen desaturation, and sleep disruption. It is a common disorder affecting at least 2-4% of the adult population. The role of nasal resistance in the pathogenesis of sleep disordered breathing and sleep apnoea has not been completely clarified. Aim of the present study was to establish whether nasal resistance and nasal volumes, measured by means of Active Anterior Rhinomanometry and Acoustic Rhinometry together with Muco-Ciliary Transport time play a positive predictive role in the evaluation of Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome patients before running a nocturnal polysomnographic recording. A retrospective study was performed analysing 223 patients referred for suspected Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. All patients were submitted to complete otorhinolaryngological evaluation and underwent nocturnal polysomnography. On the basis of polysomnographic data analysis, the apnoea-hypopnoea index and snoring index, patients were classified into two groups: Group 1 (110/223 patients) with a diagnosis of mild-moderate Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (apnoea-hypopnoea index < 30) and Group 2 (113/223 patients) affected by snoring without associated hypoxaemia/hypercapnia. A control group of 76 subjects, not complaining of sleep disorders and free from nasal symptoms was also selected. The results showed, in all the snoring and Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome patients, total nasal resistance and increased Muco-Ciliary Transport time compared to standard values. Furthermore, the apnoea-hypopnoea index was significantly higher in patients with higher nasal resistence and significantly different between the groups. These results allow us to propose the simultaneous evaluation of nasal functions by Active Anterior Rhinomanometry, Acoustic Rhinometry, and Muco-Ciliary Transport time in the selection of patients undergoing polysomnography

    Correlation between female sex and allergy was significant in patients presenting with dysphonia

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    Aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of allergy in patients affected by both organic and/or functional vocal fold disorders. The secondary aim was to assess the correlation between sex and allergy in dysphonic patients. A retrospective chart review was performed on dysphonic patients. A total of 76 patients underwent fiberoptic endoscopy to assess the objective picture. Logistic regression analyses have been conducted to assess the association between sex and the outcome variables. The laryngoscopic examination revealed the presence of poor glottic closure in 32.9%, hyperkinesias in 11.8%, redness in 11.84%, polyps in 5.3%, oedema in 3.95%, vocal fold hypertrophy in 5.3%, nodules in 42.1%, cordectomy in 2.6%. Allergic rhinitis was present in 56.6%, milk intolerance in 13.2%, asthma in 9.2%, atopic dermatitis in 3.9%, drugs intolerance in 11.8%. A total of 76.32% patients presenting with dysphonia were allergic. A statistically significant association was found between female sex and presence of allergy. In conclusion, allergy testing should be performed routinely on female professional voice users. Mild respiratory disorders must be taken into serious consideration in female professional voice users, who may primarily complain of vocal dysfunction rather than upper and lower respiratory diseases

    Resezione endoscopica di un fibroma ossificante interessante il seno etmoidale, l’orbita e il basicranio anteriore: case report e revisione della letteratura

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    Il fibroma ossificante è un tumore fibro-osseo benigno che solo raramente interessa il seno etmoidale e l’orbita. Viene classificato come una lesione fibro-ossea benigna, una dicitura che raggruppa una discreta varietà di lesioni riportate in letteratura. Una tendenza alla recidiva con importanti sequele ha rapresentato la spinta verso una resezione open en bloc nelle forme extramandibolari di questo tipo di lesione. La continua evoluzione delle tecniche di endoscopia endonasale ha reso possibile la resezione delle grandi lesioni benigne nasali e cefalo-nasali. Gli autori descrivono l’asportazione completa di un voluminoso fibroma ossificante interessante seno etmoidale, orbita e basicranio anteriore in una paziente di 65 anni in buone condizioni generali. La paziente non ha avuto complicanze postoperatorie ed è stata dimessa in sesta giornata. La paziente è al momento al quinto anno di follow-up e si presenta libera da malattia. L’asportazione endoscopica del fibroma ossificante endonasale è un’ottima scelta terapeutica nelle mani del chirurgo esperto. I vantaggi della tecnica includono la visualizzazione diretta della neoformazione e la sua maggiore magnificazione, che portano a una riduzione delle complicanze intra e postoperatorie. L’outcome estetico è ovviamente eccellente per l’assenza di cicatrici

    The role of High Mobility Group Box 1 chromosomal protein in the pathogenesis of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyposis

