19 research outputs found


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    Architectural Language, Between Narration and Architectural Representation

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    The following article intends to deal with the theme of representation in its various conceptions and types. Starting from a first approach focused on the terms of narration and expression, we interrogate ourselves about the difference that exists in applying the notion of graphics to them. In this way, we introduce the architectural sphere, which is able to express its own language only through graphic representation, thus communicating the idea behind the project. As a consequence, the development and changes sustained over time by the discipline regarding its expressive representations are addressed. Particular attention is given to the metamorphosis and renewal due to the advent of electronics: in fact, digital technology has ransformed the vision of space and provided a new modeling methodology, determining a modern concept of graphics. The implications that derive from it are manifested in multiple ways of reading and narrating the architectural project; the current characteristics of objectification and expression in contemporary representations are therefore treated. Finally, there is a space for reflection on the importance of the knowledge of traditional design in approaching the most avant-garde techniques