66 research outputs found

    Four-dimensional integration by parts with differential renormalization as a method of evaluation of Feynman diagrams

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    It is shown how strictly four-dimensional integration by parts combined with differential renormalization and its infrared analogue can be applied for calculation of Feynman diagrams.Comment: 6 pages, late

    OPE coefficient functions in terms of composite operators only. Singlet case

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    A method for calculating coefficient functions of the operator product expansion, which was previously derived for the non-singlet case, is generalized for the singlet coefficient functions. The resulting formula defines coefficient functions entirely in terms of corresponding singlet composite operators without applying to elementary (quark and gluon) fields. Both "diagonal" and "non-diagonal" gluon coefficient functions in the product expansion of two electromagnetic currents are calculated in QCD. Their renormalization properties are studied.Comment: 33 pages, 15 figures, minor corrections are mad

    Generalized Quark Transversity Distribution of the Pion in Chiral Quark Models

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    The transversity generalized parton distributions (tGPDs) of the the pion, involving matrix elements of the tensor bilocal quark current, are analyzed in chiral quark models. We apply the nonlocal chiral models involving a momentum-dependent quark mass, as well as the local Nambu--Jona-Lasinio with the Pauli-Villars regularization to calculate the pion tGPDs, as well as related quantities following from restrained kinematics, evaluation of moments, or taking the Fourier-Bessel transforms to the impact-parameter space. The obtained distributions satisfy the formal requirements, such as proper support and polynomiality, following from Lorentz covariance. We carry out the leading-order QCD evolution from the low quark-model scale to higher lattice scales, applying the method of Kivel and Mankiewicz. We evaluate several lowest-order generalized transversity form factors, accessible from the recent lattice QCD calculations. These form factors, after evolution, agree properly with the lattice data, in support of the fact that the spontaneously broken chiral symmetry is the key element also in the evaluation of the transversity observables.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, regular pape

    Zero-mode contribution to the light-front Hamiltonian of Yukawa type models

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    Light-front Hamiltonian for Yukawa type models is determined without the framework of canonical light-front formalism. Special attention is given to the contribution of zero modes.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, revised version with minor changes, Submitted to J.Phys.

    Initial Conditions for Semiclassical Field Theory

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    Semiclassical approximation based on extracting a c-number classical component from quantum field is widely used in the quantum field theory. Semiclassical states are considered then as Gaussian wave packets in the functional Schrodinger representation and as Gaussian vectors in the Fock representation. We consider the problem of divergences and renormalization in the semiclassical field theory in the Hamiltonian formulation. Although divergences in quantum field theory are usually associated with loop Feynman graphs, divergences in the Hamiltonian approach may arise even at the tree level. For example, formally calculated probability of pair creation in the leading order of the semiclassical expansion may be divergent. This observation was interpretted as an argumentation for considering non-unitary evolution transformations, as well as non-equivalent representations of canonical commutation relations at different time moments. However, we show that this difficulty can be overcomed without the assumption about non-unitary evolution. We consider first the Schrodinger equation for the regularized field theory with ultraviolet and infrared cutoffs. We study the problem of making a limit to the local theory. To consider such a limit, one should impose not only the requirement on the counterterms entering to the quantum Hamiltonian but also the requirement on the initial state in the theory with cutoffs. We find such a requirement in the leading order of the semiclassical expansion and show that it is invariant under time evolution. This requirement is also presented as a condition on the quadratic form entering to the Gaussian state.Comment: 20 pages, Plain TeX, one postscript figur

    Feynman graph polynomials

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    The integrand of any multi-loop integral is characterised after Feynman parametrisation by two polynomials. In this review we summarise the properties of these polynomials. Topics covered in this article include among others: Spanning trees and spanning forests, the all-minors matrix-tree theorem, recursion relations due to contraction and deletion of edges, Dodgson's identity and matroids.Comment: 35 pages, references adde

    Nonforward Parton Distributions

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    Applications of perturbative QCD to deeply virtual Compton scattering and hard exclusive electroproduction processes require a generalization of usual parton distributions for the case when long-distance information is accumulated in nonforward matrix elements of quark and gluon light-cone operators. We describe two types of nonperturbative functions parametrizing such matrix elements: double distributions F(x,y;t) and nonforward distribution functions F_\zeta (X;t), discuss their spectral properties, evolution equations which they satisfy, basic uses and general aspects of factorization for hard exclusive processes.Comment: Final version, to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Early- Onset Stroke and Vasculopathy Associated with Mutations in ADA2

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    Adenosine deaminase 2 (ADA2) is an enzyme involved in purine metabolism and a growth factor that influences the development of endothelial cells and leukocytes. This study shows that defects in ADA2 cause recurrent fevers, vascular pathologic features, and mild immunodeficiency. Patients with autoinflammatory disease sometimes present with clinical findings that encompass multiple organ systems.(1) Three unrelated children presented to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center with intermittent fevers, recurrent lacunar strokes, elevated levels of acute-phase reactants, livedoid rash, hepatosplenomegaly, and hypogammaglobulinemia. Collectively, these findings do not easily fit with any of the known inherited autoinflammatory diseases. Hereditary or acquired vascular disorders can have protean manifestations yet be caused by mutations in a single gene. Diseases such as the Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome,(2),(3) polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy,(4) sickle cell anemia,(5) livedoid vasculopathy,(6) and the small-vessel vasculitides(7),(8) are examples of systemic ...</p
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