44 research outputs found

    Автоматизація і оптимізація підбору добрив за балансовим методом

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    An approach to automating the selection of the cheapest set of fertilizers which application supplies needed amount of nutrients calculated using balance method according to nutrients removal from the soil done by the plants has been proposed. The approach has been implemented as a module of decision-support system   in crop farming, which can advise farmers online У статті запропоновано підхід до автоматизації процесу підбору добрив за компонентами балансовим методом по виносу поживних речовин рослинами з ґрунту та вибором певної торгової марки добрива за оптимальною ціною. Підхід реалізовано у вигляді модуля в системі підтримки прийняття рішень у землеробстві

    Проектирование доступа для адреналэктомии с применением компьютерно-томографического 3D-моделирования

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    Introduction. In the literature, the insufficient attention is paid to preoperative planning of access to adrenal masses using modern computed tomographic navigation capabilities. The purpose. To demonstrate the possibilities of designing a safe access for adrenalectomy with the appliation of three-dimensional printed models based on the integral assessment of preoperative computed tomographic data. Materials and methods. The possibilities of preoperative design of access for adrenalectomy were studied in 362 patients with adrenal tumors, for whom computed tomography was performed on an Aquillion 64 (Toshiba, Japan). Results. Reliable anthropometric (BMI, body shape) and CT criteria for designing surgical access to the right and left NP were determined. Three patients with a borderline number of risk criteria for the development of vascular complications associated with technical difficulties of adrenalectomy (for the right AP, ≥4, for the left AP, ≥3) underwent CT-segmentation of images followed by the creation of three-dimensional plates — a model of the AP tumor with adjacent organs and vessels. Conclusion. Preoperative computed tomographic access design, taking into account the criteria of the risk of complications and the application of three-dimensional printed models, make it possible to reasonably use endoscopic and open adrenalectomy options, significantly improving the immediate results of patient treatment.Введение. Дооперационному планированию доступа к образованиям надпочечников при помощи современных возможностей компьютерно-томографической навигации в литературе уделяется недостаточно внимания. Цели и задачи: продемонстрировать возможности проектирования безопасного доступа для адреналэктомии с использованием трехмерных печатных моделей, основанных на интегральной оценке предоперационных компьютерно-томографических данных. Материалы и методы. Изучены возможности дооперационного проектирования доступа для адреналэктомии у 362 больных опухолями надпочечников, которым компьютерная томография выполнена на установке Aquillion 64 (Toshiba, Япония). Результаты. Определены достоверные антропометрические (ИМТ, форма телосложения) и КТ-критерии проектирования хирургического доступа к правому и левому НП. Трем больным с пограничным числом критериев риска развития сосудистых осложнений, связанных с техническими трудностями адреналэктомии (для правого НП  ≥4, для левого НП  ≥3), была проведена КТ-сегментация изображений с последующим созданием трехмерных пластинатов — модель опухоли НП с соседними органами и сосудами. Заключение. Дооперационное компьютерно-томографическое проектирование доступа с учетом критериев риска развития осложнений и использование трехмерных печатных моделей позволяют обоснованно применять эндоскопические и открытые варианты адреналэктомии, достоверно улучшая непосредственные результаты лечения больных

    Body composition as an indicator of metabolic changes in mice obtained by <i>in vitro</i> fertilization

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    To identify body systems subject to epigenetic transformation during in vitro fertilization (IVF), comparative morphological and functional studies were performed on sexually mature offspring of outbred CD1 mice, specific-pathogen-free (SPF), obtained by IVF (experiment) and natural conception (control). The studies included assessment of age-related changes in body weight and composition, energy intake and expenditure, and glucose homeostasis. To level the effects caused by the different number of newborns in the control and in the experiment, the size of the fed litters was halved in the control females. Males obtained using the IVF procedure were superior in body weight compared to control males in all age groups. As was shown by analysis of variance with experiment/control factors, gender, age (7, 10 and 20 weeks), the IVF procedure had a statistically significant and unidirectional effect on body composition. At the same time, IVF offspring outperformed control individuals in relative fat content, but were behind in terms of lean mass. The effect of the interaction of factors was not statistically significant. IVF offspring of both sexes had higher fat to lean mass ratios (FLR). Since adipose tissue contributes significantly less to total energy intake compared to muscle, the main component of lean mass, it is not surprising that at the same level of IVF locomotor activity offspring consumed less food than controls. When converted to one gram of body weight, this difference reached 19 %. One of the consequences of reduced utilization of IVF energy substrates by offspring is a decrease in their tolerance to glucose loading. The integral criterion for the effectiveness of restoring the initial glucose level is the area under the curve (AUC), the value of which was 2.5 (males) and 3.2 (females) times higher in IVF offspring compared to the corresponding control. Thus, the totality of our original and literature data shows an increase in the risk of metabolic disorders in IVF offspring, which is confirmed by epidemiological studies of a relatively young cohort of people born using assisted reproductive technologies

    Olfactory transport efficiency of the amorphous and crystalline manganese oxide nanoparticles

