146 research outputs found

    Explicit compactifications of moduli spaces of Campedelli and Burniat surfaces

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    We describe the compactifications obtained by adding slc surfaces X with ample K_X, for two connected components in the moduli space of surfaces of general type: Campedelli surfaces with \pi_1(X)=\bZ_2^3, and Burniat surfaces with K_X^2=6.Comment: Color version; black-and-white version at http://www.math.uga.edu/~valery/ap-bw.pd

    On the existence of ramified abelian covers

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    Given a normal complete variety YY, distinct effective Weil divisors D1,...DnD_1,... D_n of YY and positive integers d1,...dnd_1,... d_n, we spell out the conditions for the existence of an abelian cover of YY branched with order did_i on DiD_i. As an application, we prove that a Galois cover of a normal complete toric variety branched on the torus-invariant divisors is itself a toric variety.Comment: Dedicated to Alberto Conte on his 70th birthday. Version 2: the assumptions in the application (Thm. 3.7) have been weakened; minor modifications of the expositio

    Enriques surfaces with eight nodes

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    A nodal Enriques surface can have at most 8 nodes. We give an explicit description of Enriques surfaces with 8 nodes, showing that they are quotients of products of elliptic curves by a group isomorphic to Z22\Z_2^2 or to Z23\Z_2^3 acting freely in codimension 1. We use this result to show that if SS is a minimal surface of general type with pg=0p_g=0 such that the image of the bicanonical map is birational to an Enriques surface then KS2=3K^2_S=3 and the bicanonical map is a morphism of degree 2.Comment: Latex 2e, 11 page

    The bicanonical map of surfaces with pg=0p_g=0 and K27K^2\ge 7, II

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    We study the minimal complex surfaces of general type with pg=0p_g=0 and K2=7K^2=7 or 8 whose bicanonical map is not birational. In the paper 'The bicanonical map of surfaces with pg=0p_g=0 and K27K^2\ge 7' we have shown that if SS is such a surface, then the bicanonical map has degree 2. Here we describe precisely such surfaces showing that there is a fibration f\colon S\to \pp^1 such that: i) the general fibre FF of ff is a genus 3 hyperelliptic curve; ii) the involution induced by the bicanonical map of SS restricts to the hyperelliptic involution of FF. Furthermore, if KS2=8K^2_S=8, then ff is an isotrivial fibration with 6 double fibres, and if KS2=7K^2_S=7, then ff has 5 double fibres and it has precisely one fibre with reducible support, consisting of two components.Comment: Latex 2e, 8 page

    A survey on the bicanonical map of surfaces with pg=0p_g=0 and K22K^2\ge 2

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    We give an up-to-date overview of the known results on the bicanonical map of surfaces of general type with pg=0p_g=0 and K22K^2\ge 2.Comment: LaTeX2e, 12 pages. To appear in the Proceedings of the Conference in memory of Paolo Francia, Genova, september 200