8 research outputs found

    Особенности личностных характеристик реципиентов после трансплантации сердца

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    Objective: to assess the personal psychological profile of heart transplant recipients as the first stage in the development of post-transplant personalized rehabilitation programs. Materials and methods. From January 2010 to July 2019, 129 HTs were performed (mean age 46.6 ± 14.1 years; 74% (n = 95) were men, 26% (n = 34) were women). All patients in the heart transplant waiting list were examined by a clinical psychologist and a psychotherapist to exclude contraindications to transplant surgery. To assess personal traits, we used the standard multifactorial questionnaire by Cattell R., 16 PF (version A), which included 187 questions. Heart transplantation and absence of post-transplant severe cognitive impairments were the selection criteria for this study. Patients were surveyed before they were discharged from the hospital – 30–60 days following HT: during the period of complete recovery after surgery. In the present study, a retrospective assessment of the results was performed in 107 patients (n = 76 – men; n = 31 – women). Results. Analysis of the personality portrait revealed that over half of recipients were reserved, distant (factor A – schizothymia) and restrained (factor F – restraint; F2 – introvert; F4 – conforming) with lower mental capacity (factor B), and were shy, timid (factor H), with low super ego (factor G: irresponsible, tolerates disorder, flexible, open to change). Our results showed that 47% of patients (n = 18 out of 38 patients, n = 22 are pensioners) with a weak degree of factor C (reactive, affected by feelings) are workers to 42% (n = 29 out of 69, n = 28 – retirees) with a strong degree of the same factor. One year after HT, the number of physically active patients was higher among those with low anxiety compared with high anxiety (41% (18 of 44) and 32% (20 of 63), respectively, p = 0.41). Conclusion. Personality factors are non-modifiable characteristics of patients. They affect human behavior, return to work and to social life, as well as physical and psychological recovery from HT. Knowing the personal traits of recipients would allow to develop a personalized approach to their rehabilitation and a technique for timely examination after HT.Цель. Исследовать личностный психологический портрет пациентов после трансплантации сердца (ТС) в качестве первого этапа разработки персонифицированных программ реабилитации после пересадки сердца. Материалы и методы. С января 2010-го по июль 2019 г. было выполнено 129 ТС (средний возраст – 46,6 ± 14,1 года; 74% (n = 95) – мужчины, 26% (n = 34) – женщины). Одним из пунктов обследования в ЛОТС была консультация клинического психолога и врача-психотерапевта для исключения противопоказаний к операции. Для оценки личностных характеристик мы использовали стандартный многофакторный опросник Р. Кеттелла 16 PF (версия А), включающий в себя 187 вопросов. Критериями отбора в данное исследование были выполненная ТС и отсутствие тяжелых когнитивных нарушений, развившихся в посттрансплантационном периоде. Анкетирование пациентов проводили перед их выпиской из стационара – через 30–60 дней после ТС: в период полного восстановления после операции. В настоящем исследовании была выполнена ретроспективная оценка результатов у 107 пациентов (76 мужчин, 31 женщина). Результаты. При анализе личностного портрета выявлено, что более половины реципиентов были скрытными, недоверчивыми (фактор А – шизотимия) и сдержанными (фактор F – сдержанность; F2 – интроверт; F4 – конформность) с низким интеллектом (фактор В), нерешительными (фактор H – тректия), с низким суперэго (фактор G: безответственный, неорганизованный, непостоянный, переменчивый). По нашим результатам, 47% больных (18 пациентов из 38; 22 – пенсионеры) со слабой степенью развития фактора С («Слабость Я») работают по сравнению с 42% (29 из 69; 28 – пенсионеры) с сильной степенью фактора. Через 1 год после ТС количество физически активных пациентов было больше среди отличающихся низкой тревожностью по сравнению с высоко тревожными (41% (18 из 44) и 32% (20 из 63) соответственно, p = 0,41). Заключение. Личностные характеристики – это немодифицируемые черты больных, которые влияют на их поведение, возвращение к работе и социальной жизни, а также их физическое и психологическое восстановление после ТС. Знание личностных особенностей реципиентов позволит разрабатывать персонифицированный подход к их реабилитации и алгоритм своевременного обследования после ТС

    Personality factors in heart transplant recipients

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    Objective: to assess the personal psychological profile of heart transplant recipients as the first stage in the development of post-transplant personalized rehabilitation programs. Materials and methods. From January 2010 to July 2019, 129 HTs were performed (mean age 46.6 ± 14.1 years; 74% (n = 95) were men, 26% (n = 34) were women). All patients in the heart transplant waiting list were examined by a clinical psychologist and a psychotherapist to exclude contraindications to transplant surgery. To assess personal traits, we used the standard multifactorial questionnaire by Cattell R., 16 PF (version A), which included 187 questions. Heart transplantation and absence of post-transplant severe cognitive impairments were the selection criteria for this study. Patients were surveyed before they were discharged from the hospital – 30–60 days following HT: during the period of complete recovery after surgery. In the present study, a retrospective assessment of the results was performed in 107 patients (n = 76 – men; n = 31 – women). Results. Analysis of the personality portrait revealed that over half of recipients were reserved, distant (factor A – schizothymia) and restrained (factor F – restraint; F2 – introvert; F4 – conforming) with lower mental capacity (factor B), and were shy, timid (factor H), with low super ego (factor G: irresponsible, tolerates disorder, flexible, open to change). Our results showed that 47% of patients (n = 18 out of 38 patients, n = 22 are pensioners) with a weak degree of factor C (reactive, affected by feelings) are workers to 42% (n = 29 out of 69, n = 28 – retirees) with a strong degree of the same factor. One year after HT, the number of physically active patients was higher among those with low anxiety compared with high anxiety (41% (18 of 44) and 32% (20 of 63), respectively, p = 0.41). Conclusion. Personality factors are non-modifiable characteristics of patients. They affect human behavior, return to work and to social life, as well as physical and psychological recovery from HT. Knowing the personal traits of recipients would allow to develop a personalized approach to their rehabilitation and a technique for timely examination after HT