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    The ability to deliver particulated xenobiotics and therapeutic drugs directly from the nasal cavity to the central nervous system, bypassing the hemato-encephalic barrier, determines a high importance of investigation of factors influencing this process. It was shown that the bioavailability of solid particles is influenced by their size and surface charge. At the same time, the impact of a crystal structure (crystalline/amorphous) has been poorly investigated. In this study, using sexually mature male C57BL/6J mice, we analyzed the efficiency of the nose-to-brain transport of crystalline and amorphous manganese oxide nanoparticles. T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to evaluate the accumulation of manganese nanoparticles in olfactory bulb (OB) and olfactory epithelium (OE). So, it has been established that amorphous particles have higher accumulation rate in OE and OB in comparison with crystalline particles after their intranasal administration. The unequal ability of amorphous and crystalline particles to overcome the mucosal layer covering the OE may be one of the possible reasons for the different nose-to-brain transport efficiency of particulated matter. Indeed, the introduction of mucolytic (dithiothreitol) 20 minutes prior to intranasal particle application did not influence the accumulation of amorphous particles in OE and OB, but enhanced the efficiency of crystalline nanoparticle entry. Data on the different intake of amorphous and crystalline nanoparticles from the nasal cavity to the brain, as well as the evidence for the key role of the mucosal layer in differentiating the penetrating power of these particles will be useful in developing approaches to assessing air pollution and optimizing the methods of inhalation therapy

    Оценка эффективности Erector Spinae Plane (ESP) блока при эндовидеохирургических герниопластиках паховых грыж

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    The objective was to evaluate  the effectiveness of the erector  spinae plane block (ESP-block) as a component of perioperative analgesia in endovideosurgical  hernioplasty of inguinal hernias.Materials and methods. The study included 70 patients who underwent endovideosurgical plastic surgery of inguinal hernias. All patients randomly divided into the main (n=32) and control  (n=38) groups, were given general combined anesthesia. In the main group, it was supplemented with the ESP-block, which was performed with ropivacaine at the L1 level. Intraoperatively, fentanyl was used for analgesia. The indication for its introduction was an increase in the Surgical Pleth Index (SPI) of more than 50. In the early postoperative period, ketoprofen and tramadol were used for analgesia, which were administered with the development of moderate  and high intensity of the pain. The effectiveness of the ESP-block was evaluated by comparing the total doses of analgesic drugs that were required for analgesia during surgery and in the early postoperative period in patients of both groups.Results. In the main group, the total doses of fentanyl and ketoprofen were statistically significantly lower compared to the control group (p&lt;0.01). After surgery, tramadol was used only in patients of the control  group. In some patients of the main group who required analgesia in the early postoperative  period (n=15), the pain syndrome  developed  only 12 hours after the end of the surgery. Their intraoperative need for fentanyl  did not differ from other patients of the main group (p&gt;0.05).Conclusion. In endovideosurgical hernioplasty of inguinal hernias, the use of the ESP-block as part of multimodal analgesia contributes to achieving a good level of analgesia both intra- and in the early postoperative period.Цель: оценить эффективность Erector Spinae Plane (ESP) блока в качестве компонента периоперационного обезболивания при эндовидеохирургических герниопластиках паховых грыж.Материалы и методы. В исследование включено  70 пациентов,  которым  выполняли эндовидеохирургическую пластику  паховых грыж. Всем пациентам, случайным образом разделенным на основную (n=32) и контрольную (n=38) группы, проводили общую комбинированную анестезию. В основной группе ее дополняли ESP-блоком, который выполняли ропивакаином на уровне L1. Интраоперационно для анальгезии применяли фентанил. Показанием для его введения было повышение хирургического плетизмографического индекса (Surgical Pleth Index, SPI) более 50. В раннем послеоперационном периоде для обезболивания использовали кетопрофен и трамадол, которые вводили при развитии боли средней и высокой интенсивности. Эффективность ESP-блока оценивали путем сравнения суммарных доз анальгетических препаратов, которые потребовались для обезболивания во время операции и в раннем послеоперационном периоде у пациентов обеих групп.Результаты. В основной группе суммарные дозы фентанила и кетопрофена были статистически значимо ниже по сравнению с контрольной группой (р&lt;0,01). После операции трамадол применялся только у больных контрольной группы. У части пациентов основной группы, которым потребовалось обезболивание в раннем послеоперационном периоде (n=15), болевой синдром развивался только через 12 часов после окончания операции. Интраоперационная потребность в фентаниле у них не отличалась  от других пациентов основной группы (р&gt;0,05).Выводы. При эндовидеохирургических герниопластиках паховых грыж применение ESP-блока в составе мультимодальной анальгезии способствует достижению хорошего уровня обезболивания как в интра-, так и в раннем послеоперационном периоде

    Substantiation of minimally invasive surgeries on thyroid gland

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    OBJECTIVE. The authors determined criteria for reasonable selection of patients for application of optimal minimally invasive interventions in cases of thyroid gland diseases. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The treatment results of 322 patients with thyroid gland diseases were analyzed. There were used a conventional method and variety of minimally invasive methods. RESULTS. It was stated that the main criteria that verified a choice of optimal minimally invasive surgery were the nodule size and thyroid gland volume, autoimmune inflammation of thyroid tissues against a background of toxic and diffuse toxic goiter, retrosternal goiter position and necessity of central lymphodissection in case of metastatic thyroid gland. CONCLUSIONS. The authors applied the determined criteria based on modern diagnostic methods in patients with surgical thyroid gland diseases. This study allowed doctors to justify the choice of optimal minimally invasive surgeries and avoid unreasonable operations, improve treatment results


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    The results of examination and treatment of 445 patients with chronic pancreatitis were analyzed. It was established, that 298 (67%) patients had indications for treatment in the conditions of surgical hospital. The patients were divided into t hree groups according to the modified pancreatitis classification of Marseilles-Rome 1988. There were the calcifying form (n=78), obstructive form (n=81), inflammatory form (n=139). The application of modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of chronic pancreatitis allowed modifying the classification by selection of subgr oups for each form of the disease. It was stated, that the substantiation of variants of surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis in consideration of morphological changes in the pancreas could improve the possibilities of medical care plan for patients with minimal complications and good quality of life in long-term period of time


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