21,362 research outputs found

    Manejo integrado de corós em trigo e culturas associadas.

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    Monitoramento de insetos (Coleoptera) no exterior de unidades armazenadoras.

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    Identificação dos principais Coleoptera (Insecta) associados a produtos armazenados.

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    Characterization of InGaN and InAlN epilayers by microdiffraction X-Ray reciprocal space mapping

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    We report a study of InGaN and InAlN epilayers grown on GaN/Sapphire substrates by microfocused three-dimensional X-ray Reciprocal Space Mapping (RSM). The analysis of the full volume of reciprocal space, while probing samples on the microscale with a focused X-ray beam, allows us to gain uniquely valuable information about the microstructure of III-N alloy epilayers. It is found that “seed” InGaN mosaic nanocrystallites are twisted with respect to the ensemble average and strain free. This indicates that the growth of InGaN epilayers follows the Volmer-Weber mechanism with nucleation of “seeds” on strain fields generated by the a-type dislocations which are responsible for the twist of underlying GaN mosaic blocks. In the case of InAlN epilayer formation of composition gradient was observed at the beginning of the epitaxial growth

    Identificação dos principais parasitóides (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae e Braconidae, Aphidiinae) envolvidos no controle biológico de pulgões (Hemiptera: Aphididae) em trigo no sul do Brasil.

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    Informações que facilitam a identificação dos principais parasitóides de pulgões em trigo, para que sirva de ferramenta no monitoramento da eficácia destes insetos como agentes de controle biológico de pulgões.bitstream/item/84170/1/CNPT-COM.-TEC.-22-05.pd

    Guia para identificação de larvas de Lepidoptera (Pyralidae e Gelechiidae) comumente encontradas em grãos armazenados.

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    Alfvenic Heating of Protostellar Accretion Disks

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    We investigate the effects of heating generated by damping of Alfven waves on protostellar accretion disks. Two mechanisms of damping are investigated, nonlinear and turbulent, which were previously studied in stellar winds (Jatenco-Pereira & Opher 1989a, b). For the nominal values studied, f=delta v/v_{A}=0.002 and F=varpi/Omega_{i}=0.1, where delta v, v_{A} and varpi are the amplitude, velocity and average frequency of the Alfven wave, respectively, and Omega_{i} is the ion cyclotron frequency, we find that viscous heating is more important than Alfven heating for small radii. When the radius is greater than 0.5 AU, Alfvenic heating is more important than viscous heating. Thus, even for the relatively small value of f=0.002, Alfvenic heating can be an important source of energy for ionizing protostellar disks, enabling angular momentum transport to occur by the Balbus-Hawley instability.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap