8 research outputs found

    Short- and mid-term effects on performance, health and qualitative behavioural assessment of Romane lambs in different milk feeding conditions

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    The common practice of artificially rearing lambs from prolific meat breeds of sheep constitutes a welfare issue due to increased mortality rates and negative health issues. In this multidisciplinary study, we investigated the possible short- and mid-term advantages of artificially feeding fresh ewe's milk instead of commercial milk replacer on lambs' growth, health and welfare. Romane lambs were either separated from their mothers on D3 and fed with Lacaune ewes' milk (LAC, n?=?13) or milk replacer (REP, n?=?15), or they were reared by their mothers (MOT, n =?15). On D45, they were weaned, gathered in single-sex groups until the end of the study on D150. Lamb performance and biomarkers of overall health were assessed by measuring: growth, dirtiness of the perianal area, enteric pathogens in the faeces, total antioxidant status and redox status assessed by plasma reduced glutathione/oxidised glutathione ratio, and immune response after vaccination against chlamydiosis. As an exploratory approach, blood cell transcriptomic profiles were also investigated. Last, qualitative behaviour assessment (QBA) was performed as an integrated welfare criterion. Lacaune ewes' milk and REP never differed in their average daily gain but grew less than MOT lambs in the early suckling period and just after weaning. No effect was detected afterwards. On D30, LAC and REP lambs had lower total antioxidant and higher redox status than MOT lambs but did not differ among themselves. Lacaune ewes' milk and MOT had a cleaner perianal area than REP lambs on D21, while faecal pathogen infection did not vary between the treatment groups. After vaccination, LAC also had a stronger immune response on D90 compared to REP lambs. Transcriptome analysis performed on D150 showed differential gene expression, mainly in relation to inflammatory, immune and cell cycle response, between male lambs of the LAC group and those of the MOT and REP groups. Based on QBA, LAC lambs never differed from MOT lambs in their general activity and varied from REP only on D21; REP lambs were always more agitated than MOT lambs. In conclusion, artificial milk feeding impaired early growth rate, health and emotional state mainly during the milk feeding period and at weaning. Feeding artificially reared lambs with fresh ewe's milk partly mitigated some of the negative effects induced by milk replacer but without achieving the full benefit of being reared by the mother

    The use and impact of auditory stimulation in animals

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    International audienceMusic can cause pleasant sensations in humans whereas some noises can cause discomfort. The effects of music and noise have also been somewhat studied in animals, showing different impacts. In this review we aim to illustrate the differences and similarities between animals, in terms of their sensitivity to auditory stimuli (noise or music), by first recalling some generalities about the physical characteristics of sound and the biological bases of hearing. Second, based on the studies reported in this review, we conclude that ambient noise is harmful and/or stressful, and that musical sounds can take many forms with a large range of impacts in animals. Finally, we present two practical examples of the use of music with animals (one in the context of a zoo and the other in cattle breeding) and an example of an experiment designed to understand the impact of music on neonate lambs. These three examples highlight how music can help to improve animal welfare

    The use and impact of auditory stimulation in animals

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    International audienceMusic can cause pleasant sensations in humans whereas some noises can cause discomfort. The effects of music and noise have also been somewhat studied in animals, showing different impacts. In this review we aim to illustrate the differences and similarities between animals, in terms of their sensitivity to auditory stimuli (noise or music), by first recalling some generalities about the physical characteristics of sound and the biological bases of hearing. Second, based on the studies reported in this review, we conclude that ambient noise is harmful and/or stressful, and that musical sounds can take many forms with a large range of impacts in animals. Finally, we present two practical examples of the use of music with animals (one in the context of a zoo and the other in cattle breeding) and an example of an experiment designed to understand the impact of music on neonate lambs. These three examples highlight how music can help to improve animal welfare

    Horse welfare: A joint assessment of four categories of behavioural indicators using the AWIN protocol, scan sampling and surveys

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    Domesticated horses (Equus caballus) can be exposed to a compromised welfare state and detecting a deterioration in welfare is essential to modify the animals’ living conditions appropriately. This study focused on four categories of behavioural indicators, as markers of poor welfare: stereotypies, aggressiveness towards humans, unresponsiveness to the environment and hypervigilance. In the scientific literature, at least three assessment methods can be used to evaluate them: the Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) protocol, behavioural observations using scans and surveys. The question remains as to whether all these three methods allow an effective assessment of the four categories of behavioural indicators. To address this issue, the repeatability at a three-month interval and convergent validity of each measure (correlations between methods) were investigated on 202 horses housed in loose boxes. Overall, the repeatability and convergent validity were limited, highlighting the difficulty in assessing these indicators in horses. However, stereotypies and aggressiveness measures showed higher repeatability and convergent validity than those of unresponsiveness to the environment and hypervigilance. Behavioural observations using scans enabled the four categories of behavioural indicators to be detected more effectively. Suggestions of improvements are proposed for one-off measures such as those performed with the AWIN protocol. Regardless of the assessment method, very limited correlations were observed between the four categories of behavioural indicators, suggesting that they should all be included in a set of indicators used to assess the welfare state of horses, in conjunction with physiological and health measures

    Horse welfare: A joint assessment of four categories of behavioural indicators using the AWIN protocol, scan sampling and surveys

