2,099 research outputs found

    Examining the mortality effects of the Irish National Smoking Ban.

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    Secondhand smoke causes disease and death in those exposed, with cardiovascular and respiratory problems as the most likely outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine the mortality effects of the Irish national smoking ban of 2004

    Excess mortality during heat waves in Ireland

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    Ireland is not known for having extreme high temperatures, with values above 30C uncommon. Ireland has significant excess winter mortality compared to summer. The objective of this study is to estimate the impact of nation-wide heat waves on the total, cardiovascular and respiratory relationship, for the period 1981–2003, to determine if there are any periods of excess summer mortality

    Optical Transitions in Highly Excited States: RF LOG Spectrum of XeI

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    Pulsed laser optogalvanic spectroscopy of diluted gases in a 32MHz radio frequency discharge (RF LOG) was applied to xenon in a pressure range from 0.01to several Torr. The optical transitions caused by exciting the products of the discharge with laser energies from 14,000to 17,000cm? have been recorded and assigned. At low pressures, most transitions originate in the 5d states, whereas at higher pressures those from the 6p and 6s\u27 states become dominant. Results indicate that (il) coupling and selection rules /),J. = O, ± 1 and /),K. = O, ± 1 provide the most appropriate description of the observed transitions to the lower n-states. However, some transitions with /),K. = ± 2 also possess considerable intensity for some higher angular momentum transitions (p-d, d-f). The low pressure spectra are dominated by the d-f transitions for which all series have been observed. An important feature of these series is that at high n values (n> 20) the oscillatory potential of the RF field starts to populate high angular momentum states and causes a substantial broadening of the transitions to these states. In addition, close to the ionization limit, field induced ionization can take place and, under certain conditions, this may cause certain high series members to disappear. The corresponding results are presented and discussed

    Structural Fluctuations in the Spin Liquid State of Tb2Ti2O7

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    High resolution X-ray scattering measurements on single crystal Tb2Ti2O7 reveal finite structural correlations at low temperatures. This geometrically frustrated pyrochlore is known to exhibit a spin liquid, or cooperative paramagnetic state, at temperatures below ~ 20 K. Parametric studies of structural Bragg peaks appropriate to the Fd3ˉ\bar{3}m space group of Tb2Ti2O7 reveal substantial broadening and peak intensity reduction in the temperature regime 20 K to 300 mK. We also observe a small, anomalous lattice expansion on cooling below a density maximum at ~ 18 K. These measurements are consistent with the development of fluctuations above a cooperative Jahn-Teller, cubic-tetragonal phase transition at very low temperatures.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Magnetoelastics of a spin liquid: X-ray diffraction studies of Tb2Ti2O7 in pulsed magnetic fields

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    We report high resolution single crystal x-ray diffraction measurements of the frustrated pyrochlore magnet Tb2Ti2O7, collected using a novel low temperature pulsed magnet system. This instrument allows characterization of structural degrees of freedom to temperatures as low as 4.4 K, and in applied magnetic fields as large as 30 Tesla. We show that Tb2Ti2O7 manifests intriguing structural effects under the application of magnetic fields, including strongly anisotropic giant magnetostriction, a restoration of perfect pyrochlore symmetry in low magnetic fields, and ultimately a structural phase transition in high magnetic fields. It is suggested that the magnetoelastic coupling thus revealed plays a significant role in the spin liquid physics of Tb2Ti2O7 at low temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Revisiting Static and Dynamic Spin Ice Correlations in Ho2Ti2O7

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    Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering studies have been carried out on the pyrochlore magnet Ho2Ti2O7. Measurements in zero applied magnetic field show that the disordered spin ice ground state of Ho2Ti2O7 is characterized by a pattern of rectangular diffuse elastic scattering within the [HHL] plane of reciprocal space, which closely resembles the zone boundary scattering seen in its sister compound Dy2Ti2O7. Well-defined peaks in the zone boundary scattering develop only within the spin ice ground state below ~ 2 K. In contrast, the overall diffuse scattering pattern evolves on a much higher temperature scale of ~ 17 K. The diffuse scattering at small wavevectors below [001] is found to vanish on going to Q=0, an explicit signature of expectations for dipolar spin ice. Very high energy-resolution inelastic measurements reveal that the spin ice ground state below ~ 2 K is also characterized by a transition from dynamic to static spin correlations on the time scale of 10^{-9} seconds. Measurements in a magnetic field applied along the [11ˉ{\bar1}0] direction in zero-field cooled conditions show that the system can be broken up into orthogonal sets of polarized alpha chains along [11ˉ{\bar1}0] and quasi-one-dimensional beta chains along [110]. Three dimensional correlations between beta chains are shown to be very sensitive to the precise alignment of the [11ˉ{\bar1}0] externally applied magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    Should Any Workplace Be Exempt from Smoke-Free Law: The Irish Experience

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    Background. In 2004, the Irish Government introduced national legislation banning smoking in workplaces; with exemptions for “a place of residence”. This paper summarises three Irish studies of exempted premises; prisons, psychiatric hospitals and nursing homes. Methods. PM2.5 and nicotine were measured in nursing homes and psychiatric hospitals, in addition to ultrafine particles in the hospitals. In the prisons, officers (n = 30) completed exhaled breath Carbon Monoxide (CO) measurements. Questionnaires determined officers' opinion on introducing smoking prohibitions in prisons. Nursing home smoking policies were examined and questionnaires completed by staff regarding workplace secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure. Findings. Ultrafine particle concentrations in psychiatric hospitals averaged 130,000  cm3, approximately 45% higher than Dublin pub (35.5 μg/m3) pre ban. PM2.5 levels in psychiatric hospitals (39.5 μg/m3) were similar to Dublin pubs (35.5 μg/m3) pre ban. In nursing homes permitting smoking, similar PM2.5 levels (33 μg/m3) were measured, with nicotine levels (0.57 μg/m3) four times higher than “non-smoking” nursing homes (0.13 μg/m3). In prisons, 44% of non-smoking officers exhibited exhaled breath CO criteria for light to heavy smokers. Conclusions. With SHS exposure levels in some exempted workplaces similar to Dublin pubs levels pre ban, policies ensuring full protection must be developed and implemented as a right for workers, inmates and patients