28 research outputs found

    Premier cas de gnathostomose intra-oculaire à Gnathostoma spinigerum, diagnostiqué au Cambodge

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    International audienceA live intraocular nematode was identified from a 37 year-old man presented with iritis, pain, redness, lacrimation, swelling, vision loss and intermittent blindness during many hours per day of the left eye. By using slit lamp examination, a worm was removed from iris in an ophthalmology outpatient department setting and sent to the Medical Microbiology Laboratory, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge. Gnathostoma spinigerum was identified, based on its typical morphology via microscopic examination. Based on our diagnosis, the patient was treated by oral albendazole and responded well to this therapy.La gnathostomose est une helminthose tropicale animale due Ă  un nĂ©matode du genre Gnathostoma. Ce genre comprend plusieurs espĂšces, dont la plus rĂ©pandue est Gnathostoma spinigerum. Le cycle parasitaire est complexe et comporte au moins 3 hĂŽtes avec la possibilitĂ© d’hĂŽtes paratĂ©niques. Le premier hĂŽte intermĂ©diaire est un crustacĂ© (cyclops), le deuxiĂšme un poisson d’eau douce ou un batracien, tous les vertĂ©brĂ©s peuvent ĂȘtre hĂŽte paratĂ©nique, en particulier le porc et les oiseaux. L’Homme se contamine en consommant la chair crue ou peu cuite des hĂŽtes intermĂ©diaires ou paratĂ©niques. Le plus souvent il s’agit de poissons d’eau douce, de porcs, mais aussi d’autres hĂŽtes intermĂ©diaires (serpents, anguilles
) contenant la larve infestante au troisiĂšme stade (L3). La contamination par pĂ©nĂ©tration transcutanĂ©e des larves L3 est possible, le temps moyen de pĂ©nĂ©tration Ă©tant de 30 minutes avec un minimum de 6 minutes. Chez l’Homme comme chez les hĂŽtes paratĂ©niques le cycle est bloquĂ©, c’est une impasse parasitaire: la larve L3 « erre » dans les tissus, responsable d’un syndrome de larva migrans cutanĂ©e et/ou viscĂ©rale. Nous rapportons le premier cas documentĂ© de gnathostomose intra-oculaire survenu au Cambodge. Il s’agit d’un homme de 37 ans prĂ©sentant des Ă©pisodes de cĂ©citĂ© de l’oeil gauche, avec douleurs, iritis, larmoiement et oedĂšme. L’examen Ă  la lampe Ă  fente a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence une larve de nĂ©matode, dont l’aspect Ă©tait trĂšs Ă©vocateur de Gnathostoma spinigerum: tĂȘte typique en forme d’ampoule avec cinq rangĂ©es de petits crochets et fines Ă©pines cuticulaires sur sa surface corporelle. La mise en Ă©vidence de la larve a permis de faire le diagnostic de certitude. Lorsque la larve n’est pas identifiĂ©e, le diagnostic repose le plus souvent sur un faisceau d’arguments Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, cliniques et biologiques (hyperĂ©osinophilie, sĂ©rodiagnostic positif). Il s’agit du premier cas intraoculaire signalĂ© au Cambodge. Cette pathologie ne doit pas ĂȘtre ignorĂ©e car la gnathostomose est une des causes de mĂ©ningo-encĂ©phalite Ă  Ă©osinophiles. Avant l’utilisation des antiparasitaires, l’atteinte neurologique Ă©tait compliquĂ©e d’une lĂ©talitĂ© atteignant 25 % et de sĂ©quelles Ă  long terme dans 30 % des cas

    Implementation of Smart Antennas for Wireless LAN Systems

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    Onderzoeken en ontwerpen in de klas: opbrengsten Docent Ontwikkel Team Ontwerp- en Onderzoeksvaardigheden in de Klas

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    Dit rapport brengt de opbrengsten van het DocentOntwikkelTeam (DOT) ‘Ontwerp- en Onderzoeksvaardigheden in de klas’ in beeld. Het initiatief voor dit DOT is genomen door het Bùtasteunpunt Zuid Holland Zuid, een netwerk van voortgezet onderwijsinstellingen en vier hoger onderwijsinstellingen in Zuid-Holland. Voor het DOT staan het samenwerken aan professionalisering, uitwisseling van kennis en ervaring en samen modern onderwijs ontwikkelen centraal. Door deel te hebben genomen aan dit docenten ontwikkel team zijn er ontwikkelingen tot stand gekomen die een nieuwe ontwikkeling op scholen kan teweegbrengen

    Heterozygous Variants in <i>FREM2</i> Are Associated with Mesiodens, Supernumerary Teeth, Oral Exostoses, and Odontomas

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    Background: Supernumerary teeth refer to extra teeth that exceed the usual number of dentitions. A mesiodens is a particular form of supernumerary tooth, which is located in the premaxilla region. The objective of the study was to investigate the genetic etiology of extra tooth phenotypes, including mesiodens and isolated supernumerary teeth. Methods: Oral and radiographic examinations and whole-exome sequencing were performed on every patient in our cohort of 122 patients, including 27 patients with isolated supernumerary teeth and 94 patients with mesiodens. A patient who had multiple supernumerary teeth also had odontomas. Results: We identified a novel (c.8498A>G; p.Asn2833Ser) and six recurrent (c.1603C>T; p.Arg535Cys, c.5852G>A; p.Arg1951His, c.6949A>T; p.Thr2317Ser; c.1549G>A; p.Val517Met, c.1921A>G; p.Thr641Ala, and c.850G>C; p.Val284Leu) heterozygous missense variants in FREM2 in eight patients with extra tooth phenotypes. Conclusions: Biallelic variants in FREM2 are implicated in autosomal recessive Fraser syndrome with or without dental anomalies. Here, we report for the first time that heterozygous carriers of FREM2 variants have phenotypes including oral exostoses, mesiodens, and isolated supernumerary teeth

    Alteration of brain function and systemic inflammatory tone in older adults by decreasing the dietary palmitic acid intake

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    Prior studies in younger adults showed that reducing the normally high intake of the saturated fatty acid, palmitic acid (PA), in the North American diet by replacing it with the monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid (OA), decreased blood concentrations and secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of interleukin (IL)-1ÎČ and IL-6 and changed brain activation in regions of the working memory network. We examined the effects of these fatty acid manipulations in the diet of older adults. Ten subjects, aged 65–75 years, participated in a randomized, cross-over trial comparing 1-week high PA versus low PA/high OA diets. We evaluated functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using an N-back test of working memory and a resting state scan, cytokine secretion by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated PBMCs, and plasma cytokine concentrations. During the low PA compared to the high PA diet, we observed increased activation for the 2-back minus 0-back conditions in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Broadman Area (BA) 9; p < 0.005), but the effect of diet on working memory performance was not significant (p = 0.09). We observed increased connectivity between anterior regions of the salience network during the low PA/high OA diet (p < 0.001). The concentrations of IL-1ÎČ (p = 0.026), IL-8 (p = 0.013), and IL-6 (p = 0.009) in conditioned media from LPS-stimulated PBMCs were lower during the low PA/high OA diet. This study suggests that lowering the dietary intake of PA down-regulated pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion and altered working memory, task-based activation and resting state functional connectivity in older adults