219 research outputs found

    Scaling behavior of the conserved transfer threshold process

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    We analyze numerically the critical behavior of an absorbing phase transition in the conserved transfer threshold process. We determined the steady state scaling behavior of the order parameter as a function of both, the control parameter and an external field, conjugated to the order parameter. The external field is realized as a spontaneous creation of active particles which drives the system away from criticality. The obtained results yields that the conserved transfers threshold process belongs to the universality class of absorbing phase transitions in a conserved field.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Mean-field scaling function of the universality class of absorbing phase transitions with a conserved field

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    We consider two mean-field like models which belong to the universality class of absorbing phase transitions with a conserved field. In both cases we derive analytically the order parameter as function of the control parameter and of an external field conjugated to the order parameter. This allows us to calculate the universal scaling function of the mean-field behavior. The obtained universal function is in perfect agreement with recently obtained numerical data of the corresponding five and six dimensional models, showing that four is the upper critical dimension of this particular universality class.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    Moment analysis of the probability distributions of different sandpile models

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    We reconsider the moment analysis of the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld and the Manna sandpile model in two and three dimensions. In contrast to recently performed investigations our analysis turns out that the models are characterized by different scaling behavior, i.e., they belong to different universality classes.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Absorbing phase transition in a conserved lattice gas with random neighbor particle hopping

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    A conserved lattice gas with random neighbor hopping of active particles is introduced which exhibits a continuous phase transition from an active state to an absorbing non-active state. Since the randomness of the particle hopping breaks long range spatial correlations our model mimics the mean-field scaling behavior of the recently introduced new universality class of absorbing phase transitions with a conserved field. The critical exponent of the order parameter is derived within a simple approximation. The results are compared with those of simulations and field theoretical approaches.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    Crossover phenomenon in self-organized critical sandpile models

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    We consider a stochastic sandpile where the sand-grains of unstable sites are randomly distributed to the nearest neighbors. Increasing the value of the threshold condition the stochastic character of the distribution is lost and a crossover to the scaling behavior of a different sandpile model takes place where the sand-grains are equally transferred to the nearest neighbors. The crossover behavior is numerically analyzed in detail, especially we consider the exponents which determine the scaling behavior.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Tricritical directed percolation

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    We consider a modification of the contact process incorporating higher-order reaction terms. The original contact process exhibits a non-equilibrium phase transition belonging to the universality class of directed percolation. The incorporated higher-order reaction terms lead to a non-trivial phase diagram. In particular, a line of continuous phase transitions is separated by a tricritical point from a line of discontinuous phase transitions. The corresponding tricritical scaling behavior is analyzed in detail, i.e., we determine the critical exponents, various universal scaling functions as well as universal amplitude combinations

    Logarithmic corrections of the avalanche distributions of sandpile models at the upper critical dimension

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    We study numerically the dynamical properties of the BTW model on a square lattice for various dimensions. The aim of this investigation is to determine the value of the upper critical dimension where the avalanche distributions are characterized by the mean-field exponents. Our results are consistent with the assumption that the scaling behavior of the four-dimensional BTW model is characterized by the mean-field exponents with additional logarithmic corrections. We benefit in our analysis from the exact solution of the directed BTW model at the upper critical dimension which allows to derive how logarithmic corrections affect the scaling behavior at the upper critical dimension. Similar logarithmic corrections forms fit the numerical data for the four-dimensional BTW model, strongly suggesting that the value of the upper critical dimension is four.Comment: 8 pages, including 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model around the upper critical dimension

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    We consider the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model on square lattices in different dimensions (D>=6). A finite size scaling analysis of the avalanche probability distributions yields the values of the distribution exponents, the dynamical exponent, and the dimension of the avalanches. Above the upper critical dimension D_u=4 the exponents equal the known mean field values. An analysis of the area probability distributions indicates that the avalanches are fractal above the critical dimension.Comment: 7 pages, including 9 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Mean-field behavior of the sandpile model below the upper critical dimension

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    We present results of large scale numerical simulations of the Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld sandpile model. We analyze the critical behavior of the model in Euclidean dimensions 2d62\leq d\leq 6. We consider a dissipative generalization of the model and study the avalanche size and duration distributions for different values of the lattice size and dissipation. We find that the scaling exponents in d=4d=4 significantly differ from mean-field predictions, thus suggesting an upper critical dimension dc5d_c\geq 5. Using the relations among the dissipation rate ϵ\epsilon and the finite lattice size LL, we find that a subset of the exponents displays mean-field values below the upper critical dimensions. This behavior is explained in terms of conservation laws.Comment: 4 RevTex pages, 2 eps figures embedde