24 research outputs found

    Velocity Field Characteristics at the Inlet to a Pipe Culvert

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    A poorly designed culvert inlet structure causes scouring, which can lead to the collapse of the culvert and significant damage to the neighboring land. A set of laboratory tests was evaluated to examine velocity distribution at the culvert inlet. A three-dimensional acoustic Doppler velocimeter was used to measure instantaneous flow velocity upstream of the culvert. The analysis of mean velocities, turbulence strength, and Reynolds stresses was performed to understand the flow structure near the culvert entrance

    Whirling System of Water Exchange in Breeding Pools

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    To create proper living conditions for sea mammals kept in closed systems, one has to make sure that the characteristics of breeding pools, such as their shape, dimensions, the facing of the walls and bottom, as well as the quality and motion of water, resemble as closely as possible the natural environment of the animals. An appropriate system of water exchange plays a very important role here. A complete exchange of water is time-consuming, expensive and troublesome, so it can be performed only periodically and should be supported by a supplementary continuous exchange. This operation improves water quality and can create a proper velocity field in breeding pools. The breeding pools investigated in the present study are located in a sealarium in Hel (Poland), which belongs to the Institute of Oceanography of the Gdansk University. Tracer measurements, carried out in these reservoirs made it possible to evaluate the intensity of continuous water exchange. It was found that this intensity was insufficient (as evidenced by large dead zones in the pools and short detention time), and therefore alterations to the existing system were proposed (i.e. a tangential position of the inlet and a centrally situated outlet). On the basis of a simplified model of circulative water flow, it was shown that the altered hydraulic system can considerably improve the situation

    Application Hidden Markov Models to Automatic Detection of Speech Disorder

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących automatycznej detekcji wad wymowy u dzieci. Jako materiał badawczy zostały wykorzystane nagrania pochodzące od dzieci z wadami wymowy. Zadanie polegało na rozpoznaniu nieprawidłowo realizowanego fonemu w wybranych słowach testowych. Detekcja była dokonywana za pomocą metod rozpoznawania mowy, w których jako cec sygnału mowy użyto dwóch najbardziej obiecujących rodzajów cech: współczynnika MFCC praz współczynników HFCC. Jako klasyfikatora użyto metody niejawnych modeli Markowa (HMM), gdzie modelowanymi jednostkami fonetycznimi były zarówno fonemy jak i całe słowa. W badanych metodach dobrano ich parametry w celu zmaksymalizowania skuteczności rozpoznawania. W artykule zaprezentowano również analizę porównawczą wyników rozpoznawania otrzymanych z wykorzystaniem metody HMM oraz testowanej w poprzednich pracach metody nieliniowej transformacji czasowej (DTW).The results of research on automatic detection of the pathological phoneme pronunciation are presented in the paper. Speech samples came from speech impaired children and persons who imitated pathological phoneme pronunciation. The recognition task was to find wrongly realized phoneme in the selected test utterances. At the reature extraction stage the most effective features` types have been used: standard Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and recently proposed Human Factor Cepstral Coefficients (HFCC). As a classificator hidden Markov models, with modeled speech unit being a phoneme as well as a whole word, have been used. The parameters of the HMMs were adjusted in order to achieve the best recognition accuracy. Comparision of the HMM and DTW methods is also presented in the paper