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    SUPPLEMENTS www.elsevicr.nVlocate/npe The APE collaboration:

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    This talk is divided in two parts. In the first part, we will summarize the status of the APEmille project that will be completed by the end of the year. We will then devote the rest of the talk to the description of a new project for a multi-TeraFlop machine, apeNEXT. The interested reader will find a much more detailed discussion of all the items touched upon here in the full proposal of the project that will shortly appear on hep-lat. 1. APEmille mesh of nodes with a first-neighbour ’ commu-The APEmille project is the third generations of special purpose computers designed by the APE collaboration. APEmille is a 3-dimensional nication network. Each node is baaed on a 0.5 GFlops floating-point processor and 32 MB memory