3,334 research outputs found

    Effects of Multirate Systems on the Statistical Properties of Random Signals

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    In multirate digital signal processing, we often encounter time-varying linear systems such as decimators, interpolators, and modulators. In many applications, these building blocks are interconnected with linear filters to form more complicated systems. It is often necessary to understand the way in which the statistical behavior of a signal changes as it passes through such systems. While some issues in this context have an obvious answer, the analysis becomes more involved with complicated interconnections. For example, consider this question: if we pass a cyclostationary signal with period K through a fractional sampling rate-changing device (implemented with an interpolator, a nonideal low-pass filter and a decimator), what can we say about the statistical properties of the output? How does the behavior change if the filter is replaced by an ideal low-pass filter? In this paper, we answer questions of this nature. As an application, we consider a new adaptive filtering structure, which is well suited for the identification of band-limited channels. This structure exploits the band-limited nature of the channel, and embeds the adaptive filter into a multirate system. The advantages are that the adaptive filter has a smaller length, and the adaptation as well as the filtering are performed at a lower rate. Using the theory developed in this paper, we show that a matrix adaptive filter (dimension determined by the decimator and interpolator) gives better performance in terms of lower error energy at convergence than a traditional adaptive filter. Even though matrix adaptive filters are, in general, computationally more expensive, they offer a performance bound that can be used as a yardstick to judge more practical "scalar multirate adaptation" schemes

    Accuracy Booster: Performance Boosting using Feature Map Re-calibration

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    Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) have been extremely successful in solving intensive computer vision tasks. The convolutional filters used in CNNs have played a major role in this success, by extracting useful features from the inputs. Recently researchers have tried to boost the performance of CNNs by re-calibrating the feature maps produced by these filters, e.g., Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks (SENets). These approaches have achieved better performance by Exciting up the important channels or feature maps while diminishing the rest. However, in the process, architectural complexity has increased. We propose an architectural block that introduces much lower complexity than the existing methods of CNN performance boosting while performing significantly better than them. We carry out experiments on the CIFAR, ImageNet and MS-COCO datasets, and show that the proposed block can challenge the state-of-the-art results. Our method boosts the ResNet-50 architecture to perform comparably to the ResNet-152 architecture, which is a three times deeper network, on classification. We also show experimentally that our method is not limited to classification but also generalizes well to other tasks such as object detection.Comment: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 202

    Subspace Alignment Based Domain Adaptation for RCNN Detector

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    In this paper, we propose subspace alignment based domain adaptation of the state of the art RCNN based object detector. The aim is to be able to achieve high quality object detection in novel, real world target scenarios without requiring labels from the target domain. While, unsupervised domain adaptation has been studied in the case of object classification, for object detection it has been relatively unexplored. In subspace based domain adaptation for objects, we need access to source and target subspaces for the bounding box features. The absence of supervision (labels and bounding boxes are absent) makes the task challenging. In this paper, we show that we can still adapt sub- spaces that are localized to the object by obtaining detections from the RCNN detector trained on source and applied on target. Then we form localized subspaces from the detections and show that subspace alignment based adaptation between these subspaces yields improved object detection. This evaluation is done by considering challenging real world datasets of PASCAL VOC as source and validation set of Microsoft COCO dataset as target for various categories.Comment: 26th British Machine Vision Conference, Swansea, U

    Mind the Gap: Subspace based Hierarchical Domain Adaptation

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    Domain adaptation techniques aim at adapting a classifier learnt on a source domain to work on the target domain. Exploiting the subspaces spanned by features of the source and target domains respectively is one approach that has been investigated towards solving this problem. These techniques normally assume the existence of a single subspace for the entire source / target domain. In this work, we consider the hierarchical organization of the data and consider multiple subspaces for the source and target domain based on the hierarchy. We evaluate different subspace based domain adaptation techniques under this setting and observe that using different subspaces based on the hierarchy yields consistent improvement over a non-hierarchical baselineComment: 4 pages in Second Workshop on Transfer and Multi-Task Learning: Theory meets Practice in NIPS 201

    Minimizing Supervision in Multi-label Categorization

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    Multiple categories of objects are present in most images. Treating this as a multi-class classification is not justified. We treat this as a multi-label classification problem. In this paper, we further aim to minimize the supervision required for providing supervision in multi-label classification. Specifically, we investigate an effective class of approaches that associate a weak localization with each category either in terms of the bounding box or segmentation mask. Doing so improves the accuracy of multi-label categorization. The approach we adopt is one of active learning, i.e., incrementally selecting a set of samples that need supervision based on the current model, obtaining supervision for these samples, retraining the model with the additional set of supervised samples and proceeding again to select the next set of samples. A crucial concern is the choice of the set of samples. In doing so, we provide a novel insight, and no specific measure succeeds in obtaining a consistently improved selection criterion. We, therefore, provide a selection criterion that consistently improves the overall baseline criterion by choosing the top k set of samples for a varied set of criteria. Using this criterion, we are able to show that we can retain more than 98% of the fully supervised performance with just 20% of samples (and more than 96% using 10%) of the dataset on PASCAL VOC 2007 and 2012. Also, our proposed approach consistently outperforms all other baseline metrics for all benchmark datasets and model combinations.Comment: Accepted in CVPR-W 202
