33 research outputs found

    Probability distribution of the sizes of largest erased-loops in loop-erased random walks

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    We have studied the probability distribution of the perimeter and the area of the k-th largest erased-loop in loop-erased random walks in two-dimensions for k = 1 to 3. For a random walk of N steps, for large N, the average value of the k-th largest perimeter and area scales as N^{5/8} and N respectively. The behavior of the scaled distribution functions is determined for very large and very small arguments. We have used exact enumeration for N <= 20 to determine the probability that no loop of size greater than l (ell) is erased. We show that correlations between loops have to be taken into account to describe the average size of the k-th largest erased-loops. We propose a one-dimensional Levy walk model which takes care of these correlations. The simulations of this simpler model compare very well with the simulations of the original problem.Comment: 11 pages, 1 table, 10 included figures, revte

    Delocalization in harmonic chains with long-range correlated random masses

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    We study the nature of collective excitations in harmonic chains with masses exhibiting long-range correlated disorder with power spectrum proportional to 1/kα1/k^{\alpha}, where kk is the wave-vector of the modulations on the random masses landscape. Using a transfer matrix method and exact diagonalization, we compute the localization length and participation ratio of eigenmodes within the band of allowed energies. We find extended vibrational modes in the low-energy region for α>1\alpha > 1. In order to study the time evolution of an initially localized energy input, we calculate the second moment M2(t)M_2(t) of the energy spatial distribution. We show that M2(t)M_2(t), besides being dependent of the specific initial excitation and exhibiting an anomalous diffusion for weakly correlated disorder, assumes a ballistic spread in the regime α>1\alpha>1 due to the presence of extended vibrational modes.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Renormalization Scheme Dependence and the Problem of Theoretical Uncertainties in Next-Next-to-Leading Order QCD Predictions

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    Renormalization scheme uncertainties in the next-next-to-leading order QCD predictions are discussed. To obtain an estimate of these uncertainties it is proposed to compare predictions in all schemes that do not have unnaturally large expansion coefficients. A concrete prescription for eliminating the unnatural schemes is given, based on the requirement that large cancellations in the expression for the characteristic renormalization scheme invariant should be avoided. As an example the QCD corrections to the Bjorken sum rule are considered. The importance of the next-next-to-leading order corrections for a proper evaluation of perturbative QCD predictions is emphasized.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures,Late

    Scale-free network on a vertical plane

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    A scale-free network is grown in the Euclidean space with a global directional bias. On a vertical plane, nodes are introduced at unit rate at randomly selected points and a node is allowed to be connected only to the subset of nodes which are below it using the attachment probability: πi(t)ki(t)α\pi_i(t) \sim k_i(t)\ell^{\alpha}. Our numerical results indicate that the directed scale-free network for α=0\alpha=0 belongs to a different universality class compared to the isotropic scale-free network. For α<αc\alpha < \alpha_c the degree distribution is stretched exponential in general which takes a pure exponential form in the limit of α\alpha \to -\infty. The link length distribution is calculated analytically for all values of α\alpha.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of spatial bias on the nonequilibrium phase transition in a system of coagulating and fragmenting particles

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    We examine the effect of spatial bias on a nonequilibrium system in which masses on a lattice evolve through the elementary moves of diffusion, coagulation and fragmentation. When there is no preferred directionality in the motion of the masses, the model is known to exhibit a nonequilibrium phase transition between two different types of steady states, in all dimensions. We show analytically that introducing a preferred direction in the motion of the masses inhibits the occurrence of the phase transition in one dimension, in the thermodynamic limit. A finite size system, however, continues to show a signature of the original transition, and we characterize the finite size scaling implications of this. Our analysis is supported by numerical simulations. In two dimensions, bias is shown to be irrelevant.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, revte

    Persistence of a Continuous Stochastic Process with Discrete-Time Sampling: Non-Markov Processes

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    We consider the problem of `discrete-time persistence', which deals with the zero-crossings of a continuous stochastic process, X(T), measured at discrete times, T = n(\Delta T). For a Gaussian Stationary Process the persistence (no crossing) probability decays as exp(-\theta_D T) = [\rho(a)]^n for large n, where a = \exp[-(\Delta T)/2], and the discrete persistence exponent, \theta_D, is given by \theta_D = \ln(\rho)/2\ln(a). Using the `Independent Interval Approximation', we show how \theta_D varies with (\Delta T) for small (\Delta T) and conclude that experimental measurements of persistence for smooth processes, such as diffusion, are less sensitive to the effects of discrete sampling than measurements of a randomly accelerated particle or random walker. We extend the matrix method developed by us previously [Phys. Rev. E 64, 015151(R) (2001)] to determine \rho(a) for a two-dimensional random walk and the one-dimensional random acceleration problem. We also consider `alternating persistence', which corresponds to a < 0, and calculate \rho(a) for this case.Comment: 14 pages plus 8 figure

    Persistence in a Stationary Time-series

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    We study the persistence in a class of continuous stochastic processes that are stationary only under integer shifts of time. We show that under certain conditions, the persistence of such a continuous process reduces to the persistence of a corresponding discrete sequence obtained from the measurement of the process only at integer times. We then construct a specific sequence for which the persistence can be computed even though the sequence is non-Markovian. We show that this may be considered as a limiting case of persistence in the diffusion process on a hierarchical lattice.Comment: 8 pages revte

    Semileptonic decay constants of octet baryons in the chiral quark-soliton model

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    Based on the recent study of the magnetic moments and axial constants within the framework of the chiral quark-soliton model, we investigate the baryon semileptonic decay constants (f1,f2)(f_1,f_2) and (g1,g2)(g_1, g_2). Employing the relations between the diagonal transition matrix elements and off-diagonal ones in the vector and axial-vector channels, we obtain the ratios of baryon semileptonic decay constants f2/f1f_2/f_1 and g1/f1g_1/f_1. The F/DF/D ratio is also discussed and found that the value predicted by the present model naturally lies between that of the Skyrme model and that of the nonrelativistic quark model. The singlet axial constant gA(0)g^{(0)}_A can be expressed in terms of the F/DF/D ratio and gA(3)g^{(3)}_A in the present model and turns out to be small. The results are compared with available experimental data and found to be in good agreement with them. In addition, the induced pseudotensor coupling constants g2/f1g_2/f_1 are calculated, the SU(3) symmetry breaking being considered. The results indicate that the effect of SU(3) symmetry breaking might play an important role for some decay modes in hyperon semileptonic decay.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX is used. No figure. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.