277 research outputs found

    150°C amorphous silicon thin-film transistor technology for polyimide substrates

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    We have developed a 150°C technology for amorphous silicon thin-film transistors (a-Si:H TFTs) on polyimide substrates deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The silicon nitride gate dielectric and the a-Si:H channel material were tailored to provide the least leakage current and midgap defect density, respectively. In addition, we conducted experiments on the TFT structure and fabrication with the aim of obtaining high electron mobility. TFTs with back-channel etch and channel-passivated structures were fabricated on glass or 51 μm thick polyimide foil. The a-Si:H TFTs have an on/off current ratio of ∼10 7 and an electron mobility of ∼0.7 cm 2/V s

    Pročišćavanje čelika optimiranjem konfiguracije međulonca

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    In continuous casting process, liquid steel flows through the tundish, which is supposed to operate as a continuous refining finisher. To provide a functionality of such a device, a pack of tundish metallurgy techniques must be applied, whose efficiency is conditioned especially with optimal symmetrical and dynamical melt flow. Flow optimizing can be achieved through the shaping of inside tundish configuration, using flow control devices such as turbulence inhibitors, impact pads, baffles, weirs, dams, etc. The theme of the present paper is the precise employment of a turbulence inhibitor, commercially known as TURBOSTOPTM, together with a pair of baffles & a flat impact pad in slab custer to improve steel cleanliness and a fluid flow phenomenon in a two strands tundish.Tijekom procesa kontinuiranog lijevanja tekući čelik prolazi kroz međulonac koji funkcionira kao kontinuirani uređaj za završnu doradu rafiniranjem. Za osiguranje funkcioniranja takvog uređaja mora se primijeniti tehnika metalurgije međulonca čija učinkovitost je uvjetovana naročito optimalnim simetrijskim i dinamičkim tečenjem taline. Optimalizacija protoka se može postići oblikovanjem unutrašnje konfiguracije međulonca uporabom takvih uređaja za kontrolu protoka kao što su inhibitori turbulencije, zadebljanje za ublažavanje udaraca, pregradne ploče, brane itd. Tema ovog rada je točna primjena inhibitora turbulencije poznatog pod trgovačkim nazivom TURBOSTOPTM, zajedno s parom skretnih pregrada i ravnim zadebljanjem za ublažavanje udaraca u lijevanom slabu radi poboljšanja čistoće čelika i fenomena toka fluida u dvije žile međulonca

    Današnje stanje međulonca s pokrivnim troskama u ljevaonici slabova

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    Tundish metallurgy development, which has been focused on steel cleanliness improvement in last few years, affected also tundish slag systems. Molten slags are the most suitable for both absorbing and refining functions of tundish cover slags, while a system of extremely low density does satisfy their isolating functions in the best way. Hence it is obvious, that it is not possible to assure the main functions using one sort of tundish covering slags. In addition, traditional acid slags, are being replaced with basic covering slags, or combination of both types. In this work, we have tried to investigate the operation of tundish covering slag under the condition of slab continuous casting. A genesis of covering slag from applied cover powders its refining functions have been investigated, as well as the changes of covering slag chemical composition during one tundish casting sequence.Razvoj metalurgije međulonca koji se usmjerio na unapređivanje čistoće čelika tijekom zadnjih nekoliko godina odrazio se i na vrste troske u međuloncu. Rastaljena troska je najpogodnija kako za funkcije apsorbiranja tako i za funkcije rafiniranja pokrovne troske međulonca sve dok sistem krajnje male gustoće zadovoljava na najbolji način njene izolacione funkcije. Iz toga je jasno, da nije moguće osigurati glavne funkcije uporabom samo jedne vrste pokrovnih troski međulonca. Osim toga, tradicionalne kisele troske zamjenjuju se bazičnim pokrovnim troskama, ili se koristi kombinacija obadva tipa. U ovom članku se nastojalo istražiti rad pokrovne troske međulonca u uvjetima kontinuiranog lijevanja slabova. Istraživano je kako se uporaba pokrovne troske razvijala iz uporabe pokrovnih prahova te njene funkcije rafiniranja kao i promjene njenog kemijskog sastava tijekom jednog ciklusa lijevanja međulonca

    Utilization of the Glutaraldehyde Coagulation Test in Cattle

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    Nanogranular MgB2 thin films on SiC buffered Si substrates prepared by in-situ method

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    MgB2 thin films were deposited on SiC buffered Si substrates by sequential electron beam evaporation of B-Mg bilayer followed by in-situ annealing. The application of a SiC buffer layer enables the maximum annealing temperature of 830 C. The Transmission Electron Microscopy analysis confirms the growth of a nanogranular MgB2 film and the presence of a Mg2Si compound at the surface of the film. The 150-200 nm thick films show a maximum zero resistance critical temperature TC0 above 37 K and a critical current density JC ~ 106 A/cm2 at 11K.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Evolution of the fishtail-effect in pure and Ag-doped MG-YBCO

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    We report on magnetic measurements carried out in a textured YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} and YBa2_2(Cu1x_{1-x}Agx_x)3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} (at xx \approx 0.02) crystals. The so-called fishtail-effect (FE) or second magnetization peak has been observed in a wide temperature range 0.4~<T/Tc<<T/T_c<~0.8 for Hc\textbf{H}\parallel c. The origin of the FE arises for the competition between surface barrier and bulk pinning. This is confirmed in a non-monotonically behavior of the relaxation rate RR. The value HmaxH_{max} for Ag-doped crystals is larger than for the pure one due to the presence of additional pinning centers, above all on silver atoms.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes

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    The aim of the presented work was to characterize single-walled carbon nanotubes as well as multi-walled carbon nanotubes by transmission electron microscopy, the Raman spectroscopy and magnetization measurements to obtain information about their size, structure, and magnetic properties. We show that having different carbon nanotubes one can easily distinguish the single-wall or multi-wall carbon nanotubes and determine their quality. The obtained results show that carbon nanotubes can be diamagnetic or ferromagnetic depending on their structural parameters

    Study of the MgB2 grain size role in ex-situ multifilamentary wires with thin filaments

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    The MgB2 superconductor has already demonstrated its applicative potential, in particular for DC applications such as MRI magnets, thanks to the low costs of the raw materials and to its simple production process. However further efforts have still to be made in order to broaden its employment also towards the AC applications such as SFCL, motors, transformers. The main issues are related to the reduction of the AC losses. Some of these can be faced by obtaining multifilamentary conductors with a large number of very fine filaments and, in this context, the powders granulometry can play a crucial role. We have prepared MgB2 starting powders with different granulometries and by the ex-situ P.I.T method we have realized multifilamentary wires with a number of filaments up to 361 and an average size of each filament lowered down to 30 microns. In particular we have studied the relationship between grain and filament size in terms of transport properties and show that the optimization of this ratio is possible in order to obtain suitable conductors for AC industrial applications