440 research outputs found

    Islands as Time Capsules for Genetic Diversity Conservation: The Case of the Giglio Island Mouflon

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    The use of multidisciplinary approaches of investigation including biological, biogeographical, historical, morphological, and genetic analysis, can be useful in identifying and preserving biodiversity. The present study focuses on the characterisation and conservation of a mouflon population (Ovis gmelini musimon) from the Mediterranean island of Giglio. Here we provide the first molecular data on the Giglio population and compare it with mouflons from Sardinia, Elba, and Corsica using both nuclear and mitochondrial markers. Our results suggest that the Giglio mouflon harbours genetic variability likely of Sardinian origin but not represented in the current Sardinian mouflon diversity. Although not presenting the typical characteristics of an invasive alien species, the Giglio mouflon is being subjected to eradication through culling or trapping and surgical sterilization. The molecular evidence we report highlights that such actions are causing the irremediable loss of ancestral genetic variants of the genus Ovis. Finally, we highlight how a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to aid the conservation and management of the anthropochorous populations of Mediterranean mammals

    Descarbonizar micro/mini-redes através da complementaridade da produção solar fotovoltaica e eólica

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    RESUMO: Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para determinar a capacidade instalada ótima de fontes de energia renováveis variáveis no tempo, numa mini-rede selecionada, e avaliar o potencial destas tecnologias para satisfazer o consumo de eletricidade, permitindo reduzir a dependência de geradores alimentados por combustíveis fósseis. A capacidade ótima é identificada com base na exploração estratégica da sinergia eólica e solar fotovoltaica (FV) para atender à procura de eletricidade, neste caso, para substituir a produção com geradores a diesel. Para este efeito, neste trabalho, explora-se o uso de diferentes ângulos de azimute e inclinação dos sistemas solares fotovoltaicos fixos (convencionais e bifaciais), bem como sistemas com seguimento para criar um portfólio de geração ideal. Os resultados preliminares obtidos destacam que é necessário diversificar a orientação dos painéis solares e explorar a energia eólica para evitar vários períodos com excesso de produção e, consequentemente, corte de geração. Apesar de ser necessário continuar a desenvolver este trabalho, os resultados mostram que o uso dos geradores a diesel pode ser significativamente reduzido, especialmente durante o período diurno.ABSTRACT: This work presents a methodology to determine the optimal share of variable renewable energy sources (vRES) in a selected mini-grid, and evaluate its ability to satisfy electricity demand, allowing to reduce dependence on generators using fossil fuel. The optimal share is identified based on the strategic exploitation of wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) synergies to meet electricity demand, in this case, to replace the production from diesel generators. To this end, in this work, the use of different azimuth and tilt angles for solar PV systems (conventional and bifacial) as well as tracking systems to create an ideal mix is explored. The preliminary results obtained highlight that it is necessary to diversify the orientation of solar panels and explore wind energy to avoid several periods of generation outages. Although it is necessary to continue developing this work, the results show that the use of diesel generators can be significantly reduced, especially during the day.N/

    Performance of the readout system of the ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeters in LHC Run 3

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    The ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeters (ZDC) provide information about event geometry in heavy-ion collisions through the detection of spectator nucleons and allow to estimate the delivered luminosity. They are also very useful in p–A collisions, allowing an unbiased estimation of collision centrality. The Run 3 operating conditions will involve a tenfold increase in instantaneous luminosity in heavy-ion collisions, with event rates that, taking into account the different processes, could reach 5 MHz in the ZDCs. The challenges posed by this demanding environment lead to a redesign of the readout system and to the transition to a continuous acquisition. The new system is based on 12 bit, 1 Gsps FMC digitizers that will continuously sample the 26 ZDC channels. Triggering, pedestal estimation and luminosity measurements will be performed on FPGA directly connected to the front-end. The new readout system and the performances foreseen in Run 3 are presented

    Influence of Temperature and Humidity on Bakelite Resistivity

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    Presentation made at RPC99 and submitted to Elsevier PreprintThe use of phenolic or melaminic bakelite as RPC electrodes is widespread. The electrode resistivity is an important parameter for the RPC performance. As recent studies have pointed out, the bakelite resistivity changes with temperature and is influenced by humidity. In order to gain a quantitative understanding on the influence of temperature and humidity on RPC electrodes, we assembled an apparatus to measure resistivity in well-controlled conditions. A detailed description of the experimental set-up as well as the first resistivity measurements for various laminates in different environmental conditions are presented

