296 research outputs found

    XXI Compasso d'Oro. Un lustro che rischia d'invecchiare

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    Emerge infatti un'idea di design italiano ancora legata al mondo dell'arredo: quattro su dieci sono oggetti che appartengono al cosiddetto ambito del furniture design e, tra questi, tre sono sedute; al contrario, manca completamente il mondo del design per il lavoro e per i servizi, un settore che si è fortemente sviluppato rivestendo un ruolo sempre maggiore nella nostra quotidianità; infine non è stato premiato nessun oggetto dell'elettronica di consumo, né la ricerca d'impresa né quella teorica, storica e critica

    Sustainable and Collaborative Innovation for the Territory

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    Innovation as manifold energy that must incessantly redefine itself and daily infrastructures, respect the planet and produce social effects. The focus on the potentiality of territories based on the transformation of existing infrastructural, economic, human, cognitive and cultural resources, is the aim of contemporary innovation. This essay focuses on the collaborative role that different players of a territory must have in order to launch and pursue innovation processes with the goal of environmental sustainability

    PoliTO Sustainable Campus: An Interdisciplinary Design Education Experience

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    Education has an essential role in teaching people to understand, manage and change their environment. Higher Education Institutions play a crucial role in the education of future generations, in the development of scientific research which has to be able to meet societal goals and in the dissemination of knowledge inside society, also concerning the capacity of fostering sustainable development. On this basis, the contribution aims to bring to light the experience developed within the framework of a university educational path, the Young Talent Programme project. It involved 236 students from different subject areas (from design to engineering, from architecture to urban planning), who have reasoned around six themes closely related to the theme of sustainability: transport and sustainable mobility, renewable resources and energy production, building and energy efficiency, food, water and waste. What we want to show in the contribution is how the cross-fertilization that can occur in a polytechnical context could be useful for the development of a more complex and full project, and how the discipline of design can become a tool not only for the design of new products, services or communications but also a fundamental tool to mediate the knowledge involved, integrating the different skills and increasing the effects

    Systemic Design goes between disciplines for the sustainability in food processes and cultures

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    An healthy and safe feeding is the key element to ensure a sustainable development for the entire planet. The theme of food is one of the major challenges for the near future, indeed it involves every aspect of our lives. The paper investigates how the Systemic Design approach applied to the food sectors can contribute to decent life and, better, well-being for all, maintaining the planets ecological capacity for future generations. This research shows the social, economical and environmental benefits generated to real cases that apply the Systemic Design methodology in different food sectors and in different local context. One case is “EN.FA.SI.”, in which the value chain related to one PGI bean endorses the entire area involving the small family producers and the local SMEs. The other one is “Fondo Noir”, in which the spent coffee ground from the coffee bars in the metropolitan city centre are collected in order to generate many new businesses. The purpose is to give empirical and theoretical contributions, arising how the complexity of food systems impacts the simplicity of the everyday life solutions. The complexity involved in that kind of design processes interested a wide range of players and it aims to contribute the scientific debate on the role of design as mediator and facilitator among different specific disciplines. The polytechnic culture, at the base of design disciplines, guarantees a model for the eco-innovation also in food sector, with strong and solid approach

    New relationship between Visual Communication Design and Interaction Design

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    In the future of interaction design relies on movement recongnition rather than haptic/vocal/muscle/brain interfaces, how will visual communication be able to guide people to perform tasks? Researchers and teachers have a very complex challenge ahead of them: on the one hand, they must follow continous and daily updates to acquire and give a proper overview about the state of the art and future scenarios; on the other hand, the university must re-think design guidelines from a holistic viewpoint, avoiding fractures between product design, visual communication design and interaction design

    Design for Sustainable Healthcare in a European context. A comparative analysis of Sustainable Healthcare and Design strategies in three European case studies.

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    In recent years, interest in Sustainable Healthcare has grown globally: many environmental issues are attracting great interest because they also represent a high cost for National Health Services. Resource consumption and waste production have huge environmental and economic impacts, deeply affecting the costs of medical treatments. Much research in recent years has focused on education and policy strategies to face these issues, but Design research could play a key role to integrate them, acting upstream the production process. This study aims to provide an overview on different European approaches to Sustainable Healthcare and Design for Healthcare, defining potentials and limitations to their development. The developed methodology combines two different levels of analysis, including macro (region) and micro (hospital and wards) environmental issues. The analysis has been applied to three different European case studies (from Italy, Sweden and Denmark). This allowed to highlight pros and cons of current international scenarios in regards of Sustainable Healthcare and Design strategies and their implementation

    The quality of relationships among people is an increasingly important value

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    The communities' wellness is shifting from purely economical evaluations, embracing socio-cultural sphere too. By setting the human issue at the centre of the project is possible to solve current needs of the society more effectively. Systemic Design methodology is innovating its own design process by focusing on humanities. In particular we propose a case study in which the complexity of socio-cultural relationships represents the plusvalue to increase the quality of exchanges among different communities. Our project is based on a network (both virtual and real) among people involved in urban events, aimed to enrich them by the improvement of their relationships pattern. This project demonstrates how the global diffusion of socialnetworking dynamics could represent an useful tool for the communication among communities. In this way it emerges how a virtuously use of global dynamics into a good project represents an augmented link with daily human habits

    Una nueva relación entre el diseño de comunicación visual y el diseño de interacción

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    Si el futuro de interacción reside en el reconocimiento de movimiento, y no en las interfaces hápticas/vocales/musculares/cerebrales, ¿cómo podrá la comunicación visual orientar a las personas para ejecutar tareas? Investigadores y docentes tienen ante sí un reto muy complejo: por un lado, deben estar al día de las actualizaciones, continuas, diarias, para adquirir y proporcionar una perspectiva adecuada de las últimas evoluciones y las que están por venir; por otro, la universidad debe replantearse las líneas directrices del diseño desde un punto de vista holístico, y evitar las fracturas entre el diseño de producto, el diseño de comunicación visual y el diseño de interacción