41 research outputs found

    Su Nuraxi di Barumini: revisione delle designazioni adottate in planimetria

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    A partire dalla prima edizione del 1955 la planimetria del nuraghe e del villaggio di Su Nuraxi di Barumini è stata pubblicata, con aggiornamenti e modifiche, in numerosi contributi scientifici e divulgativi. Le sigle adottate in cinque principali planimetrie edite evidenziano omissioni, variazioni e ripetizioni che si perpetuano nel corso delle varie stesure creando difficoltà alla lettura generale del complesso e alla particolare individuazione dei vani. Questo contributo si propone di verificare tali incongruenze allo scopo di redigere una nuova planimetria con una univoca segnatura degli spazi quale strumento utile alla ricostruzione delle vicende storiche del villaggio di Su Nuraxi.Since 1955 five major plans of the nuragic village of Barumini have been published. The plans utilized different identification codes for the structures. This has led to some confusion and created difficulties in identify individual structures. This work presents a Comparison Table to identify the various anomalies in the five published works and includes a new detailed plan of the site.

    Le fasi Nuragico II e Punico-Romana nel settore nord-occidentale del villaggio di Su Nuraxi di Barumini (Cagliari)

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    Riassunto: In questo lavoro si presentano i corredi ceramici delle fasi Nuragico II e Punico-Romana provenienti dal settore nord-occidentale del villaggio di Su Nuraxi di Barumini, da originarie strutture dell’età del Bronzo riadattate nel corso dell’età del Ferro ed in età storica. Le categorie vascolari qui presentate e riferite alla fase Nuragico II sono ben note nel panorama della ceramica nuragica dell’età del Ferro (VIII sec. a.C.) specie nei siti della Sardegna centro-meridionale, mentre le labili ma importanti testimonianze di età punica e romana sono ascrivibili a momenti compresi tra V e III sec. a.C. Abstract: In this paper we present the Iron age and Punic-roman pottery founded in the proto-historic village of Su Nuraxi-Barumini (Sardinia, Italy). The vessels come from the Bronze Age structures then modified during the Iron Age and historical period. The phase of reference of Iron age pottery is called Nuragico II and is chronoligcally  situated during of eighth century BC. The comparisons of the context of Su Nuraxi with other Iron age sites of central-southern Sardinia allow to identify some important kind of pottery in association. Few but important records of Punic age testify a frequentation of the village during the fifth-third centuries BC

    Su Nuraxi di Barumini: revisione delle designazioni adottate in planimetria

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    A partire dalla prima edizione del 1955 la planimetria del nuraghe e del villaggio di Su Nuraxi di Barumini è stata pubblicata, con aggiornamenti e modifiche, in numerosi contributi scientifici e divulgativi. Le sigle adottate in cinque principali planimetrie edite evidenziano omissioni, variazioni e ripetizioni che si perpetuano nel corso delle varie stesure creando difficoltà alla lettura generale del complesso e alla particolare individuazione dei vani. Questo contributo si propone di verificare tali incongruenze allo scopo di redigere una nuova planimetria con una univoca segnatura degli spazi quale strumento utile alla ricostruzione delle vicende storiche del villaggio di Su Nuraxi.Since 1955 five major plans of the nuragic village of Barumini have been published. The plans utilized different identification codes for the structures. This has led to some confusion and created difficulties in identify individual structures. This work presents a Comparison Table to identify the various anomalies in the five published works and includes a new detailed plan of the site.

    Statica ed estetica. Architetture isodome e bicrome in età nuragica

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    Nuragic architecture shows itself in a variety of monumental constructions such as nuraghi, sacred wells and springs, and giants’ tombs. In these structures we find common elements and architectural solutions that demonstrate not only that they are expressions of the same culture but also evidence the contemporaneity of the constructive method and style. Some of these employ isodome and pseudo-isodome techniques combined with the use of lithotypes of different colors as a distinct aesthetic. These aspects, well attested to in other nuragic sacred monuments such as wells, are common also in nuraghi. If previously these features were attributed to structural requirements aimed at guaranteeing the stability of the monument, the documentation now demonstrates how the use of this  style and method of construction refers to a clear and explicit aesthetic effect. This fact shows that the function of the nuraghe, sharing the architecture of "sacred" monuments enters into the category of the sacred.L’architettura nuragica si esprime in molteplici forme costruttive attraverso monumenti come i nuraghi, i pozzi, le fonti e le tombe dei giganti. Attraverso la lettura dei modi e degli stili costruttivi si possono riscontrare elementi e soluzioni architettoniche comuni che attestano oltre che la stessa espressione culturale anche la contemporaneità di questi monumenti. Tra queste si evidenziano la tecnica isodoma e la bicromia quest’ ultima risultato dell’accostamento volontario di due o più litotipi differenti nell’apparecchio murario. Tale aspetto, ben attestato nei monumenti di destinazione sacra, quali i pozzi sacri, trova consuetudine anche nel nuraghe. Se precedentemente tali soluzioni erano imputate ad espedienti costruttivi finalizzati a garantire maggiore staticità al monumento, ora la documentazione a riguardo dimostra come l’uso di adoperare sezioni costruttive di colori differenti, sia all’esterno che all’interno dell’edificio sia da riferire ad un chiaro ed esplicito effetto estetico. Questo fatto mette in discussione la funzione dell’edificio nuraghe che condividendo l’architettura del “sacro” entra a far parte anch’esso di tale categoria


