31 research outputs found

    Different fractal properties of positive and negative returns

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    We perform an analysis of fractal properties of the positive and the negative changes of the German DAX30 index separately using Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MFDFA). By calculating the singularity spectra f(α)f(\alpha) we show that returns of both signs reveal multiscaling. Curiously, these spectra display a significant difference in the scaling properties of returns with opposite sign. The negative price changes are ruled by stronger temporal correlations than the positive ones, what is manifested by larger values of the corresponding H\"{o}lder exponents. As regards the properties of dominant trends, a bear market is more persistent than the bull market irrespective of the sign of fluctuations.Comment: presented at FENS2007 conference, 8 pages, 4 Fig

    Cross-correlations in Warsaw Stock Exchange

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    We study the inter-stock correlations for the largest companies listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange and included in the WIG20 index. Our results from the correlation matrix analysis indicate that the Polish stock market can be well described by a one factor model. We also show that the stock-stock correlations tend to increase with the time scale of returns and they approach a saturation level for the time scales of at least 200 min, i.e. an order of magnitude longer than in the case of some developed markets. We also show that the strength of correlations among the stocks crucially depends on their capitalization. These results combined with our earlier findings together suggest that now the Polish stock market situates itself somewhere between an emerging market phase and a mature market phase.Comment: presented by R.Rak at FENS2007 conference, 9 pages, 4 Fig

    Statistical Properties of Fluctuations: A Method to Check Market Behavior

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    We analyze the Bombay stock exchange (BSE) price index over the period of last 12 years. Keeping in mind the large fluctuations in last few years, we carefully find out the transient, non-statistical and locally structured variations. For that purpose, we make use of Daubechies wavelet and characterize the fractal behavior of the returns using a recently developed wavelet based fluctuation analysis method. the returns show a fat-tail distribution as also weak non-statistical behavior. We have also carried out continuous wavelet as well as Fourier power spectral analysis to characterize the periodic nature and correlation properties of the time series.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Econophys-IV, Kolkata, 200