77 research outputs found

    Like Father, Like Son: Inheriting and Bequeathing

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    Empirical evidence suggests that parents who have themselves inherited from their own parents are more likely to leave an estate to their children even after controlling for income, wealth and education. This implies an indirect reciprocal behavior between three generations by transmitting the attitude towards bequeathing from one generation to the next. We incorporate such an intergenerational chain into an overlapping generations model and show that the economy might be characterized by multiple steady states involving poverty traps. Individuals will not leave bequests unless per capita income levels exceed a threshold level. In such a situation, an unfunded social security security programme may help to overcome poverty by providing additional old age income out of which to bequeath.Empirische Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Eltern, die etwas geerbt haben, unabhängig von etwaigen Einkommens- und Vermögenseffekten, eher geneigt sind selbst auch zu vererben. Dies impliziert ein indirekt reziprokes Verhalten zwischen drei Generationen, bei dem die Einstellung gegenüber dem Vererbungsvorgang von einer Generation zur nächsten weitergegeben wird. Wir integrieren eine solche intergenerationale Verknüpfung in ein überlappendes Generationenmodell und zeigen, dass die resultierende Ökonomie durch multiple Gleichgewichte, einschließlich Armutsfallen, charakterisiert werden kann. Individuen vererben nur dann an ihre Nachkommen, wenn das eigene Pro-Kopf-Einkommen hinreichend hoch ist und einen gewissen Schwellenwert überschreitet. In einer solchen Situation kann ein umlagefinanziertes Rentensystem dazu beitragen der Armut zu entkommen, indem es den Individuen zusätzliches Alterseinkommen zur Verfügung stellt, aus dem sie vererben können

    Rising Mortality and Life Expectancy Differentials by Lifetime Earnings in the United States

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    Are mortality and life expectancy differences by socioeconomic groups increasing in the United States? Using a unique data set matching high-quality administrative records with survey data, this study explores trends in these differentials by lifetime earnings for the 1983 to 2003 period. The results indicate a consistent increase in mortality differentials across sex and age groups. The study also finds a substantial increase in life expectancy differentials: the top-to-bottom quintile premium increased around 30 percent for men and almost doubled for women. These results complement recent research to point to almost five decades of increasing differential mortality in the United States

    Time and Financial Transfers Within and Beyond the Family

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    Research on time and financial transfers is often conducted along two distinct lines—transfers within the family and transfers beyond the family—without considering the fact that these transfers are actually interrelated. Using longitudinal data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), this article investigates the links between the two groups of transfers. Transfers within and beyond the family were found to be complements. Income and wealth are strong predictors of financial transfers. Black and Hispanic families lag systematically in the generosity to help the people both within and beyond their families.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43105/1/10834_2006_Article_9013.pd

    On violating one’s own privacy: N-adic utterances and inadvertent disclosures in online venues

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    Purpose: To understand the phenomena of people revealing regrettable information on the Internet, we examine who people think they’re addressing, and what they say, in the process of interacting with those not physically or temporally co-present. Design/methodology/approach: We conduct qualitative analyses of interviews with student bloggers and observations of five years’ worth of their blog posts, drawing on linguists’ concepts of indexical ground and deictics. Based on analyses of how bloggers reference their shared indexical ground and how they use deictics, we expose bloggers’ evolving awareness of their audiences, and the relationship between this awareness and their disclosures. Findings: Over time, writers and their regular audience, or “chorus,” reciprocally reveal personal information. However, since not all audience members reveal themselves in this venue, writers’ disclosures are available to those observers they are not aware of. Thus, their over-disclosure is tied to what we call the “n-adic” organization of online interaction. Specifically, and as can be seen in their linguistic cues, N-adic utterances are directed towards a non-unified audience whose invisibility makes the discloser unable to find out the exact number of participants or the time they enter or exit the interaction. Research implications: Attention to linguistic cues, such as deictics, is a compelling way to identify the shifting reference groups of ethnographic subjects interacting with physically or temporally distant others. Originality/value: We describe the social organization of interaction with undetectable others. N-adic interactions likely also happen in other on- and offline venues in which participants are obscured but can contribute anonymously.postprin
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