2 research outputs found

    Decoupling A and B model in open string theory -- Topological adventures in the world of tadpoles

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    In this paper we analyze the problem of tadpole cancellation in open topological strings. We prove that the inclusion of unorientable worldsheet diagrams guarantees a consistent decoupling of A and B model for open superstring amplitudes at all genera. This is proven by direct microscopic computation in Super Conformal Field Theory. For the B-model we explicitly calculate one loop amplitudes in terms of analytic Ray-Singer torsions of appropriate vector bundles and obtain that the decoupling corresponds to the cancellation of D-brane and orientifold charges. Local tadpole cancellation on the worldsheet then guarantees the decoupling at all loops. The holomorphic anomaly equations for open topological strings at one loop are also obtained and compared with the results of the Quillen formula

    Projection Clustering Unfolding: A New Algorithm for Clustering Individuals or Items in a Preference Matrix.

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    In the framework of preference rankings, the interest can lie in clustering individuals or items in order to reduce the complexity of the preference space for an easier interpretation of collected data. The last years have seen a remarkable flowering of works about the use of decision tree for clustering preference vectors. As a matter of fact, decision trees are useful and intuitive, but they are very unstable: small perturbations bring big changes. This is the reason why it could be necessary to use more stable procedures in order to clustering ranking data. In this work, a Projection Clustering Unfolding (PCU) algorithm for preference data will be proposed in order to extract useful information in a low-dimensional subspace by starting from an high but mostly empty dimensional space. Comparison between unfolding configurations and PCU solutions will be carried out through Procrustes analysis