472 research outputs found

    Wirkung carcinostatischer äthylenimin-verbindungen auf den DPN-gehalt therapieresistener tumoren

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    Preliminary experiments with the ascites form of the relatively therapeutic-resistant DS-tumour demonstrated that the decrease in DPN content and the inhibition of glycolysis in the neoplastic cells under the influence of ethylenimine compounds were delayed, in comparison with the rapid changes observed in Ehrlich-ascites carcinomas. Extending these observations, the therapeutic effect of carcinostatic ethylenimine compounds was studied in rats bearing solid forms of either the Jensen sarcoma or the therapeutic-resistant DS-tumour. During the course of the experiments the DPN content of the tumours was followed. In the Jensen sarcoma the DPN content decreased sharply as early as the first day following administration of the carcinostatic, while the DS-tumour, in contrast, showed no clear change during the first six days. A cure was obtained in nine out of thirteen cases of the Jensen-sarcoma rats, while no cure was observed in six DS-tumour-bearing rats. These experiments further support our hypothesis, that carcinostatic ethylenimine compounds are therapeutically effective though they depress the DPN content in the tumour

    Die blande Struma

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    Eine mechanische Teil-Indikation kann auch schon bei blander Struma des Stadium I bestehen. Die Indikation auf Wunsch des Patienten ist berechtigt, wenn die Schilddrüsenhormonbehandlung erfolglos oder wenig aussichtsreich ist. Die prophylaktischdiagnostische Operationsindikation wird nach Abwägung von statistischem und individuellem Malignom- und Operationsrisiko gestellt. Letztere Indikation überwiegt heute bei weitem. — Die Kropf-Prophylaxe mit jodiertem Speisesalz könnte die mittlere Strumafrequenz in der Bundesrepublick von 15 auf 3 % reduzieren.Surgical treatment can be justified already for nontoxic goiter stage I (WHO) because of tracheal stenosis. Surgery for cosmetic reasons may be adequate, if treatment with thyroid hormones is neither successful nor promising. Diagnostic (histologic) or prophylactic reasons are today the most frequent causes for surgery, in order to detect or avoid thyroid malignancies. — Iodine prophylaxis is advocated in the Federal Republic of Germany, where iodine deficiency and endemic goiter (15 %) are still prevalent
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