19,576 research outputs found

    Neutrino-12C scattering in the ab initio shell model with a realistic three-body interaction

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    We investigate cross sections for neutrino-12C exclusive scattering and for muon capture on 12C using wave functions obtained in the ab initio no-core shell model. In our parameter-free calculations with basis spaces up to the 6 hbarOmega we show that realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions, like e.g. the CD-Bonn, under predict the experimental cross sections by more than a factor of two. By including a realistic three-body interaction, Tucson-Melbourne TM'(99), the cross sections are enhanced significantly and a much better agreement with experiment is achieved. At the same time,the TM'(99) interaction improves the calculated level ordering in 12C. The comparison between the CD-Bonn and the three-body calculations provides strong confirmation for the need to include a realistic three-body interaction to account for the spin-orbit strength in p-shell nuclei.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Investigation of fast initialization of spacecraft bubble memory systems

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    Bubble domain technology offers significant improvement in reliability and functionality for spacecraft onboard memory applications. In considering potential memory systems organizations, minimization of power in high capacity bubble memory systems necessitates the activation of only the desired portions of the memory. In power strobing arbitrary memory segments, a capability of fast turn on is required. Bubble device architectures, which provide redundant loop coding in the bubble devices, limit the initialization speed. Alternate initialization techniques are investigated to overcome this design limitation. An initialization technique using a small amount of external storage is demonstrated

    A Search for Intrinsic Polarization in O Stars with Variable Winds

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    New observations of 9 of the brightest northern O stars have been made with the Breger polarimeter on the 0.9~m telescope at McDonald Observatory and the AnyPol polarimeter on the 0.4~m telescope at Limber Observatory, using the Johnson-Cousins UBVRI broadband filter system. Comparison with earlier measurements shows no clearly defined long-term polarization variability. For all 9 stars the wavelength dependence of the degree of polarization in the optical range can be fit by a normal interstellar polarization law. The polarization position angles are practically constant with wavelength and are consistent with those of neighboring stars. Thus the simplest conclusion is that the polarization of all the program stars is primarily interstellar. The O stars chosen for this study are generally known from ultraviolet and optical spectroscopy to have substantial mass loss rates and variable winds, as well as occasional circumstellar emission. Their lack of intrinsic polarization in comparison with the similar Be stars may be explained by the dominance of radiation as a wind driving force due to higher luminosity, which results in lower density and less rotational flattening in the electron scattering inner envelopes where the polarization is produced. However, time series of polarization measurements taken simultaneously with H-alpha and UV spectroscopy during several coordinated multiwavelength campaigns suggest two cases of possible small-amplitude, periodic short-term polarization variability, and therefore intrinsic polarization, which may be correlated with the more widely recognized spectroscopic variations.Comment: LaTeX2e, 22 pages including 11 tables; 12 separate gif figures; uses aastex.cls preprint package; accepted by The Astronomical Journa

    Electron-scattering form factors for 6Li in the ab initio symmetry-guided framework

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    We present an ab initio symmetry-adapted no-core shell-model description for 6^{6}Li. We study the structure of the ground state of 6^{6}Li and the impact of the symmetry-guided space selection on the charge density components for this state in momentum space, including the effect of higher shells. We accomplish this by investigating the electron scattering charge form factor for momentum transfers up to q4q \sim 4 fm1^{-1}. We demonstrate that this symmetry-adapted framework can achieve significantly reduced dimensions for equivalent large shell-model spaces while retaining the accuracy of the form factor for any momentum transfer. These new results confirm the previous outcomes for selected spectroscopy observables in light nuclei, such as binding energies, excitation energies, electromagnetic moments, E2 and M1 reduced transition probabilities, as well as point-nucleon matter rms radii.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; accepted to Physical Review

    The impact of broadband in schools

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    The report reviews evidence for the impact of broadband in English schools, exploring; Variations in provision in level of broadband connectivity; Links between the level of broadband activity and nationally accessible performance data; Aspects of broadband connectivity and the school environment that contribute to better outcomes for pupils and teachers; Academic and motivational benefits associated with educational uses of this technology

    Prompt Beta Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic for Mix in Ignited NIF Capsules

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    The National Ignition Facility (NIF) technology is designed to drive deuterium-tritium (DT) internal confinement fusion (ICF) targets to ignition using indirect radiation from laser beam energy captured in a hohlraum. Hydrodynamical instabilities at interfaces in the ICF capsule leading to mix between the DT fue l and the ablator shell material are of fundamental physical interest and can affect the performance characteristics of the capsule. In this Letter we describe new radiochemical diagnostics for mix processes in ICF capsules with plastic or Be (0.9%Cu) ablator shells. Reactions of high-energy tritons with shell material produce high-energy β\beta-emitters. We show that mix between the DT fuel and the shell material enhances high-energy prompt beta emission from these reactions by more than an order of magnitude over that expected in the absence of mix

    Block Coordinate Descent for Sparse NMF

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has become a ubiquitous tool for data analysis. An important variant is the sparse NMF problem which arises when we explicitly require the learnt features to be sparse. A natural measure of sparsity is the L0_0 norm, however its optimization is NP-hard. Mixed norms, such as L1_1/L2_2 measure, have been shown to model sparsity robustly, based on intuitive attributes that such measures need to satisfy. This is in contrast to computationally cheaper alternatives such as the plain L1_1 norm. However, present algorithms designed for optimizing the mixed norm L1_1/L2_2 are slow and other formulations for sparse NMF have been proposed such as those based on L1_1 and L0_0 norms. Our proposed algorithm allows us to solve the mixed norm sparsity constraints while not sacrificing computation time. We present experimental evidence on real-world datasets that shows our new algorithm performs an order of magnitude faster compared to the current state-of-the-art solvers optimizing the mixed norm and is suitable for large-scale datasets

    Nonlinear propagation of light in Dirac matter

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    The nonlinear interaction between intense laser light and a quantum plasma is modeled by a collective Dirac equation coupled with the Maxwell equations. The model is used to study the nonlinear propagation of relativistically intense laser light in a quantum plasma including the electron spin-1/2 effect. The relativistic effects due to the high-intensity laser light lead, in general, to a downshift of the laser frequency, similar to a classical plasma where the relativistic mass increase leads to self-induced transparency of laser light and other associated effects. The electron spin-1/2 effects lead to a frequency up- or downshift of the electromagnetic (EM) wave, depending on the spin state of the plasma and the polarization of the EM wave. For laboratory solid density plasmas, the spin-1/2 effects on the propagation of light are small, but they may be significant in super-dense plasma in the core of white dwarf stars. We also discuss extensions of the model to include kinetic effects of a distribution of the electrons on the nonlinear propagation of EM waves in a quantum plasma.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Impact and key challenges of insider threats on organizations and critical businesses

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    The insider threat has consistently been identified as a key threat to organizations and governments. Understanding the nature of insider threats and the related threat landscape can help in forming mitigation strategies, including non-technical means. In this paper, we survey and highlight challenges associated with the identification and detection of insider threats in both public and private sector organizations, especially those part of a nation’s critical infrastructure. We explore the utility of the cyber kill chain to understand insider threats, as well as understanding the underpinning human behavior and psychological factors. The existing defense techniques are discussed and critically analyzed, and improvements are suggested, in line with the current state-of-the-art cyber security requirements. Finally, open problems related to the insider threat are identified and future research directions are discussed