1,361 research outputs found

    "Quality is bound up with our values" - Evaluating the quality of mentoring programmes

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    This paper discusses quality evaluation of health sciences mentoring programmes. The discussion highlights the way in which perceptions of what constitutes quality shape evaluative purposes. Potential tensions between the evaluative purposes of various stakeholders are brought to the fore. To this end, the discussion explores the ways in which accountability shapes the evaluative purposes of funders and how the desire for programme knowledge and development frames the evaluative purposes of academics. Various approaches to programme evaluation are examined. The potential of reflective practice as a tool for examining quality for knowledge and development of programmes is considered. The paper concludes by presenting a framework for evaluating various aspects of quality in mentoring programmes

    Exploration for volcanogenic sulphide mineralisation at Benglog, north Wales

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    Exploration for volcanogenic sulphide mineralisation around Benglog is one of three investigations designed to assess the metallogenic potential of the Ordovician Aran Volcanic Group. Detailed geological mapping in the Benglog area enabled an interpretation of the volcanic environment, critical to such an assessment, to be made. The eruptive rocks are acid and basic in composition; the acid rocks are mostly ash-flow tuffs derived from outside the area, whereas the basic rocks have a local derivation. They are all interbedded with dark grey or black silty mudstone and were probably erupted in a submarine environment. Contemporaneous dolerite sills were intruded into wet sediment. This environment was suitable for volcanogenic exhalative sulphide deposits to form and indications of a metallogenic horizon were found at the top of the Y Fron Formation in the form of abundant pyrite, minor pyrrhotite and minor base metal enrichment. Soil samples, analysed for copper, lead and zinc, were collected and geophysical surveys were carried out along eleven east-west trending traverse lines 300 m apart across the volcanic succession. Indications were found of minor vein mineralisation at dolerite intrusion margins and locally along faults. Very high chargeability and low resistivity anomalies over mudstones did not spatially coincide with geochemical anomalies in soil, but the secondary redistribution of metals in soils and variable thickness of overburden precluded confident interpretation of the source of many soil anomalies. Geochemical drainage data, in conjunction with rock analyses, show strong barium enrichment in mudstones which could be volcanogenic in origin but related to two separate eruptive episodes. The findings of the survey were inconclusive. An environment suitable for the formation of volcanogenic exhalative sulphide deposits was established, but the geochemical and geophysical surveys located only minor vein mineralisation and tenuous indications of other styles of mineralisation. Recommendations are made for further work

    Investigation of stratiform sulphide mineralisation at McPhun's Cairn, Argyllshire

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    Lead, zinc and copper mineralisation in basal Carboniferous sediments at Westwater, south Scotland

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    A zioneo f lead, zinc and copperm ineralisatioins developedo ver a minimum I of 4 km of strikeo f basal Carboniferoucse mentstoneg roup sedimentsa nd immediatelyu nderlyingB irrenswarkL avas atwestwater,n ear Laqholm in south Scotland. Grades so far obtained from sparse rock exposures and from shallow boreholes a fissure sulphides are usuallyO .l-O.j%o f combinedm etals over 1-2 m of thickness,bu t vein of higher grade and a relativelyt hick zone of disseminated were also located. Galena, sphalerite,c halcopyritea ndbaryte occur mainly in thin dolomitev eins but disseminationosf galenaa re also presenti n sandstoneu nits. The mineralisatioins of low temperaturet ype I was emplaceda long northeasterlyt rendingn ormal faultsa nd cross faults regardeda s late Carboniferouisn age. and Mineralisatiohna s been controlledb y faulting,r egionalf aciesv aziation and local lithologicalv ariationa s well as by stratigraphipco sition. These controlsa re applicablei n furthere xplorationo f Lower Carboniferourso cks in both south and central Scotland. The heavy mineral fraction of stream sediment is the optimums amplingt ype in reconnaissanceex plorationo f areas of calcareous . rocks such as the Lower Carboniferouso f south Scotlanda nd basal till sampling is the most effectivem ethod of follow-upe xplorationi n those areas where glaciald epositsa re widespreada nd often thick

    Investigation of stratiform sulphide mineralisation at Meall Mor, South Knapdale, Argyll

