134 research outputs found

    Loss of Function in Escherichia coli exposed to Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Benzalkonium Chloride

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    Assessing the risk of resistance associated with biocide exposure commonly involves exposing microorganisms to biocides at concentrations close to the MIC. With the aim of representing exposure to environmental biocide residues, MG1655 was grown for 20 passages in the presence or absence of benzalkonium chloride (BAC) at 100 ng/L and 1000 ng/L (0.0002% and 0.002% of the MIC respectively). BAC susceptibility, planktonic growth rates, motility and biofilm-formation were assessed, and differentially expressed genes determined via RNA-sequencing. Planktonic growth rate and biofilm-formation were significantly reduced (p<0.001) following BAC adaptation, whilst BAC minimum bactericidal concentration increased two-fold. Transcriptomic analysis identified 289 upregulated and 391 downregulated genes after long-term BAC adaptation when compared to the respective control organism passaged in BAC-free-media. When the BAC-adapted bacterium was grown in biocide-free medium, 1052 genes were upregulated and 753 were down regulated. Repeated passage solely in biocide-free medium resulted in 460 upregulated and 476 downregulated genes compared to unexposed bacteria. Long-term exposure to environmentally relevant BAC concentrations increased the expression of genes associated with efflux and reduced gene expression associated with outer-membrane porins, motility and chemotaxis. This was manifested phenotypically through loss-of-function (motility). Repeated passage in a BAC-free-environment resulted in the up-regulation of multiple respiration-associated genes, which was reflected by increased growth rate. In summary, repeated exposure of to BAC residues resulted in significant alterations in global gene expression that were associated with minor decreases in biocide susceptibility, reductions in growth-rate and biofilm-formation, and loss of motility. Exposure to very low concentrations of biocide in the environment is a poorly understood risk factor for antimicrobial resistance. Repeated exposure to trace levels of the biocide BAC resulted in loss of function (motility) and a general reduction in bacterial fitness, but relatively minor decreases in susceptibility. These changes were accompanied by widespread changes in the transcriptome. This demonstrates the importance of including phenotypic characterisation in studies designed to assess the risks of biocide exposure. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.

    Intraarticular location predicts cartilage filling and subchondral bone changes in a chondral defect: A randomized, blind, long-term follow-up trial involving 82 rabbit knees

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    Open Access - This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the source is credited.Background and purpose: The natural history of, and predictive factors for outcome of cartilage restoration in chondral defects are poorly understood. We investigated the natural history of cartilage filling subchondral bone changes, comparing defects at two locations in the rabbit knee. Animals and methods: In New Zealand rabbits aged 22 weeks, a 4-mm pure chondral defect (ICRS grade 3b) was created in the patella of one knee and in the medial femoral condyle of the other. A stereo microscope was used to optimize the preparation of the defects. The animals were killed 12, 24, and 36 weeks after surgery. Defect filling and the density of subchondral mineralized tissue was estimated using Analysis Pro software on micrographed histological sections. Results: The mean filling of the patellar defects was more than twice that of the medial femoral condylar defects at 24 and 36 weeks of follow-up. There was a statistically significant increase in filling from 24 to 36 weeks after surgery at both locations. The density of subchondral mineralized tissue beneath the defects subsided with time in the patellas, in contrast to the density in the medial femoral condyles, which remained unchanged. Interpretation: The intraarticular location is a predictive factor for spontaneous filling and subchondral bone changes of chondral defects corresponding to ICRS grade 3b. Disregarding location, the spontaneous filling increased with long-term follow-up. This should be considered when evaluating aspects of cartilage restoration

    Out of the wave: The meaning of suffering and relief from suffering as described in autobiographies by survivors of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami

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    The aim of this study was to explore the meaning of suffering and relief from suffering as described in autobiographies by tourists who experienced the tsunami on 26 December 2004 and lost loved ones. A lifeworld approach, inspired by the French philosopher Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception, was chosen for the theoretical framework. This catastrophe totally changed the survivors' world within a moment. In this new world, there were three main phases: the power of remaining focused, a life of despair, and the unbearable becoming bearable. Life turns into a matter of making the unbearable bearable. Such challenging experiences are discussed in terms of the philosophy of Weil, Jaspers, and Merleau-Ponty. The survivors of the tsunami catastrophe were facing a boundary situation and “le malheur,” the unthinkable misfortune. Even at this lowest level of misfortune, joy is possible to experience. This is part of the survivors' ambivalent experiences of their lifeworld. In this world of the uttermost despair there are also rays of hope, joy, and new life possibilities

