8 research outputs found

    New Basal Synapsid Supports Laurasian Origin for Therapsids

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    The distant evolutionary ancestry of mammals is documented by a rich therapsid fossil record. While sphenacodontid synapsids are considered the sister−group of therapsids, the place of origin of therapsids is an enigma, largely because of a long standing morphological and temporal gap (Olson’s Gap) in their fossil record. We describe a new large predatory synapsid, Raranimus dashankouensis gen. et sp. nov., from the Middle Permian of Dashankou in China which has a unique combination of therapsid and sphenacodontid features. This specimen is of great significance asit is a basal therapsid which is the sister taxon to all other therapsids. The fact that it was found in association with Early Permian tetrapods (Anakamacops and Belebey) suggests that it is the oldest therapsid and provides the first evidence of therapsid−bearing rocks which cover Olson’s Gap. It further supports that therapsids may have had a Laurasian rather than Gondwanan origin

    Alpha taxonomy of the Russian Permian procolophonoids

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    European Russia has been the source of many procolophonoid taxa from both the Permian and Triassic, and a Permian or− igin for the procolophonoid family Procolophonidae has been based on the Russian taxon Microphon exiguus. Recently, this taxon was reclassified as a seymouriamorph and, in its place, the taxa Nyctiphruretus, Suchonosaurus, and Kinelia from the Middle and Upper Permian of Russia were suggested as “procolophons”, using evolutionary−systematic classifi− cation methods. In recent phylogenies, however, Nyctiphruretus has been recovered as a non–procolophonoid para− reptile, whereas Kinelia and Suchonosaurus have never been included in a phylogenetic study. Re−examination indicates that Suchonosaurus is a member of the procolophonoid subfamily Procolophonidae based on the shape of the maxillary bone and the external naris, the laterally visible maxillary depression, and the number and type of maxillary teeth. Kinelia, on the other hand, is excluded from the Procolophonoidea because of its subpleurodont dental attachment and lack of any procolophonoid features. Thus, Suchonosaurus is the only confirmed Permian procolophonid from the Permian of Rus− sia. Additionally, re−examination of the holotype of Microphon exiguus confirms that it is identical to the seymouria− morph specimens recently included in the genus Microphon and that it lacks procolophonoid features. The earliest un− equivocal record of the subfamily Procolophonidae is confirmed from the Late Permian of Russia, making Russia the only region where, with certainty, both Permian and Triassic procolophonids have been discovered