6 research outputs found

    Amplified B Lymphocyte CD40 Signaling Drives Regulatory B10 Cell Expansion in Mice

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    Aberrant CD40 ligand (CD154) expression occurs on both T cells and B cells in human lupus patients, which is suggested to enhance B cell CD40 signaling and play a role in disease pathogenesis. Transgenic mice expressing CD154 by their B cells (CD154(TG)) have an expanded spleen B cell pool and produce autoantibodies (autoAbs). CD22 deficient (CD22(-/-)) mice also produce autoAbs, and importantly, their B cells are hyper-proliferative following CD40 stimulation ex vivo. Combining these 2 genetic alterations in CD154(TG)CD22(-/-) mice was thereby predicted to intensify CD40 signaling and autoimmune disease due to autoreactive B cell expansion and/or activation.CD154(TG)CD22(-/-) mice were assessed for their humoral immune responses and for changes in their endogenous lymphocyte subsets. Remarkably, CD154(TG)CD22(-/-) mice were not autoimmune, but instead generated minimal IgG responses against both self and foreign antigens. This paucity in IgG isotype switching occurred despite an expanded spleen B cell pool, higher serum IgM levels, and augmented ex vivo B cell proliferation. Impaired IgG responses in CD154(TG)CD22(-/-) mice were explained by a 16-fold expansion of functional, mature IL-10-competent regulatory spleen B cells (B10 cells: 26.7×10(6)±6 in CD154(TG)CD22(-/-) mice; 1.7×10(6)±0.4 in wild type mice, p<0.01), and an 11-fold expansion of B10 cells combined with their ex vivo-matured progenitors (B10+B10pro cells: 66×10(6)±3 in CD154(TG)CD22(-/-) mice; 6.1×10(6)±2 in wild type mice, p<0.01) that represented 39% of all spleen B cells.These results demonstrate for the first time that the IL-10-producing B10 B cell subset has the capacity to suppress IgG humoral immune responses against both foreign and self antigens. Thereby, therapeutic agents that drive regulatory B10 cell expansion in vivo may inhibit pathogenic IgG autoAb production in humans

    Solutes, but not cells, drain from the brain parenchyma along basement membranes of capillaries and arteries: significance for cerebral amyloid angiopathy and neuroimmunology

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    Elimination of interstitial fluid and solutes plays a role in homeostasis in the brain, but the pathways are unclear. Previous work suggests that interstitial fluid drains along the walls of arteries. Aims: to define the pathways within the walls of capillaries and arteries for drainage of fluid and solutes out of the brain. Methods: Fluorescent soluble tracers, dextran (3 kDa) and ovalbumin (40 kDa), and particulate fluospheres (0.02 µm and 1.0 µm in diameter) were injected into the corpus striatum of mice. Brains were examined from 5 min to 7 days by immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. Results: soluble tracers initially spread diffusely through brain parenchyma and then drain out of the brain along basement membranes of capillaries and arteries. Some tracer is taken up by vascular smooth muscle cells and by perivascular macrophages. No perivascular drainage was observed when dextran was injected into mouse brains following cardiac arrest. Fluospheres expand perivascular spaces between vessel walls and surrounding brain, are ingested by perivascular macrophages but do not appear to leave the brain even following an inflammatory challenge with lipopolysaccharide or kainate. Conclusions: capillary and artery basement membranes act as 'lymphatics of the brain' for drainage of fluid and solutes; such drainage appears to require continued cardiac output as it ceases following cardiac arrest. This drainage pathway does not permit migration of cells from brain parenchyma to the periphery. Amyloid-β is deposited in basement membrane drainage pathways in cerebral amyloid angiopathy, and may impede elimination of amyloid-β and interstitial fluid from the brain in Alzheimer's disease. Soluble antigens, but not cells, drain from the brain by perivascular pathways. This atypical pattern of drainage may contribute to partial immune privilege of the brain and play a role in neuroimmunological diseases such as multiple sclerosis