9,252 research outputs found

    Nickel Resources in India and their Exploitation

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    NICKEL is one of the important strategic alloying elements : its consumption has increased considerably after World War II and during the last few years it increased by 6U-70°,,. It is felt that the increase would have been still higher if more nickel was available. The present annual production outside the communist block has well exceeded 400 000 tons and there is every likelihood of further rise in production in the near future as new production centres are being established. The largest single producer of nickel is Canada with the world's richest deposits at Sudbury, Ontario

    Economic utilization, recovery and substitution of some strategic non-ferrous metals

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    With the increased tempo of industrial expansion and the ever rising consumption of common nonferrous metals like copper, lead, zinc, tin, deficient in India, their conservation, substitution, reclamation from waste pro-ducts and substandard raw materials are of paramount importance for India, not only to tide over the present crisis but also in the larger interest of economic growth and self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency can be attained by developing processes for the utilization of low grade and other complex ores, recovery of metals from waste products like slags, ashes, drosses and above all by the conservation of non-ferrous metals not avail-able in the country by their judicious use and subst-itution

    The Scope for Development of Magnesium Industry in India

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    IN THIS era of "sputniks" and "space flights", weight saving poses to be a problem of prince importance with its direct influence over increasing speed and fuel economy. Magnesium and magnesium base alloys are known to be the lightest structural materials today, and have been employed not only for space research and rocketry but for various types of aero, marine and road trans-portation vehicles

    Theoretical considerations for substitutions in alloy steels

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    THE development of materials possessing certain specific properties was followed on empirical basis in the past. This was specially true in alloy steels, where there are plenty of complications and variables, each effecting the properties sought in its own way. As the theoretical background of this behaviour was least understood, development of materials in the nine-teenth and early twentieth century was based on very laborious approach which was time consuming on the first hand and costly on the other hand. Quite lately attempts have been made to rationalise the metal science on more scientific basis, and although the dream of the designing alloys by slide rule, posse-ssing the required properties, is still far from being achieved, the production costs and wastage in time can be avoided to a considerable extent by it proper application of the factors which have been understood lately. It is the object of this paper to describe these factors in detail so that the attempts in future will he based on more realistic and scientific lines than hitherto followed

    Silencing of midgut aminopeptidase N of Spodoptera litura by double-stranded RNA establishes its role as Bacillus thuringiensis toxin receptor

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    Insecticidal crystal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis bind to receptors in the midgut of susceptible insects leading to pore formation and death of the insect. The identity of the receptor is not clearly established. Recently a direct interaction between a cloned and heterologously expressed aminopeptidase (slapn) from Spodoptera litura and the Cry1C protein was demonstrated by immunofluorescence and in vitro ligand blot interaction. Here we show that administration of slapn double-stranded RNA to S. litura larvae reduces its expression. As a consequence of the reduced expression, a corresponding decrease in the sensitivity of these larvae to Cry1C toxin was observed. The gene silencing was retained during the insect's moulting and development and transmitted to the subsequent generation albeit with a reduced effect. These results directly implicate larval midgut aminopeptidase N as receptor for Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal proteins

    Position-dependent mass models and their nonlinear characterization

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    We consider the specific models of Zhu-Kroemer and BenDaniel-Duke in a sech2^{2}-mass background and point out interesting correspondences with the stationary 1-soliton and 2-soliton solutions of the KdV equation in a supersymmetric framework.Comment: 8 Pages, Latex version, Two new references are added, To appear in J.Phys.A (Fast Track Communication

    Metallurgy of Complex Pb, Cu and Zinc Sulfides

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    For the winning of Pb, Cu and from sulfides ores by conventional methods, it is essential that these be beneficiated to high grade concentrates. The ore mine- rals in polymetallic and complex deposits are often found to be in close mutual penetration with each other and to the non-metallic gangue.In many cases where the attempts have been made to concentrate these ores; it is either difficult to obtain - a suitable grade of the concentrate by conventional flotation methods or the recovery of metals into the respective concentrate is poor. Zinc that finds its way to a copper concentrate is always discarded in the slag as a waste, while copper in a Pb concentrate leads to serious smelting problems. In such cases the cost of production by a smelting process becomes unfavourable and new approaches to process these ores become more attractive. Hydrometallurgical processes, based on leach-ing and precipitation alone, or in combination with conv-entional extractive metallurgical methods will play an important role in meeting the requirements of such complex ores. Such processes can more easily be adopted to small scale operation than conventional smelting and refining