17 research outputs found

    Characterization, inheritance of male sterility and development of male sterile and maintainer lines in ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula (Roxb.) L.)

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    Two male sterile mutants IIHRRG-12MS (long fruited) and IIHRRG-28MS (medium long fruited) were identified from the ridge gourd germplasm IIHR-12 and IIHR-28 respectively at ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru. These two male-sterile (ms) sources were characterized by the production of rudimentary male flowers in the racemes in contrast to the bright yellow flowers with fertile pollen and healthy anthers in male fertile, monoecious plants. Using these ms lines the inheritance of male sterility was worked out, which is cytoplasmic genic male sterility (CGMS) type, with single dominant gene either in homozygous or heterozygous condition restoring male fertility in the presence of sterile cytoplasm. In order to develop F1 hybrids using male sterility, several male sterile and maintainer lines were developed in different genetic back grounds such as green/dark green fruit colour and short/medium long/long fruit length

    HPLC Profiling of B Asarone Content and Cytogenetic Studies of Medicinally Important Indian Acorus Calamus l., Accessions

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    Acorus calamus L. is a well- known herb for its traditional medicinal and pharmaceutical potentials. The rhizome of the plant is mainly used for medicinal purposes because it yields an essential oil known as “Calamus Oil”. The main component of the essential oil is â-asarone. In our present study, 20 different species of Acorus calamus were collected from different parts of South India and North East India. An attempt has been made to characterize all the accessions on the basis of their ploidy level by cytogenetic studies, and determining â- asarone content by HPLC analysis. All the accessions were screened for their ploidy level by staining the root chromosomes at metaphase stage. The plants observed were either diploid or triploid ruling out any tetraploids. HPLC analysis of powdered rhizome extracts for the â- asarone, indicated that it ranged from 2.2% to 7.2%. Our results also have revealed that there is no correlation between the ploidy status and the content of â-asarone. Indian accessions were found to have low to moderate levels of â- asarone content

    Molecular characterization of medicinal and aromatic plants by 5S rRNA NTS and PCR RFLP- A mini review

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    The use of plants and plant products for medicine is being practiced from time immemorial. The advent of herbal drug technology has led to the production of medicines and pharmaceutical products from herbs. Secondary metabolites from plants are important economically as drugs, fragrances, pigments, food additives and pesticides. In order to protect consumers from adulteration and for conservation of the plants; authentication and identification of medicinal plants is essential. Traditionally, morphological, phytochemical and analytical techniques are used. In recent times molecular marker based methods are used widely. With the advent of PCR based techniques minute quantities of DNA in order of nanograms are sufficient for molecular analysis. These techniques are more advantageous than the classical morphology based or chemical and analytical methods. Recently the nontranscribed sequence (NTS) region of 5S rRNA has been employed for studying intra specific discrimination. In this short review an attempt has been made to study the use of 5S -rRNA NTS region for molecular fingerprinting in plants

