5 research outputs found

    Ways of improving the ecological environment during the utilization of weapons, military equipment and ammunition

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    У статті на підставі інформації з відкритих джерел проаналізовано екологічну обстановку під час утилізації ОВТ і запропоновані шляхи її покращення.В статье на основе информации, полученной с открытых источников, проведен анализ экологической обстановки во время утилизации ВВТ и предложены пути ее улучшения.In the article on the basis of information obtained from public sources, the analysis of the environment during disposal of IWT and suggest ways to improve it

    Perovskite Oxide Catalysts for Advanced Oxidation Reactions

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    Published online: May 16, 2021Meeting the escalating demand for clean water resources is one of the key challenges to ensure a sustainable future. Catalysis plays an important role to advance the chemical reactions required for wastewater efficient remediation. How to exploit high-performance catalysts to boost the pivotal reaction kinetics always attracts researchers’ enthusiasm. Perovskite oxides as a novel class of functional materials can be tuned to confer compositional flexibilities and provide rich and unique structural properties. As the rising-star material, it has been widely probed for electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, and membrane- catalysis for energy conversion, but received less attention in water treatment. In this review, the advances of perovskite oxides for advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) in water remediation are comprehensively elaborated. A fundamental understanding of the crystal structures and properties of perovskite oxides as well as the basic principles of AOPs is firstly provided. Then, emphasis is placed on how to tune the perovskite oxides to suit various AOPs. The strategies to design novel perovskite oxides to enhance the catalytic activities in AOPs have been highlighted. It is expected that after reading this review, readers will have a clearer vision of the background, the state of the art development, and general guidelines for future directions regarding research in this area.Kai Wang, Chen Han, Zongping Shao, Jieshan Qiu, Shaobin Wang, and Shaomin Li