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    A co-ordinated geochemical-geophysical-geological investigation of copper mineralisation in the Meal1 ?46r area, South Knapdale, Argyll was carried 0th in 1976 and followed by a drilling programme of 3 shallow holes in early 1977. The mineralisation occursin a zone of weak stratiform sulphide mineralisation (the pyrite zone) with a strike length of 1Okm in the Upper &ins Quartz&e of the Middle Dalradian. The geochemical drainage survey showed the existence of a strongly anomalous distribution of Cu and Sb in the Abhainn Srathain draining south from . Meal1 M&- and detailed soil sampling over the pyrite zone outlined a broad area enriched in copper. Deeper soil sampling confirmed the anomalously high copper values and a coincident IP anomaly was found stretching from Meal1 M& south to the old mine workings on Abhainn Srathain, and is probably caused by a local enrichment of pyrite and chalcopyrite within the pyrite zone. Three boreholes were drilled; two on coincident geochemical and geophysical anomalies, and the third beneath the old mines at Abhainn Srathain. Copper values in the first two holes range up to 0.24% Cu over 4.27m, but up to 1.06% Cu over 2.67m in the third and this enrichment may be related to a later remobilisation of the disseminated chalcopyrite. The results of subsequent drilling at two other sites are given in Appendix III

    Acceleration of the universe, vacuum metamorphosis, and the large-time asymptotic form of the heat kernel

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    We investigate the possibility that the late acceleration observed in the rate of expansion of the universe is due to vacuum quantum effects arising in curved spacetime. The theoretical basis of the vacuum cold dark matter (VCDM), or vacuum metamorphosis, cosmological model of Parker and Raval is revisited and improved. We show, by means of a manifestly nonperturbative approach, how the infrared behavior of the propagator (related to the large-time asymptotic form of the heat kernel) of a free scalar field in curved spacetime causes the vacuum expectation value of its energy-momentum tensor to exhibit a resonance effect when the scalar curvature R of the spacetime reaches a particular value related to the mass of the field. we show that the back reaction caused by this resonance drives the universe through a transition to an accelerating expansion phase, very much in the same way as originally proposed by Parker and Raval. Our analysis includes higher derivatives that were neglected in the earlier analysis, and takes into account the possible runaway solutions that can follow from these higher-derivative terms. We find that the runaway solutions do not occur if the universe was described by the usual classical FRW solution prior to the growth of vacuum energy-density and negative pressure (i.e., vacuum metamorphosis) that causes the transition to an accelerating expansion of the universe in this theory.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review D15 (Dec 23, 2003). v2: 1 reference added. No other change

    Determining an average distance from the external mandibular cortex to the inferior alveolar canal using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging: An aid to harvesting mandibular ramus autogenous grafts.

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    OBJECTIVES: To provide average measurements relating the external mandibular cortex (EMC) to the inferior alveolar canal (IAC) using CBCT. METHODS: 100 CBCT images from UWC Dental hospital patient database were analysed using CBCT software (NewtomVGi Image works Corps) to produce coronal slices at four defined points along the IAC. Each point was measured from the IAC to the outer aspect of the mandibular buccal cortex and to the alveolar ridge crest (edentulous mandibles) or buccal cortical plate crest (dentate mandibles). The paired t-test was used to analyse right and left side measurements in order to test for differences in right and left side means. RESULTS: A mean width of 5.891mm (±1.09) from the IAC to the EMC in the horizontal plane and a mean height of 13.068mm (±2.963) from IAC to the alveolar crest or buccal cortical plate was demonstrated. Mean height was lower in edentulous mandibles (11.142mm in females; 13.490mm in males) than in dentate mandibles (12.916mm in females; 14.102 in males). There was no significant difference in width values. Height values were greater in males (14.102mm) than in females (12.916mm), being marginally significant (p-value of 0.00948:p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: These measurements are clinically applicable when harvesting mandibular autogenous block grafts.DHE

    Distinct Modes Of Aged Soil Carbon Export In A Large Tropical Lake Basin Identified Using Bulk And Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Analyses Of Fluvial And Lacustrine Sediment

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    The 14C content of sedimentary organic matter (OM) and specific organic molecules provide valuable information on the source and age of OM stored in sediments, but these data are limited for tropical fluvial and lake sediments. We analyzed 14C in bulk OM, palmitic acid (C16), and long-chain n-alkanoic acids (C24, C26, and C28), within fluvial and lake sediments in the catchment of Lake Izabal, a large tectonic lake basin in Guatemala. We combined these measurements with bulk and compound-specific δ13C measurements, as well as sediment organic carbon to nitrogen (OC:N) ratios, to understand the source and age of sedimentary OM in different regions of the lake catchment. Most fatty acid and bulk OM samples were characterized by pre-modern carbon, indicating important input of aged carbon with residence times of hundreds to thousands of years into sediments. We identified two mechanisms leading to aged carbon export to sediments. In the high-relief and deforested Polochic catchment, older OM and fatty acids are associated with low % total organic carbon (TOC) and low OC:N, indicating aged OM associated with eroded mineral soil. In the smaller, low-relief, and largely forested Oscuro catchment, old OM and fatty acids are associated with high %TOC and high OC:N ratios, indicating export of undegraded aged plant biomass from swamp peat. The age of bulk OM and fatty acids in Lake Izabal sediments is similar to the ages observed in fluvial sediments, implying that fluvial input of aged soil carbon makes an important contribution to lake sediment carbon reservoirs in this large tropical lake

    Response to the letter by Gedela

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    The letter to the editor submitted by Gedela (2013) in response to Parker et al. 2013 allows us to revisit the issue of infant formula distribution to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-exposed infants and children in resource-poor settings. The letter’s author advocates for the distribution of donated, almost-expired, ready-made, fortified formula to infants of HIV-infected mothers as a malnutrition prevention strategy following weaning and as a nutritional milk supplement or as a malnutrition treatment strategy for children older than 2 years of age.While we agree that creative solutions to the challenge of safely feeding HIV-exposed infants are urgently needed, the use of formula for these purposes is contrary to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines on HIV and infant feeding (WHO 2010), which many African countries have taken measures to implement. Furthermore, evidence suggests that targeted distribution of formula is impractical, contributes to unsafe feeding practices, and subsequently increases child morbidity and mortality (WHO Collaborative Study Team 2000; Linkages 2004; Coovadia et al. 2007; WHO 2010; Doherty et al. 2011)

    A functional role for the cancer disparity-linked genes, CRYβB2 and CRYβB2P1, in the promotion of breast cancer

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    Background: In the USA, the breast cancer mortality rate is 41% higher for African-American women than non-Hispanic White women. While numerous gene expression studies have classified biological features that vary by race and may contribute to poorer outcomes, few studies have experimentally tested these associations. CRYβB2 gene expression has drawn particular interest because of its association with overall survival and African-American ethnicity in multiple cancers. Several reports indicate that overexpression of the CRYβB2 pseudogene, CRYβB2P1, and not CRYβB2 is linked with race and poor outcome. It remains unclear whether either or both genes are linked to breast cancer outcomes. This study investigates CRYβB2 and CRYβB2P1 expression in human breast cancers and breast cancer cell line models, with the goal of elucidating the mechanistic contribution of CRYβB2 and CRYβB2P1 to racial disparities. Methods: Custom scripts for CRYβB2 or CRYβB2P1 were generated and used to identify reads that uniquely aligned to either gene. Gene expression according to race and tumor subtype were assessed using all available TCGA breast cancer RNA sequencing alignment samples (n = 1221). In addition, triple-negative breast cancer models engineered to have each gene overexpressed or knocked out were developed and evaluated by in vitro, biochemical, and in vivo assays to identify biological functions. Results: We provide evidence that CRYβB2P1 is expressed at higher levels in breast tumors compared to CRYβB2, but only CRYβB2P1 is significantly increased in African-American tumors relative to White American tumors. We show that independent of CRYβB2, CRYβB2P1 enhances tumorigenesis in vivo via promoting cell proliferation. Our data also reveal that CRYβB2P1 may function as a non-coding RNA to regulate CRYβB2 expression. A key observation is that the combined overexpression of both genes was found to suppress cell growth. CRYβB2 overexpression in triple-negative breast cancers increases invasive cellular behaviors, tumor growth, IL6 production, immune cell chemoattraction, and the expression of metastasis-associated genes. These data underscore that both CRYβB2 and CRYβB2P1 promote tumor growth, but their mechanisms for tumor promotion are likely distinct. Conclusions: Our findings provide novel data emphasizing the need to distinguish and study the biological effects of both CRYβB2 and CRYβB2P1 as both genes independently promote tumor progression. Our data demonstrate novel molecular mechanisms of two understudied, disparity-linked molecules