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    Riassunto: Prefazione al volume DAEDALEIA. LE TORRI NURAGICHE OLTRE LʼETÀ DEL BRONZO. Atti del Convegno di Studi (Cagliari, Cittadella dei Musei, 19-21 aprile 2012

    Notizie & Scavi della Sardegna Nuragica. Abstract Book - Poster

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    Notizie & Scavi della Sardegna Nuragica. Abstract Book of I Regional Conference (Serri, 20-22  aprile 2017)Poste

    Notizie & Scavi della Sardegna Nuragica. Abstract Book - Comunicazioni

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    Notizie & Scavi della Sardegna Nuragica.Abstract Book of I Regional Conference (Serri, 20-22  aprile 2017)Oral contributionsNotizie & Scavi della Sardegna Nuragica. Abstract Book del I Congresso Regionale (Serri, 20-22  aprile 2017)Comunicazion

    Predictive method for correct identification of archaeological charred grape seeds: Support for advances in knowledge of grape domestication process

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    The identification of archaeological charred grape seeds is a difficult task due to the alteration of the morphological seeds shape. In archaeobotanical studies, for the correct discrimination between Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris and Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera grape seeds it is very important to understand the history and origin of the domesticated grapevine. In this work, different carbonisation experiments were carried out using a hearth to reproduce the same burning conditions that occurred in archaeological contexts. In addition, several carbonisation trials on modern wild and cultivated grape seeds were performed using a muffle furnace. For comparison with archaeological materials, modern grape seed samples were obtained using seven different temperatures of carbonisation ranging between 180 and 340°C for 120 min. Analysing the grape seed size and shape by computer vision techniques, and applying the stepwise linear discriminant analysis (LDA) method, discrimination of the wild from the cultivated charred grape seeds was possible. An overall correct classification of 93.3% was achieved. Applying the same statistical procedure to compare modern charred with archaeological grape seeds, found in Sardinia and dating back to the Early Bronze Age (2017-1751 2σ cal. BC), allowed 75.0% of the cases to be identified as wild grape. The proposed method proved to be a useful and effective procedure in identifying, with high accuracy, the charred grape seeds found in archaeological sites. Moreover, it may be considered valid support for advances in the knowledge and comprehension of viticulture adoption and the grape domestication process. The same methodology may also be successful when applied to other plant remains, and provide important information about the history of domesticated plant

    Morphological Changes in Dental Surfaces Suggest Health Status and Alimentary Habits in the Subjects Belonging to the Copper Age in Sardinia Island (III Millennium BC)

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    The aim of this multidisciplinary study, which involved a team of archaeologists, odontologists, biologists, is to examine a set of dental health indicators, including caries, tooth wear, and enamel hypoplasia of a III millennium BC sample from the burial site of Scaba ’e Arriu (Siddi, South Sardinia), in order to evaluate the dental health status and the diet. Our purpose is to depict a timeline of dental health in Sardinia from prehistory to the present day, starting with a focus on a Copper Age population. Caries, dental wear, and enamel hypoplasia of 259 permanent teeth were evaluated. It was not possible to assign sex and age of each tooth because of the lack of bony support, lost due to taphonomy factors. 14,7% of Scaba‘e Arriu’s samples were affected by carious lesions, with greater involvement of the posterior teeth (12,7% against 1,9% of anterior ones). Interproximal caries was the most frequent. Dental wear affected 77,8% of the teeth, and its presence is preponderant over caries’ rate. The high percentage of dental wear suggests a diet based on abrasive foods. Further studies are necessary to delineate more accurately the modus vivendi, the nutrition, and, consequently, the health status of this sample