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    Not AvailableAbstract Cryopreserved pollen collections provide long-term security for wildflora, ornamentals, fruit and vegetable crops, medicinal herbs and endangered species. Technology has been developed for long-term cryopreservation of pollen in the form of nuclear genetic diversity (NGD) of mango, amla, pomegranate, jackfruit, guava, passion fruit, jamun, different species and cultivars of citrus, papaya (different species), grape, tomato, eggplant (Solanum gene pool), onion, capsicum, rose, gladiolus, gerbera, carnation and RET species of medicinal plants. Pollen collecting is usually done on a bright sunny day between 10-11 am. Pollen collections are subjected to viability indexing by germination in vitro by the hanging drop or cellophane techniques. Pollen samples are packed either in gelatin capsules or butter paper packets, sealed air tight in polyethylene aluminium laminated pouches and lowered into a canister of a cryoflask. The fertility of stored pollen is tested under field conditions through controlled pollination. The pollen cryobank is managed by periodic replenishment of the cryogen. With the recent advances in allied bio-scientific areas in which cryopreserved pollen could be used in general crosses, shuttle breeding maintenance of B line in male sterile based hybrid seed production. Security of male parent is also ensured in the cryobank. Pollen cryopreservation protocols developed for different horticultural species will be discussed in details.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableAbstract Cryopreserved pollen collections provide long-term security for wildflora, ornamentals, fruit and vegetable crops, medicinal herbs and endangered species. Technology has been developed for long-term cryopreservation of pollen in the form of nuclear genetic diversity (NGD) of mango, amla, pomegranate, jackfruit, guava, passion fruit, jamun, different species and cultivars of citrus, papaya (different species), grape, tomato, eggplant (Solanum gene pool), onion, capsicum, rose, gladiolus, gerbera, carnation and RET species of medicinal plants. Pollen collecting is usually done on a bright sunny day between 10-11 am. Pollen collections are subjected to viability indexing by germination in vitro by the hanging drop or cellophane techniques. Pollen samples are packed either in gelatin capsules or butter paper packets, sealed air tight in polyethylene aluminium laminated pouches and lowered into a canister of a cryoflask. The fertility of stored pollen is tested under field conditions through controlled pollination. The pollen cryobank is managed by periodic replenishment of the cryogen. With the recent advances in allied bio-scientific areas in which cryopreserved pollen could be used in general crosses, shuttle breeding maintenance of B line in male sterile based hybrid seed production. Security of male parent is also ensured in the cryobank. Pollen cryopreservation protocols developed for different horticultural species will be discussed in details.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableAnnona cv. ‘Arka Sahan’ essentially needs assisted pollination with sugar apple pollen for commercial fruit production. However, there is no perfect synchronization in flowering of the pollen source sugar apple cv. Balanagar with that of cv. ‘Arka Sahan’. So, an attempt was made to store the pollen of the former to assure its availability as and when cv. ‘Arka Sahan’ flowers need to be pollinated. In vitro pollen germination was assessed using different concentrations of sucrose (5%, 10% and 15%) with and without boric acid (100 ppm). Pollen collected on the second day of anthesis showed maximum germination (43.47%) in 5% sucrose + 100 ppm boric acid while those collected on first day of anthesis did not show any germination. Pollen collected at different times of the day showed a rapid decrease in pollen germination from maximum germination at 6 am (36.55%) to no germination at 2 pm. The maximum pollen germination was in 10% sucrose + 100 ppm boric acid combination for the stored pollen as well as pollen collected during late hours of the day. Pollen stored under varying temperatures lost viability within 1 month at 4°C while pollen stored at −196°C in liquid nitrogen retained germination for 2 months. Pollen germination and pollen tube growth were progressively reduced with storage time. Structure of stored pollen examined using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), revealed deformed and shriveled pollen structure. The results of this study indicated that the Annona pollen tends to be viable for a period of 2 months.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableAbstract In vitro studies on Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. (Hypoxidaceae) was undertaken to devise a protocol for in vitro conservation of this endangered species. Fresh underground tubers with shoot apices were used to initiate cultures. Later the in vitro derived leaves and roots were used as explants on MS medium supplemented with 8.87ÎźM BA, to obtain multiple shoots. Callus phase was avoided to maintain true-to type cultures and direct encourage regeneration. Simultaneous rooting enabled successful establishment extra vitrum, with 100% survival rates. In vitro conservation was accomplished at 100 C and cultures could be maintained for a minimum period of 1 year without an intermediate subculture.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThirteen accessions of Salacia chinensis L., a threatened species known for its medicinal properties, were evaluated in terms of variability, heritability and genetic advance for yield and other contributing traits. Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation were highest for fruit yield per plant followed by plant spread, fruit weight and seed weight. High heritability were observed for fruit weight (99.1 %), fruit yield per plant (98.5 %), seed length (98.1 %), seed weight (97.2 %), leaf area (96.8 %), fruit length (96.8 %), plant spread (96.2 %), seed diameter (96.2 %), fruit diameter (94.2 %), leaf length (92.1 %), leaf width (86.4 %), plant height (85.1 %) and petiole length (84.1 %) thus indicating that these characters has additive gene effect and hence, they can be used for effective selection.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableAbstact Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. is an important threatened medicinal tree. An experiment was undertaken to study the correlation and path analysis in Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. accessions during 2016-17. Correlation study revealed that number of pods per plant, leaf area, leaf width and petiole length had significant positive correlation with pod yield per plant. According to path analysis, number of pods per plant, leaf length, plant height, pod width, number of seeds per pod and number of pods per plant recorded positive and high direct effect on pod yield per plant. Thus, based on correlation and path analysis, traits viz. number of pods per plant and pod length can be considered as selection indices for high pod yield in this species.Not Availabl