1,826 research outputs found

    Frequency dependent polarizability of small metallic grains

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    We study the dynamic electronic polarizability of a single nano-scale spherical metallic grain using quantum mechanical approach. We introduce the model for interacting electrons bound in the grain allowing us numerically to calculate the frequency dependence of the polarizability of grains of different sizes. We show that within this model the main resonance peak corresponding to the surface plasmon mode is blue-shifted and some minor secondary resonances above and below the main peak exist. We study the behavior of blue shift as a function of grain size and compare our findings with the classical polarizability and with other results in the literature.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Single-electron latch with granular film charge leakage suppressor

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    A single-electron latch is a device that can be used as a building block for Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) circuits. It consists of three nanoscale metal "dots" connected in series by tunnel junctions; charging of the dots is controlled by three electrostatic gates. One very important feature of a single-electron latch is its ability to store ("latch") information represented by the location of a single electron within the three dots. To obtain latching, the undesired leakage of charge during the retention time must be suppressed. Previously, to achieve this goal, multiple tunnel junctions were used to connect the three dots. However, this method of charge leakage suppression requires an additional compensation of the background charges affecting each parasitic dot in the array of junctions. We report a single-electron latch where a granular metal film is used to fabricate the middle dot in the latch which concurrently acts as a charge leakage suppressor. This latch has no parasitic dots, therefore the background charge compensation procedure is greatly simplified. We discuss the origins of charge leakage suppression and possible applications of granular metal dots for various single-electron circuits.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Thermoelectric performance of weakly coupled granular materials

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    We study thermoelectric properties of inhomogeneous nanogranular materials for weak tunneling conductance between the grains, g_t < 1. We calculate the thermopower and figure of merit taking into account the shift of the chemical potential and the asymmetry of the density of states in the vicinity of the Fermi surface. We show that the weak coupling between the grains leads to a high thermopower and low thermal conductivity resulting in relatively high values of the figure of merit on the order of one. We estimate the temperature at which the figure of merit has its maximum value for two- and three-dimensional samples. Our results are applicable for many emerging materials, including artificially self-assembled nanoparticle arrays.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Thermoelectric performance of granular semiconductors

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    We study thermoelectric properties of granular semiconductors with weak tunneling conductance between the grains, g_t < 1. We calculate the thermopower and figure of merit taking into account the shift of the chemical potential and the asymmetry of the density of states in the vicinity of the Fermi surface due to n- or p-type doping in the Efros-Shklovskii regime for temperatures less than the charging energy. We show that for weakly coupled semiconducting grains the figure of merit is optimized for grain sizes of order 5nm for typical materials and its values can be larger than one. We also study the case of compensated granular semiconductors and show that in this case the thermopower can be still finite, although two to three orders of magnitude smaller than in the uncompensated regime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Two-loop approximation in the Coulomb blockade problem

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    We study Coulomb blockade (CB) oscillations in the thermodynamics of a metallic grain which is connected to a lead by a tunneling contact with a large conductance g0g_0 in a wide temperature range, ECg04eg0/2<T<ECE_Cg_0^4 e^{-g_0/2}<T<E_C, where ECE_C is the charging energy. Using the instanton analysis and the renormalization group we obtain the temperature dependence of the amplitude of CB oscillations which differs from the previously obtained results. Assuming that at T<ECg04eg0/2T < E_Cg_0^4 e^{-g_0/2} the oscillation amplitude weakly depends on temperature we estimate the magnitude of CB oscillations in the ground state energy as ECg04eg0/2E_Cg_0^4 e^{-g_0/2}.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Plasma Ejection from Magnetic Flares and the X-ray Spectrum of Cygnus X-1

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    The hard X-rays in Cyg X-1 and similar black hole sources are possibly produced in an active corona atop an accretion disk. We suggest that the observed weakness of X-ray reflection from the disk is due to bulk motion of the emitting hot plasma away from the reflector. A mildly relativistic motion causes aberration reducing X-ray emission towards the disk. This in turn reduces the reprocessed radiation from the disk and leads to a hard spectrum of the X-ray source. The resulting spectral index is Gamma=1.9B^{1/2} where B=gamma(1+beta) is the aberration factor for a bulk velocity beta=v/c. The observed Gamma=1.6 and the amount of reflection, R=0.3, in Cyg X-1 in the hard state can both be explained assuming a bulk velocity beta=0.3. We discuss one possible scenario: the compact magnetic flares are dominated by e+- pairs which are ejected away from the reflector by the pressure of the reflected radiation. We also discuss physical constraints on the disk-corona model and argue that the magnetic flares are related to magneto-rotational instabilities in the accretion disk.Comment: The final version, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Correlation induced switching of local spatial charge distribution in two-level system

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    We present theoretical investigation of spatial charge distribution in the two-level system with strong Coulomb correlations by means of Heisenberg equations analysis for localized states total electron filling numbers taking into account pair correlations of local electron density. It was found that tunneling current through nanometer scale structure with strongly coupled localized states causes Coulomb correlations induced spatial redistribution of localized charges. Conditions for inverse occupation of two-level system in particular range of applied bias caused by Coulomb correlations have been revealed. We also discuss possibility of charge manipulation in the proposed system.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures Submitted to JETP Letter

    Quantum interference and Coulomb interaction in arrays of tunnel junctions

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    We study the electronic properties of an array of small metallic grains connected by tunnel junctions. Such an array serves as a model for a granular metal. Previous theoretical studies of junction arrays were based on models of quantum dissipation which did not take into account the diffusive motion of electrons within the grains. We demonstrate that these models break down at sufficiently low temperatures: for a correct description of the screening properties of a granular metal at low energies the diffusive nature of the electronic motion within the grains is crucial. We present both a diagrammatic and a functional integral approach to analyse the properties of junction arrays. In particular, a new effective action is obtained which enables us to describe the array at arbitrary temperature. In the low temperature limit, our theory yields the correct, dynamically screened Coulomb interaction of a normal metal, whereas at high temperatures the standard description in terms of quantum dissipation is recovered.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Stellar disk in the galactic center -- a remnant of a dense accretion disk?

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    Observations of the galactic center revealed a population of young massive stars within 0.4 pc from Sgr A* -- the presumed location of a supermassive black hole. The origin of these stars is a puzzle as their formation in citu should be suppressed by the black hole's tidal field. We find that out of 13 stars whose 3-dimensional velocities have been measured by Genzel et. al. (2000), 10 lie in a thin disk. The half-opening angle of the disk is consistent with zero within the measurement errors, and does not exceed 10 degrees. We propose that a recent burst of star formation has occurred in a dense gaseous disk around Sgr A*. Such a disk is no longer present because, most likely, it has been accreted by the central black hole. The three-dimensional orbit of S2, the young star closest to Sgr A*, has been recently mapped out with high precision. It is inclined to the stellar disk by 75 degrees. We find that the orbit should undergo Lense-Thirring precession with the period of (5/a) Myr, where a<1 is the dimensionless spin of the black hole. Therefore it is possible that originally S2 orbit lay in the disk plane. If so, we can constrain the black hole spin aa be greater than 0.2(t_{S2}/5 Myr), where t_{S2} is the age of S2.Comment: submitted to ApJ Letter