2,364 research outputs found

    Limits of the energy-momentum tensor in general relativity

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    A limiting diagram for the Segre classification of the energy-momentum tensor is obtained and discussed in connection with a Penrose specialization diagram for the Segre types. A generalization of the coordinate-free approach to limits of Paiva et al. to include non-vacuum space-times is made. Geroch's work on limits of space-times is also extended. The same argument also justifies part of the procedure for classification of a given spacetime using Cartan scalars.Comment: LaTeX, 21 page

    s-wave Superconductivity Phase Diagram in the Inhomogeneous Two-Dimensional Attractive Hubbard Model

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    We study s-wave superconductivity in the two-dimensional square lattice attractive Hubbard Hamiltonian for various inhomogeneous patterns of interacting sites. Using the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) mean field approximation, we obtain the phase diagram for inhomogeneous patterns in which the on-site attractive interaction U_i between the electrons takes on two values, U_i=0 and -U/(1-f) (with f the concentration of non-interacting sites) as a function of average electron occupation per site n, and study the evolution of the phase diagram as f varies. In certain regions of the phase diagram, inhomogeneity results in a larger zero temperature average pairing amplitude (order parameter) and also a higher superconducting (SC) critical temperature T_c, relative to a uniform system with the same mean interaction strength (U_i=-U on all sites). These effects are observed for stripes, checkerboard, and even random patterns of the attractive centers, suggesting that the pattern of inhomogeneity is unimportant. The phase diagrams also include regions where superconductivity is obliterated due to the formation of various charge ordered phases. The enhancement of T_{c} due to inhomogeneity is robust as long as the electron doping per site n is less than twice the fraction of interacting sites [2(1-f)] regardless of the pattern. We also show that for certain inhomogeneous patterns, when n = 2(1-f), increasing temperature can work against the stability of existing charge ordered phases for large f and as a result, enhance T_{c}.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Effect of inhomogeneity on s-wave superconductivity in the attractive Hubbard model

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    Inhomogeneous s-wave superconductivity is studied in the two-dimensional, square lattice attractive Hubbard Hamiltonian using the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) mean field approximation. We find that at weak coupling, and for densities mainly below half-filling, an inhomogeneous interaction in which the on-site interaction UiU_i takes on two values, Ui=0,2UU_i=0, 2U results in a larger zero temperature pairing amplitude, and that the superconducting TcT_c can also be significantly increased, relative to a uniform system with Ui=UU_i=U on all sites. These effects are observed for stripe, checkerboard, and even random patterns of the attractive centers, suggesting that the pattern of inhomogeneity is unimportant. Monte Carlo calculations which reintroduce some of the fluctuations neglected within the BdG approach see the same effect, both for the attractive Hubbard model and a Hamiltonian with d-wave pairing symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution in five-dimensional general relativity briefly revisited

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    We briefly revisit the Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution in the context of five-dimensional general relativity. We obtain a class of five-dimensional solutions of Einstein vacuum field equations into which the four-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter space can be locally and isometrically embedded. We show that this class of solutions is well-behaved in the limit of lambda approaching zero. Applying the same procedure to the de Sitter cosmological model in five dimensions we obtain a class of embedding spaces which are similarly well-behaved in this limit. These examples demonstrate that the presence of a non-zero cosmological constant does not in general impose a rigid relation between the (3+1) and (4+1)-dimensional spacetimes, with degenerate limiting behaviour.Comment: 7 page

    A layering model for superconductivity in the borocarbides

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    We propose a superlattice model to describe superconductivity in layered materials, such as the borocarbide families with the chemical formul\ae\ RT2RT_2B2_2C and RTRTBC, with RR being (essentially) a rare earth, and TT a transition metal. We assume a single band in which electrons feel a local attractive interaction (negative Hubbard-UU) on sites representing the TTB layers, while U=0 on sites representing the RRC layers; the multi-band structure is taken into account minimally through a band offset Ï”\epsilon. The one-dimensional model is studied numerically through the calculation of the charge gap, the Drude weight, and of the pairing correlation function. A comparison with the available information on the nature of the electronic ground state (metallic or superconducting) indicates that the model provides a systematic parametrization of the whole borocarbide family.Comment: 4 figure

