93 research outputs found

    Why do employees negotiate idiosyncratic deals? An exploration of the process of i-deal negotiation

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    This study investigated why employees negotiate idiosyncratic deals with their organizations, and interviews with 31 employees who successfully negotiated i-deals showed that three main themes could be identified in the i-deal negotiation process: motives for negotiating (i.e., earned and problem solving), enablers (i.e., relationships and flexibility), and inhibitors (i.e., secrecy, and culture and structure). The study shows that people may have different motives for negotiating i-deals, and subsequently also experience different enabling and inhibiting factors in the process of obtaining i-deals

    Het psychologisch contract tussen oudere werknemers en de organisatie.

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    Door recente reorganisaties binnen en fusies en overnames tussen organisaties veranderen de relaties tussen werkgevers en werknemers drastisch. De oude relatie tussen werkgevers en werknemers die bestond uit de (impliciete) belofte van de werkgever om een werknemer voor de duur van een loopbaan aan te nemen in ruil voor loyaliteit en hard werken, is voorbij. Werkgevers bieden in mindere mate de zekerheid van een vast contract, en gaan meer over op tijdelijke contracten. Hierdoor ontstaat een nieuwe relatie tussen werkgever en werknemer. Om de impliciete onderdelen van deze relatie te beschrijven is de term ‘psychologisch contract’ geïntroduceerd. In dit artikel wordt uitgelegd wat het psychologisch contract is, en welke relaties het psychologisch contract heeft met gedrag en organisatie-uitkomsten. Verder wordt ingegaan op de vraag waar het psychologisch contract voor gebruikt kan worden in organisaties, met name met het oog op vergrijzing van de arbeidsmarkt

    Post-pensionados. Hoe worden 65-plussers gemotiveerd om te werken?

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    Nu de vergrijzing begint toe te slaan en organisaties steeds meer moeite moeten doen om goed gekwalificeerd personeel te werven en te behouden, wordt het aanspreken van onze stille arbeidsreserve steeds belangrijker. 65-plussers vormen een interessante groep potentiële werknemers. Ze zijn vaak ervaren, gedreven en loyaal, en zijn graag bereid zich flexibel op te stellen als de werkgever oog heeft voor hun specifieke behoeften

    Voorbij neoliberalisme in de arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie: Menselijke waardigheid en organisatiedemocratie

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    In this article, I explore the relation between neoliberalism and work and organizational psychology. This article explains how the neoliberal paradigm has influenced the way research is conducted in the field of work and organizational psychology. The article continues by providing an alternative paradigm based on human dignity, which is translated into the concept of organizational democracy. The article finishes with the implications of the human dignity paradigm for research in the field of work and organizational psychology, as well as with an agenda for future research on the new paradigm

    Age-related differences in the relations between individualised HRM and organisational performance: a large-scale employer survey

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    The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between individualised HRM practices and several measures of organisational performance, including the moderating role of employee age in these relationships. A large-scale representative study among 4,591 organisations in the Netherlands showed support for the relationships between individualised HR practices with organisational performance. Employee age moderated the relationships between the use of individualised practices and sickness absence and turnover, such that organisations with a high percentage of older workers benefited from work schedule practices, and organisations with high percentage of younger workers benefited from development practices

    Age-related differences in the relations between individualized HRM and organizational performance

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    The current study investigated the relations of individualized HRM with multiple organizational performance indicators. Based on signaling theory and social exchange theory, it was predicted that the availability and use of different individualized HRM practices in organizations would be positively related to performance growth and negatively related to employee absence and employee turnover. Moreover, we investigated the moderating role of employee age in these relationships. Based on lifespan theory of aging, we expected that individualized work schedule practices would be more strongly related to outcomes for older workers while individualized development and financial pay practices would be more strongly related for younger workers. A large-scale representative study among 4,591 organizations in the Netherlands showed support for the relationships of individualized HR practices with organizational performance. Moreover, employee age moderated the relationships between the use of individualized practices and sickness absence and turnover, such that organizations with a high percentage of older workers benefited from work schedule practices, and organizations with high percentage of younger workers benefited from development practices

    The older the better?: age-related differences in emotion regulation after psychological contract breach

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    Purpose: The aim of this paper was to investigate the role of emotion regulation and age in reactions to psychological contract breach towards positive and negative affect. We expected that in the context of contract breach, reappraisal emotion regulation mitigate the negative relation with affect. Moreover, based on lifespan theory, suppression emotion regulation was expected to be important for younger workers, because older workers have learned how to express themselves appropriately at the workplace. Consequently, suppression would mitigate the relations of contract breach with well-being only among younger workers, while it strengthened the relation for older workers. Design: Data were collected among 163 employees working in various Dutch organizations. Moderated regression analyses were used to test the hypotheses. Findings: Reappraisal mitigated the relation of contract breach with positive affect, and suppression mitigated the relations of contract breach with positive affect only among younger workers, while for older workers with high suppression the relations were accentuated. We also found that contract breach was more strongly related to negative affect for younger workers than for older workers. Research Implications: Reactions towards psychological contract breaches are influenced by the emotion regulation strategies people employ. Especially reappraisal is important to maintain optimal levels of affect, while suppression is detrimental especially for older workers. Originality/value: This paper is the first study in which emotion regulation strategies are investigated in the context of psychological contract breaches. The paper presents novel insights into how reactions to contract breaches are modified through emotion regulation strategies and age

    Oudere werknemers en het psychologisch contract: vier wijze lessen voor organisaties die hun oudere werknemers willen behouden.

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    De vergrijzende beroepsbevolking zorgt ervoor dat organisaties meer moeite moeten doen om hun oudere werknemers vast te houden. Dat roept verschillende vragen op. Beleven oudere medewerkers de relatie met hun organisatie anders dan hun jongere collega’s? En hoe blijven oudere werknemers gemotiveerd aan het werk? In dit artikel wordt besproken welke invloed leeftijd op het psychologische contract heeft. De aanname is dat leeftijd het psychologische contract op vier manieren beïnvloedt. Allereerst reageren ouderen anders op contractbreuk dan jongeren. Daarnaast heeft leeftijd invloed op de inhoud van het psychologische contract en de ervaren wederzijdse verplichtingen in dit contract. Tot slot speelt leeftijd een rol in de interactie tussen de kortetermijnrelatie en de langetermijnrelatie tussen werkgever en werknemer

    How irrelevant is work and organizational psychology really?

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    In this short opinion piece, I reflect on why WOP research is irrelevant, and may even be dangerous in complying to existing norms in society about how workers should behave. The views expressed in this piece are solely my own, and I solely carry any responsibility for what is expressed here. In order to elicit positive, constructive change, we need to be able to have an open mind, and acknowledge our own weaknesses

    Bevlogen voor de klas

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    Wat zorgt ervoor dat een leraar plezier in het werk heeft en met enthousiasme naar het werk gaat? Dit artikel gaat over de factoren die er toe bijdragen dat een leraar bevlogen raakt, en welke gevolgen dit kan hebben. Het begrip bevlogenheid wordt nader toegelicht, en geplaatst in het JD-R model, een model dat de relatie tussen onder andere bevlogenheid en prestaties beschrijft. Tenslotte wordt uitgelegd welke rol bevlogenheid in het onderwijs heeft, en op welke manier bevlogenheid bevorderd kan worden
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