6,478 research outputs found

    A Wire Position Monitor System for the 1.3 GHZ Tesla-Style Cryomodule at the Fermilab New-Muon-Lab Accelerator

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    The first cryomodule for the beam test facility at the Fermilab New-Muon-Lab building is currently under RF commissioning. Among other diagnostics systems, the transverse position of the helium gas return pipe with the connected 1.3 GHz SRF accelerating cavities is measured along the ~15 m long module using a stretched-wire position monitoring system. An overview of the wire position monitor system technology is given, along with preliminary results taken at the initial module cool down, and during further testing. As the measurement system offers a high resolution, we also discuss options for use as a vibration detector.Comment: 4 pp. 15th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF2011). 25-29 Jul 2011. Chicago, Illinois, US

    Self-Consistent Field Theory of Brushes of Neutral Water-Soluble Polymers

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    The Self-Consistent Field theory of brushes of neutral water-soluble polymers described by two-state models is formulated in terms of the effective Flory interaction parameter χeff(T,ϕ)\chi_{eff}(T,\phi) that depends on both temperature, T and the monomer volume fraction, ϕ\phi. The concentration profiles, distribution of free ends and compression force profiles are obtained in the presence and in the absence of a vertical phase separation. A vertical phase separation within the layer leads to a distinctive compression force profile and a minimum in the plot of the moments of the concentration profile vs. the grafting density. The analysis is applied explicitly to the Karalstrom model. The relevance to brushes of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)(PNIPAM) is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Detection of quantum light in the presence of noise

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    Detection of quantum light in the presence of dark counts and background radiation noise is considered. The corresponding positive operator-valued measure is obtained and photocounts statistics of quantum light in the presence of noise is studied.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; misprints correcte

    Symmetric Exclusion Process with a Localized Source

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    We investigate the growth of the total number of particles in a symmetric exclusion process driven by a localized source. The average total number of particles entering an initially empty system grows with time as t^{1/2} in one dimension, t/log(t) in two dimensions, and linearly in higher dimensions. In one and two dimensions, the leading asymptotic behaviors for the average total number of particles are independent on the intensity of the source. We also discuss fluctuations of the total number of particles and determine the asymptotic growth of the variance in one dimension.Comment: 7 pages; small corrections, references added, final versio

    A consistent model for \pi N transition distribution amplitudes and backward pion electroproduction

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    The extension of the concept of generalized parton distributions leads to the introduction of baryon to meson transition distribution amplitudes (TDAs), non-diagonal matrix elements of the nonlocal three quark operator between a nucleon and a meson state. We present a general framework for modelling nucleon to pion (πN\pi N) TDAs. Our main tool is the spectral representation for \pi N TDAs in terms of quadruple distributions. We propose a factorized Ansatz for quadruple distributions with input from the soft-pion theorem for \pi N TDAs. The spectral representation is complemented with a D-term like contribution from the nucleon exchange in the cross channel. We then study backward pion electroproduction in the QCD collinear factorization approach in which the non-perturbative part of the amplitude involves \pi N TDAs. Within our two component model for \pi N TDAs we update previous leading-twist estimates of the unpolarized cross section. Finally, we compute the transverse target single spin asymmetry as a function of skewness. We find it to be sizable in the valence region and sensitive to the phenomenological input of our \pi N TDA model.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figure

    Bootstrap and the physical values of πN\pi N resonance parameters

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    This is the 6th paper in the series developing the formalism to manage the effective scattering theory of strong interactions. Relying on the theoretical scheme suggested in our previous publications we concentrate here on the practical aspect and apply our technique to the elastic pion-nucleon scattering amplitude. We test numerically the pion-nucleon spectrum sum rules that follow from the tree level bootstrap constraints. We show how these constraints can be used to estimate the tensor and vector NNρNN\rho coupling constants. At last, we demonstrate that the tree-level low energy expansion coefficients computed in the framework of our approach show nice agreement with known experimental data. These results allow us to claim that the extended perturbation scheme is quite reasonable from the computational point of view.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figure

    A discrete time relativistic Toda lattice

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    Four integrable symplectic maps approximating two Hamiltonian flows from the relativistic Toda hierarchy are introduced. They are demostrated to belong to the same hierarchy and to examplify the general scheme for symplectic maps on groups equiped with quadratic Poisson brackets. The initial value problem for the difference equations is solved in terms of a factorization problem in a group. Interpolating Hamiltonian flows are found for all the maps.Comment: 32 pages, LaTe

    High Resolution BPM Upgrade for the ATF Damping Ring at KEK

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    A beam position monitor (BPM) upgrade at the KEK Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) damping ring has been accomplished, carried out by a KEK/FNAL/SLAC collaboration under the umbrella of the global ILC R&D effort. The upgrade consists of a high resolution, high reproducibility read-out system, based on analog and processing, and also implements a new automatic gain error correction schema. The technical concept and realization as well as results of beam studies are presented.Comment: 3 pp. 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators DIPAC 2011, 16-18 May 2011. Hamburg, German

    The Slowly Formed Guiselin Brush

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    We study polymer layers formed by irreversible adsorption from a polymer melt. Our theory describes an experiment which is a ``slow'' version of that proposed by Guiselin [Europhys. Lett., v. 17 (1992) p. 225] who considered instantaneously irreversibly adsorbing chains and predicted a universal density profile of the layer after swelling with solvent to produce the ``Guiselin brush.'' Here we ask what happens when adsorption is not instantaneous. The classic example is chemisorption. In this case the brush is formed slowly and the final structure depends on the experiment's duration, tfinalt_{final}. We find the swollen layer consists of an inner region of thickness ztfinal5/3z^* \sim t_{final}^{-5/3} with approximately constant density and an outer region extending up to height hN5/6h \sim N^{5/6} which has the same density decay z2/5\sim z^{-2/5} as for the Guiselin case.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Europhysics Letter