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    International audienceDomesticated horses (Equus caballus) can be exposed to a compromised welfare state and detecting a deterioration in welfare is essential to modify the animals' living conditions appropriately. This study focused on four categories of behavioural indicators, as markers of poor welfare: stereotypies, aggressiveness towards humans, unresponsiveness to the environment and hypervigilance. In the scientific literature, at least three assessment methods can be used to evaluate them: the Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) protocol, behavioural observations using scans and surveys. The question remains as to whether all these three methods allow an effective assessment of the four categories of behavioural indicators. To address this issue, the repeatability at a three-month interval and convergent validity of each measure (correlations between methods) were investigated on 202 horses housed in loose boxes. Overall, the repeatability and convergent validity were limited, highlighting the difficulty in assessing these indicators in horses. However, stereotypies and aggressiveness measures showed higher repeatability and convergent validity than those of unresponsiveness to the environment and hypervigilance. Behavioural observations using scans enabled the four categories of behavioural indicators to be detected more effectively. Suggestions of improvements are proposed for one-off measures such as those performed with the AWIN protocol. Regardless of the assessment method, very limited correlations were observed between the four categories of behavioural indicators, suggesting that they should all be included in a set of indicators used to assess the welfare state of horses, in conjunction with physiological and health measures

    Progressive habituation to separation alleviates the negative effects of weaning in the mother and foal.

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    Early and definitive separation between offspring and their mothers has negative consequences on behavioral and physiological responses. This study compared sudden and definitive weaning (Sudd group, N?=?16) and weaning involving progressive habituation to separation using a fence line during the month preceding definitive separation (Prog group, N?=?18). The impact of these two methods was assessed in both foals and their mothers through behavioral and biological parameters, including salivary cortisol, telomere length and blood transcriptomes. On the day of definitive separation, Prog foals neighed and trotted less and presented lower cortisol levels than Sudd foals. The weaning type also acted on the foals' personality development; Prog foals became more curious, less fearful and less gregarious than Sudd foals, and the effects remained visible for at least 3 months. In principal component analysis, the Sudd and Prog groups were well separated along a factor where fear, reactivity and gregariousness correlated with high cortisol levels, but curiosity was associated with an increased telomere length and higher expression of genes involved in mitochondrial functions. Progressive weaning was also beneficial in mares. Principal component analysis showed that most Sudd group mares had higher cortisol levels and displayed more alert postures, neighs and activity on the day of weaning, indicating higher stress levels, while Prog mares had profiles that were characterized by more time spent resting on the day of weaning and longer telomere lengths. In conclusion, this study shows that progressive habituation to separation alleviates the negative effect of definitive weaning on both the mother and her young compared to sudden separation

    Impact d’une alimentation lactée enrichie en prébiotique sur le microbiote intestinal et sur le comportement social des agneaux élevés sans leur mère.

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    International audienceChez les mammifères, la séparation maternelle à la naissance induit un stress chronique avec pour conséquences des altérations comportementales et neurobiologiques. Ainsi, en élevage ovin, les agneaux surnuméraires sont séparés de leur mère à la naissance et nourris avec des laits artificiels, induisant de telles altérations. Des études montrent l’importance du microbiote intestinal sur le développement comportemental. Notre hypothèse est qu’une alimentation enrichie en prébiotique dès la naissance contribuerait, via une action sur le microbiote, à prévenir certains des désordres associés au stress de séparation maternelle, en particulier comportementaux.Des agnelles ont reçu le colostrum de leur mère les 2 jours suivant la naissance avant d’être séparées et nourries avec un lait commercial dépourvu (Preb-) ou enrichi avec un prébiotique (Preb+, 1% galactofructose) jusqu’au sevrage à 7 semaines. Après le sevrage, les agnelles ont toutes reçu une nourriture standard d’élevage. La maturation du microbiote fécal des agnelles a été suivie par séquençage de la région V3-V4 du gène codant l’ARNs 16S à l’âge de 3, 7 et 10 semaines. Parallèlement, leur comportement social a été comparé par une approche éthologique. La position des individus et leurs activités au sein du groupe ont été quantifiées toutes les 10 minutes pendant 3 heures par jour ainsi que les interactions affiliatives et agonistiques, et les vocalisations.Sur la période durant laquelle le galactofructose est apporté par le lait, une restructuration de la composition du microbiote révélant les propriétés bifidogènes du prébiotique est observée : la sur-implantation précoce de 3 espèces de Bifidobactéries au détriment de nombreuses communautés appartenant aux Clostridiales se traduit par une moindre richesse d’espèces dans le groupe Preb+. Elles présentent parallèlement sur le plan comportemental des indices d’association significativement plus importants et des interactions affiliatives plus fréquentes. Elles ont également tendance à manifester moins d’interactions agonistiques et à moins vocaliser. Enfin, les agnelles Preb+ consacrent davantage de temps à consommer du lait sans que ce comportement n’affecte leur croissance.Après le sevrage, une empreinte spécifique du microbiote des agnelles Preb+ est conservée et se caractérise par un meilleur équilibre de l’abondance des espèces présentes, avec notamment, une abondance augmentée des Clostridiales et une meilleure colonisation par Akkermansia muciniphila. Si les différences de comportement social s’estompent après le sevrage, en revanche les agnelles Preb+ présentent un réseau social plus structuré. Enfin, l’intégration de ces données à celles du microbiote par des analyses multidimensionnelles révèle des covariations significatives, mettant ainsi en exergue de potentielles relations entre les modulations du microbiote intestinal et le comportement social lors du développement.En conclusion, l’apport précoce de galactofructose dans le lait diminue durablement les troubles du comportement social des agnelles soumises à un allaitement artificiel et l’absence maternelle. Cette étude suggère que ce prébiotique, via ses répercussions sur la maturation du microbiote intestinal, pourrait compenser certains des effets délétères associés aux stress précoces