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    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis is considered to be a multifactorial disease where different stimuli (mechanical, viral, bacterial, fungal infection, immunological disorders or dysreactivity, environmental pollution), acting on the mucosa of nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses, lead to epithelial damage and mucosal inflammation. Inflammatory cell infiltration (predominantly eosinophils, but also neutrophils, mast cells, macrophages and lymphocytes), cytokine release and sub-epithelial oedema are the histological pictures that are associated, from the clinical point of view, with nasal congestion, secretion and/or post-nasal drip and facial pain/headache. Recently, the importance of the HMG B-1 protein in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory diseases has been demonstrated. This protein is released from necrotic/damaged cells or immune-activated cells, and by acting on specific membrane receptors causes the release of pro-inflammatory mediators, endothelial activation and the survival of inflammatory cells. The objective of the present study was: i) to determine whether HMG B1 is augmented in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps; ii) if its expression is associated with eosinophils, TNF-α, IL 5 and IL 8 cytokines typically present in chronic inflammation of the nose and paranasal sinuses; iii) to investigate a hypothetical role of this protein in the pathogenesis of nasal polyposis. Nasal polyps tissue from 21 patients affected by CRSwNP and nasal mucosa from 8 controls was collected at the ENT Department of the Chinese PLA General Hospital and underwent immunohistological staining for detection of HMG B1 protein and IL -5, IL -8 and TNF-α inflammatory cytokines. The degree of HMG B1 protein expression was evaluated by dividing the stained sections in 4 portions: 1) nucleus of epithelial cells, 2) cytoplasm of epithelial cells, 3) focal extracellular infiltration, 4) inflammatory cells. HMG B1 was more expressed in the nucleus of epithelial cells of patients compared with controls. In contrast, epithelial cytoplasm HMG B1 staining was significant lower in patients. Sub-epithelial focal infiltration of HMG B1 protein expression was lower in controls, whereas the expression of HMG B1 in the inflammatory cells in patients was significantly increased in comparison with controls. These data, together with the correlation we found between HMG B1 protein expression in different portions and the number of eosinophils infiltrating cells, or IL -5, IL -8 and TNF-α positive cells in patients, suggest that HMG B1 may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps

    A comparative study on oxidative stress role in nasal breathing impairment and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome

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    La sindrome delle apnee ostruttive del sonno (OSAS) è una malattia che può portare ad alterazioni metaboliche e a unaumentata incidenza di patologie cardiovascolari. Questo studio ha lo scopo di definire lespressione e il significato clinico di biomarkers coinvolti nello stress ossidativo nei pazienti con diagnosi di OSAS. I risultati degli esami di laboratorio dello stress ossidativo sono stati confrontai prospetticamente in tre gruppi di soggetti: 10 con sindrome delle apnee ostruttiva del sonno con Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI) > 30; 10 con roncopatia notturna e AHI 0.05). Ci sono state differenze significative nellAHI tra i tre gruppi di pazienti (p 0.05) tra i livelli di biomarkers di stress ossidativo nelle tre popolazioni studiate. I risultati del nostro studio hanno mostrato che il naso può svolgere un ruolo nella patogenesi dell OSAS, attraverso la produzione di biomarkers di stress ossidativo

    Sodium enoxaparin treatment of sensorineural hearing loss: an immune-mediated response?

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    The authors propose the existence of a new entity of autoimmune sensorineural hearing loss on the basis of diagnostic study and treatment experience with a series of 30 patients. Immunological mechanisms play an important role in the pathogenesis and natural course of various inner-ear diseases. Patients may present clinically with symptoms resembling Ménière's disease or even with sudden deafness. Currently, no widely used standard protocol for treatment of this autoimmune sensorineural hearing loss exists. Prompted by such observations, we implemented a protocol using a particular kind of heparin - sodium enoxaparin-with a low molecular weight. Patients were randomly assigned to two groups; to those in the first group, enoxaparin was administered subcutaneously at a dose of 2,000 IU twice daily for 10 days; the patients in the second group were treated with placebo. At the beginning and at the end of the therapy period, the patients were evaluated by instrumental examinations. Specifically excluded were patients with abnormal known coagulation. On discharge, all patients treated with enoxaparin presented both a subjective and objective decrease in symptoms. No patient experienced side effects from this treatment. The results indicate that administration of sodium enoxaparin abates sensorineural hearing loss in patients with autoimmune diseases. The clinical response to therapy can confirm diagnosis