420 research outputs found

    The quark-photon vertex and meson electromagnetic form factors

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    The ladder Bethe-Salpeter solution for the dressed photon-quark vertex is used to study the low-momentum behavior of the pion electromagnetic and the γπ0γ\gamma^\star \pi^0 \gamma transition form factors. With model parameters previously fixed by light meson masses and decay constants, the low-momentum slope of both form factors is in excellent agreement with the data. In comparison, the often-used Ball-Chiu Ansatz for the vertex is found to be deficient; less than half of the obtained rπ2r_\pi^2 is generated by that Ansatz while the remainder of the charge radius could be attributed to the tail of the ρ\rho resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, uses espcrc1.sty, talk presented at PANIC99, Uppsala, Swede

    Analysis of full-QCD and quenched-QCD lattice propagators

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    Recent lattice-QCD results for the dressed-gluon propagator are used within the quark Dyson-Schwinger equation to determine the gluon-quark vertex dressing necessary to reproduce the lattice-QCD results for the dressed-quark propagator. Both quenched and full QCD lattice simulations, for a range of low quark current masses, are analyzed. The chiral extrapolation is made through this continuum DSE form. Resulting chiral and physical pion observables are investigated.Comment: Talk given at PANIC 2005 Conference, Santa Fe, October 2005. To be published in the Proceeding

    Quark-gluon vertex dressing and meson masses beyond ladder-rainbow truncation

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    We include a generalized infinite class of quark-gluon vertex dressing diagrams in a study of how dynamics beyond the ladder-rainbow truncation influences the Bethe-Salpeter description of light quark pseudoscalar and vector mesons. The diagrammatic specification of the vertex is mapped into a corresponding specification of the Bethe-Salpeter kernel, which preserves chiral symmetry. This study adopts the algebraic format afforded by the simple interaction kernel used in previous work on this topic. The new feature of the present work is that in every diagram summed for the vertex and the corresponding Bethe-Salpeter kernel, each quark-gluon vertex is required to be the self-consistent vertex solution. We also adopt from previous work the effective accounting for the role of the explicitly non-Abelian three gluon coupling in a global manner through one parameter determined from recent lattice-QCD data for the vertex. With the more consistent vertex used here, the error in ladder-rainbow truncation for vector mesons is never more than 10% as the current quark mass is varied from the u/d region to the b region.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Quark-gluon vertex model and lattice-QCD data

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    A model for the dressed quark-gluon vertex, at zero gluon momentum, is formed from a nonperturbative extension of the two Feynman diagrams that contribute at 1-loop in perturbation theory. The required input is an existing ladder-rainbow model Bethe-Salpeter kernel from an approach based on the Dyson-Schwinger equations; no new parameters are introduced. The model includes an Ansatz for the triple-gluon vertex. Two of the three vertex amplitudes from the model provide a point-wise description of the recent quenched lattice-QCD data. An estimate of the effects of quenching is made.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure