4 research outputs found

    Conventional facilities of the linear IFMIF prototype accelerator (LIPAc)

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    The International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) aims at qualifying and characterizing mate-rials capable to withstand the intense neutron flux originated in the D-T reactions of future fusion reactors by a neutron flux with a broad peak at 14 MeV, capable to provide >20 dpa/fpy on small specimens, also qualified in this engineering validation engineering design activity (EVEDA) phase. Its broad mandate has been successfully achieved, only pending the validation of its accelerator with its conventional facilities.The validation of the IFMIF’s accelerators will be achieved in this on-going phase, until December 2019, with the operation of a deuteron accelerator at 125 mA CW mode and 9 MeV, which is presently under installation and commissioning in Rokkasho (Japan).The target availability of the IFMIF facility, 70%, is one of its main challenges because it demands an extraordinary individual availability of the sub-systems, such as the accelerator, with 87%. The linear IFMIF prototype accelerator (LIPAc) presents a broad spectrum of ancillary equipment to optimize its operational beam time.A description of the nuclear HVAC of IFMIF has already been reported (Pruneri et al., 2016) [1].The present paper describes the design of the conventional systems of LIPAc, among which we address the electrical power supply, the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), the heat rejection system (HRS), the service water system (SWS), the service gas system (SGS), the cryoplant system (Cryo), and the fire protection system (FPS)

    Overview of the IFMIF/EVEDA project

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    IFMIF, the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility, is presently in its engineering validation and engineering design activities (EVEDA) phase under the Broader Approach Agreement. The engineering design activity (EDA) phase was successfully accomplished within the allocated time. The engineering validation activity (EVA) phase has focused on validating the Accelerator Facility (AF), the Target Facility and the Test Facility (TF) by constructing prototypes. The ELTL at JAEAc, Oarai successfully demonstrated the long-term stability of a Li flow under the IFMIF's nominal operational conditions keeping the specified free-surface fluctuations below  ±1 mm in a continuous manner for 25 d. A full-scale prototype of the high flux test module (HFTM) was successfully tested in the HELOKA loop (KIT, Karlsruhe), where it was demonstrated that the irradiation temperature can be set individually and kept uniform. LIPAc, designed and constructed in European labs under the coordination of F4E, presently under installation and commissioning in the Rokkasho Fusion Institute, aims at validating the concept of IFMIF accelerators with a D+ beam of 125 mA continuous wave (CW) and 9 MeV. The commissioning phases of the H+/D+ beams at 100 keV are progressing and should be concluded in 2017; in turn, the commissioning of the 5 MeV beam is due to start during 2017. The D+ beam through the superconducting cavities is expected to be achieved within the Broader Approach Agreement time frame with the superconducting cryomodule being assembled in Rokkasho. The realisation of a fusion-relevant neutron source is a necessary step for the successful development of fusion. The ongoing success of the IFMIF/EVEDA involves ruling out concerns about potential technical showstoppers which were raised in the past. Thus, a situation has emerged where soon steps towards constructing a Li(d, xn) fusion-relevant neutron source could be taken, which is also justified in the light of costs which are marginal to those of a fusion plant

    R&D Activities for Fusion DEMO in the QST Rokkasho Fusion Institute

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    The current status and the progress of R&D activities for a Fusion DEMO reactor in the QST Rokkasho Fusion Institute is reported. In order to advance the JA DEMO activity, not only Japanese domestic activity but also international collaborations of Broader Approach Activity and ITER related activities are conducted in the QST Rokkasho Fusion Institute. Activities for DEMO design and relevant R&D, design of a fusion neutron source and development of an accelerator, ITER-TBS, tritium handling technology and information technology infrastructures including a supercomputer system and a remote experimentation system are carried out for a Fusion DEMO reactor