14 research outputs found

    The hummingbird community and their floral resources in an urban forest remnant in Brazil

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    The temporal and spatial resource use among hummingbirds was studied over 13 months in an urban forest remnant (Prosa State Park: PSP) in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Hummingbird visitation was recorded at three ornithophilous and eleven non-ornithophilous species. Flower density was roughly constant during the study period, with the density of non-ornithophilous flowers being higher than that of ornithophilous ones. Mean values of nectar volume and concentration were similar between ornithophilous and non-ornithophilous species. Eight hummingbird species were observed at PSP: Amazilia fimbriata, Anthracothorax nigricollis, Chlorostilbon lucidus, Eupetomena macroura, Hylocharis chrysura, Florisuga fusca, Thalurania furcata and an unidentified species. Hummingbird visit frequencies to ornithophilous and non-ornithophilous flowers were similar. However, some non-ornithophilous species received a higher number of visits, which seems to be related to their large number of open flowers per plant per day. The number of feedings bouts of hummingbirds increased with the total number of flowers observed per focal plant. All recorded species of hummingbirds visited non-ornithophilous flowers, predominantly melittophilous and generalised entomophilous flowers. Hummingbird species recorded at PSP may be viewed as generalists, visiting a large number of non-ornithophilous species. Despite being an urban forest, PSP is relatively rich in hummingbird species, suggesting that it provides important shelter and foraging sites for hummingbirds in such an environment

    Structural Insight into Transition Metal Oxide containing glasses by Molecular Dynamic Simulations

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    In the last years, glass research focused particular attention on transition metal oxide containing systems for semi-conductive applications, for instance glasses for solid-state devices and secondary batteries. In glass matrices, transition metal ions show multiple oxidation states that lead to peculiar structures and to highly complex systems, which produce interesting optical, electrical and magnetic properties. Computational methods have been largely employed as complementary tool to experimental techniques, in order to improve the knowledge on the materials and their performances. In this work, Molecular Dynamic (MD) simulations have been performed on a series of alkali vanado-phosphate glasses in order to gain deep comprehension of the glass structure. The short and medium range order of the V4+ and the V5+ sites in terms of coordination, pair distribution function, V\u2013O\u2013V linkages, bridging and non-bridging oxygen distributions were calculated and discussed. Finally, the comparison between MD and experimental results shows a very good agreement allowing the validation of the computational models and highlights the correlations between the structure and the conduction mechanism in these glasses. This allows enriching the know-how on these glass systems that result still ambiguous until now