9,409 research outputs found

    Separating the roles of electrons and holes in the organic magnetoresistance of aluminum tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) organic light emitting diodes

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    Copyright 2008 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. This article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 104, 083703 (2008) and may be found at

    On the instantaneous distribution of vertical velocity in the monsoon field and structure of the monsoon circulation

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    Cyclogenesis in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea

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    An efficient adaptive fusion scheme for multifocus images in wavelet domain using statistical properties of neighborhood

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    In this paper we present a novel fusion rule which can efficiently fuse multifocus images in wavelet domain by taking weighted average of pixels. The weights are adaptively decided using the statistical properties of the neighborhood. The main idea is that the eigen value of unbiased estimate of the covariance matrix of an image block depends on the strength of edges in the block and thus makes a good choice for weight to be given to the pixel, giving more weightage to pixel with sharper neighborhood. The performance of the proposed method have been extensively tested on several pairs of multifocus images and also compared quantitatively with various existing methods with the help of well known parameters including Petrovic and Xydeas image fusion metric. Experimental results show that performance evaluation based on entropy, gradient, contrast or deviation, the criteria widely used for fusion analysis, may not be enough. This work demonstrates that in some cases, these evaluation criteria are not consistent with the ground truth. It also demonstrates that Petrovic and Xydeas image fusion metric is a more appropriate criterion, as it is in correlation with ground truth as well as visual quality in all the tested fused images. The proposed novel fusion rule significantly improves contrast information while preserving edge information. The major achievement of the work is that it significantly increases the quality of the fused image, both visually and in terms of quantitative parameters, especially sharpness with minimum fusion artifacts

    Mother’s experience in alternate birth positions during second stage of labour

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    Background: The main objective of our research was to study mother’s experience in alternate birth positions during second stage of labour. Evidently, providing freedom to choose birthing positions positively impacts the women’s comfort level and intrapartum birthing experience. Methods: In the present study we counselled our antenatal and intranatal patients about the benefits and risks of alternate birthing positions. We enrolled 50 consecutive consenting parturients with prior vaginal delivery, who opted to adopt alternate birth position during second stage of labour. Maternal experience of birthing in alternate positions was compared to her experience in previous childbirth in dorsal position by using a standard pre-validated questionnaire using Likert scale with close ended and open-ended questions. Results: In our study, 49/50 (98%) mothers found alternate positions helpful, 46/50 (92%) mothers reported bearing down was easier, 47/50 (94%) mothers felt they would recommend alternate birth positions to others, for 49/50 (98%) parturients progression of labour was satisfactory, 48/50 (96%) had a good birthing experience, 44/50 (88%) felt duration of labour was less than what they had expected and 46/50 (92%) parturients reported that birthing experience in alternate birth position was more comfortable as compared to their previous delivery. Conclusions: Overall experience of delivering in alternate birth position was positive. Thus, it is clear that when women are informed and educated about their options, they are in a better position to make decisions from the available options and gain a sense of control over their healthcare with improved satisfaction and experience

    Analysis of Mullerian developmental defects in a tertiary care hospital: a four year experience

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    Background: Mullerian duct anomalies are congenital anomalies of the female genital tract. Mullerian duct anomalies affect the reproductive health of the female to a varied extent. This may present as obstructive or as non-obstructive anomalies. When clinically suspected, proper investigations are required to confirm the diagnosis including ultrasonography, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.Methods: In the present study, all the patients presenting with Mullerian duct anomalies to the gynaecology OPD at General Hospital, Sola, GMERS Medical College, Ahmedabad during the four year duration from 2011 to 2014 were included. These patients were analysed with respect to their incidence, presenting complain, age at presentation, classified according to AFS classification after proper diagnosis and managed individually.Results: The incidence of Mullerian duct anomalies was found to be 0.084%.52.9% belonged to the age group of 21 to 25 years. Most of these patients (73.5%) presented with chronic complains. Only a few presented with acute symptoms (14.7%) whereas a few were asymptomatic (11.8%). Septate uterus (20.6%) was the most common anomaly diagnosed at our setup followed by bicornuate uterus (17.7%) and tansverse vaginal septum (17.6%). History along with clinical and USG examination were adequate in diagnosis of patients with vaginal agenesis, didelphic, bicornuate uterus, TVS and imperforate hymen. Laparoscopy was needed to confirm cases of MRKH & unicornuate uterus and hysteroscopy for cases of septate uterus. Arcuate uterus was diagnosed during LSCS. Conclusions: It was thus concluded that with timely evaluation, diagnosis and optimal management, their menstrual disturbances are relieved early in adolescence period recuperating their psychiatric health & improving their reproductive carrier. Delay in management may cause serious complications and potential infertility

    Hierarchical fusion using vector quantization for visualization of hyperspectral images

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    Visualization of hyperspectral images that combines the data from multiple sensors is a major challenge due to huge data set. An efficient image fusion could be a primary key step for this task. To make the approach computationally efficient and to accommodate a large number of image bands, we propose a hierarchical fusion based on vector quantization and bilateral filtering. The consecutive image bands in the hyperspectral data cube exhibit a high degree of feature similarity among them due to the contiguous and narrow nature of the hyperspectral sensors. Exploiting this redundancy in the data, we fuse neighboring images at every level of hierarchy. As at the first level, the redundancy between the images is very high we use a powerful compression tool, vector quantization, to fuse each group. From second level onwards, each group is fused using bilateral filtering. While vector quantization removes redundancy, bilateral filter retains even the minor details that exist in individual image. The hierarchical fusion scheme helps in accommodating a large number of hyperspectral image bands. It also facilitates the midband visualization of a subset of the hyperspectral image cube. Quantitative performance analysis shows the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Multifocus image fusion algorithm using iterative segmentation based on edge information and adaptive threshold

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    This paper presents algorithm for multifocus image fusion in spatial domain based on iterative segmentation and edge information of the source images. The basic idea is to divide the images into smaller blocks, gather edge information for each block and then select the region with greater edge information to construct the resultant 'all-in-focus' fused image. To improve the fusion quality further, an iterative approach is proposed. Each iteration selects the regions in focus with the help of an adaptive threshold while leaving the remaining regions for analysis in the next iteration. A further enhancement in the technique is achieved by making the number of blocks and size of blocks adaptive in each iteration. The pixels which remain unselected till the last iteration are then selected from the source images by comparison of the edge activities in the corresponding segments of the source images. The performance of the method have been extensively tested on several pairs of multifocus images and compared quantitatively with existing methods. Experimental results show that the proposed method improves fusion quality by reducing loss of information by almost 50% and noise by more than 99%