    The ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeters

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    In the ALICE experiment at Cern LHC, a set of hadron calorimeters will be used to determine the centrality of the Pb-Pb collision. The spectator protons and neutrons, will be separated from the ion beams, using the separator magnet (D1) of the LHC beam optics and respectively detected by a proton (ZP) and a neutron (ZN) "Zero-degree Calorimeter" (ZDC). The detectors will be placed in front of the separator D2 magnet, 115 meters away from the beam intersection point. The ZDCs are quartz-fiber spaghetti calorimeters that exploit the Cherenkov light produced by the shower particles in silica optical fibers.This technique offers the advantages of high radiation hardness (up to several Grad), fast response and reduced lateral dimension of the detectable shower. In addition, quartz-fiber calorimeters are intrinsically insensitive to radio-activation background, which produces particles below the Cherenkov threshold.The ALICE ZDC should have an energy resolution comparable with the intrinsic energy fluctuations, which range from about 20 0.000000or central events to about 5 0.000000or peripheral ones, according to simulations that use HIJING as event generator. The fiber-to-absorber filling ratio must be chosen as a good compromise between the required energy resolution and the fiber cost.The design of the proposed calorimeter will be discussed, together with the expected performances. Whenever possible, the simulated results will be compared with the experimental ones, obtained with the built prototypes and with the NA50 ZDC, which can be considered as a working prototype for the ALICE neutron calorimeter

    Study of the Resistive Plate Chambers for the ALICE Dimuon Arm

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    Presentation made at RPC99 and submitted to Elsevier PreprintThe trigger system for the ALICE Dimuon Arm will be based on Resistive Plate Chambers. An RPC prototype, with electrodes made of low resistivity bakelite (rho ~ 3.109 Ωcm) has been tested both at the SPS and at the GIF. The results for operation in streamer mode are presented here

    IDH2 inhibition enhances proteasome inhibitor responsiveness in hematological malignancies

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    Proteasome inhibitors (PIs) are extensively used for the therapy of multiple myeloma (MM) and mantle-cell lymphoma (MCL). However, patients continuously relapse or are intrinsically resistant to this class of drugs. Here, to identify targets that synergize with PIs, we carried out a functional screening in MM cell lines using a short hairpin RNA library against cancer driver genes. Isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2) was identified as a top candidate, showing a synthetic lethal activity with the PI carfilzomib (CFZ). Combinations of FDA approved PIs with a pharmacological IDH2 inhibitor (AGI-6780) triggered synergistic cytotoxicity in MM, MCL, and Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) cell lines. CFZ/AGI-6780 treatment increased death of primary CD138+ cells from MM patients and exhibited a favorable cytotoxicity profile towards peripheral blood mononuclear cells and bone marrow-derived stromal cells. Mechanistically, CFZ/AGI-6780 combination significantly decreased tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle activity and ATP levels, as a consequence of enhanced IDH2 enzymatic inhibition. Specifically, CFZ treatment reduced the expression of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), thus limiting IDH2 activation through the NAD+-dependent deacetylase SIRT3. Consistently, combination of CFZ with either NAMPT or SIRT3 inhibitors impaired IDH2 activity and increased MM cell death. Finally, inducible IDH2 knockdown enhanced the therapeutic efficacy of CFZ in a subcutaneous xenograft model of MM, resulting in inhibition of tumor progression and extended survival. Taken together, these findings indicate that NAMPT/SIRT3/IDH2 pathway inhibition enhances the therapeutic efficacy of PIs, thus providing compelling evidence for treatments with lower and less toxic doses and broadening the application of PIs to other malignancies

    Zero degree Cherenkov calorimeters for the ALICE experiment

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    International audienceThe collision centrality in the ALICE experiment will be determined by the Zero Degree Calorimeters (ZDCs) that will measure the spectator nucleons energy in heavy ion collisions. The ZDCs detect the Cherenkov light produced by the fast particles in the shower that cross the quartz fibers, acting as the active material embedded in a dense absorber matrix. Test beam results of the calorimeters are presented

    Carotid artery intra-plaque attenuation variability using computed tomography

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    Background: In the CT assessment of the carotid plaque, the analysis of the attenuation value is a fundamental parameter in order to classify the type of the tissue that composes the plaque. The purpose of this paper is to assess the intra-plaque attenuation variability in order to verify the potential reproducibility of HU measurements. Methods: In this retrospective study, 68 consecutive patients (males 42; average age 64 ± 11 years) that underwent CT of carotid arteries were included. Exams were performed before and after administration of contrast medium and in each slice 4 different circular or elliptical ROIs (≥1 and ≤ 2 mm2) were traced and attenuation values were recorded. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney test were used to test the differences between the ROI. Results: A total of 192 slices were analysed. The average value of attenuation before contrast medium was 41.591(SD 8.1) HU and 54.159 (SD 15.7) in post-contrast scan. Mann-Whitney test did not find statistically significant difference among the ROI in the pre-contrast scan whereas a statistically significant differences was found in post-contrast scan. Wilcoxon analysis showed a statistically significant difference (p value = 0.001) between pre and post-contrast attenuation. Conclusion: In conclusion, results of our study suggest that ROI sampling performed in the CT dataset acquired after administration of contrast medium show significant degree of heterogeneity and a statistically significant differences compared to the baseline measurement. This effect may be driven by a different amount of contrast acquisition in some areas of the carotid artery plaque