    Taub's plane-symmetric vacuum spacetime revisited

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    The gravitational properties of the {\em only} static plane-symmetric vacuum solution of Einstein's field equations without cosmological term (Taub's solution, for brevity) are presented: some already known properties (geodesics, weak field limit and pertainment to the Schwarzschild family of spacetimes) are reviewed in a physically much more transparent way, as well as new results about its asymptotic structure, possible matchings and nature of the source are furnished. The main results point to the fact that the solution must be interpreted as representing the exterior gravitational field due to a {\em negative} mass distribution, confirming previous statements to that effect in the literature. Some analogies to Kasner's spatially homogeneous cosmological model are also referred to.Comment: plain LaTex, four Postscript figure

    Virtual Meson Cloud of the Nucleon and Intrinsic Strangeness and Charm

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    We have applied the Meson Cloud Model (MCM) to calculate the charm and strange antiquark distribution in the nucleon. The resulting distribution, in the case of charm, is very similar to the intrinsic charm momentum distribution in the nucleon. This seems to corroborate the hypothesis that the intrinsic charm is in the cloud and, at the same time, explains why other calculations with the MCM involving strange quark distributions fail in reproducing the low x region data. From the intrinsic strange distribution in the nucleon we have extracted the strangeness radius of the nucleon, which is in agreement with other meson cloud calculations.Comment: 9 pages RevTex, 4 figure

    Identificação e purificação de um vírus da poliedrose nuclear da lagarta Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera Noctuidae).

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    A lagarta-do-cartucho e considerado uma das principais pragas da cultura do milho e seu controle tem sido feito basicamente pelo uso de inseticidas quimicos. O CNPMS/EMBRAPA considerando as possibilidades de um controle biologico desta praga, tem procurado um virus de granulose. Recentemente isolou-se , a partir de uma lagarta do campo, um virus de poliedrose nuclear (VPN), que tem sido mantido em larvas em condicoes de laboratorio, causando nestas sintomas identicos ao observado no campo. Poliedrose puderam ser purificados a partir de extratos de lagarta infectada atraves de centrifugacao diferencial em um gradiente de densidade de sacarose. Teste de infectividade mostraram que larvas de S. frugiperda, criadas artificialmente, de 3, 6 e 7 dias de idade,alimentadas com suspensoes poliedros, em concentracoes de 2 x 106 ml, tiveram alta taxa de mortalidade (praticamente 100%), exceto as de 7 dias, na menor dose cuja mortandade foi da ordem de 70%. Exames de extratos das lagartas infectadas mostraram a presenca de grande numero de poliedros, mas a identificacao adequada de que se tratava de um virus de poliedrose nuclear, do tipo "multi-enveloped", (MECPN) so pode ser feita atraves de exames de seccoes ultra finas ao microscopio eletronico: nucleos de ectoderma, tecido adiposo e traqueocitos continham grande numero de poliedros e, ocluidas nestes, particulas baciliformes, em geral varias delas envolvidas por um envoltorio comum.Suplemento

    Metal-Insulator Transition in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model at Half-Filling with Lifetime Effects within the Moment Approach

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    We explore the effect of the imaginary part of the self-energy, ImÎŁ(k⃗,ω)Im\Sigma(\vec{k},\omega), having a single pole, Ω(k⃗,ω)\Omega(\vec{k},\omega), with spectral weight, α(k⃗)\alpha(\vec{k}), and quasi-particle lifetime, Γ(k⃗)\Gamma(\vec{k}), on the density of states. We solve the set of parameters, Ω(k⃗,ω\Omega(\vec{k},\omega), α(k⃗)\alpha(\vec{k}), and Γ(k⃗)\Gamma(\vec{k}) by means of the moment approach (exact sum rules) of Nolting. Our choice for ÎŁ(k,ω)\Sigma(k,\omega), satisfies the Kramers - Kronig relationship automatically. Due to our choice of the self - energy, the system is not a Fermi liquid for any value of the interaction, a result which is also true in the moment approach of Nolting without lifetime effects. By increasing the value of the local interaction, U/WU/W, at half-filling (ρ=1/2\rho = 1/2), we go from a paramagnetic metal to a paramagnetic insulator, (Mott metal - insulator transition (MMITMMIT)) for values of U/WU/W of the order of U/W≄1U/W \geq 1 (WW is the band width) which is in agreement with numerical results for finite lattices and for infinity dimensions (D=∞D = \infty). These results settle down the main weakness of the spherical approximation of Nolting: a finite gap for any finite value of the interaction, i.e., an insulator for any finite value of U/WU/W. Lifetime effects are absolutely indispensable. Our scheme works better than the one of improving the narrowing band factor, B(k⃗)B(\vec{k}), beyond the spherical approximation of Nolting.Comment: 5 pages and 5 ps figures (included