    Multiple Aggregates and Aggresomes of C-Terminal Truncated Human αA-Crystallins in Mammalian Cells and Protection by αB-Crystallin

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    Cleavage of 11 (αA162), 5 (αA168) and 1 (αA172) residues from the C-terminus of αA-crystallin creates structurally and functionally different proteins. The formation of these post-translationally modified αA-crystallins is enhanced in diabetes. In the present study, the fate of the truncated αA-crystallins expressed in living mammalian cells in the presence and absence of native αA- or αB-crystallin has been studied by laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSM).YFP tagged αAwt, αA162, αA168 and αA172, were individually transfected or co-transfected with CFP tagged αAwt or αBwt, expressed in HeLa cells and studied by LSM. Difference in protein aggregation was not caused by different level of α-crystallin expression because Western blotting results showed nearly same level of expression of the various α-crystallins. The FRET-acceptor photo-bleaching protocol was followed to study in situ protein-protein interaction. αA172 interacted with αAwt and αBwt better than αA168 and αA162, interaction of αBwt being two-fold stronger than that of αAwt. Furthermore, aggresomes were detected in cells individually expressing αA162 and αA168 constructs and co-expression with αBwt significantly sequestered the aggresomes. There was no sequestration of aggresomes with αAwt co-expression with the truncated constructs, αA162 and αA168. Double immunocytochemistry technique was used for co-localization of γ-tubulin with αA-crystallin to demonstrate the perinuclear aggregates were aggresomes.αA172 showed the strongest interaction with both αAwt and αBwt. Native αB-crystallin provided protection to partially unfolded truncated αA-crystallins whereas native αA-crystallin did not. Aggresomes were detected in cells expressing αA162 and αA168 and αBwt co-expression with these constructs diminished the aggresome formation. Co-localization of γ-tubulin in perinuclear aggregates validates for aggresomes

    Prevalence and Characterization of Motile Salmonella in Commercial Layer Poultry Farms in Bangladesh

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    Salmonella is a globally widespread food-borne pathogen having major impact on public health. All motile serovars of Salmonella enterica of poultry origin are zoonotic, and contaminated meat and raw eggs are an important source to human infections. Information on the prevalence of Salmonella at farm/holding level, and the zoonotic serovars circulating in layer poultry in the South and South-East Asian countries including Bangladesh, where small-scale commercial farms are predominant, is limited. To investigate the prevalence of Salmonella at layer farm level, and to identify the prevalent serovars we conducted a cross-sectional survey by randomly selecting 500 commercial layer poultry farms in Bangladesh. Faecal samples from the selected farms were collected following standard procedure, and examined for the presence of Salmonella using conventional bacteriological procedures. Thirty isolates were randomly selected, from the ninety obtained from the survey, for serotyping and characterized further by plasmid profiling and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Results of the survey showed that the prevalence of motile Salmonella at layer farm level was 18% (95% confidence interval 15–21%), and Salmonella Kentucky was identified to be the only serovar circulating in the study population. Plasmid analysis of the S. Kentucky and non-serotyped isolates revealed two distinct profiles with a variation of two different sizes (2.7 and 4.8 kb). PFGE of the 30 S. Kentucky and 30 non-serotyped isolates showed that all of them were clonally related because only one genotype and three subtypes were determined based on the variation in two or three bands. This is also the first report on the presence of any specific serovar of Salmonella enterica in poultry in Bangladesh

    The Hsc/Hsp70 Co-Chaperone Network Controls Antigen Aggregation and Presentation during Maturation of Professional Antigen Presenting Cells

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    The maturation of mouse macrophages and dendritic cells involves the transient deposition of ubiquitylated proteins in the form of dendritic cell aggresome-like induced structures (DALIS). Transient DALIS formation was used here as a paradigm to study how mammalian cells influence the formation and disassembly of protein aggregates through alterations of their proteostasis machinery. Co-chaperones that modulate the interplay of Hsc70 and Hsp70 with the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) and the autophagosome-lysosome pathway emerged as key regulators of this process. The chaperone-associated ubiquitin ligase CHIP and the ubiquitin-domain protein BAG-1 are essential for DALIS formation in mouse macrophages and bone-marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDCs). CHIP also cooperates with BAG-3 and the autophagic ubiquitin adaptor p62 in the clearance of DALIS through chaperone-assisted selective autophagy (CASA). On the other hand, the co-chaperone HspBP1 inhibits the activity of CHIP and thereby attenuates antigen sequestration. Through a modulation of DALIS formation CHIP, BAG-1 and HspBP1 alter MHC class I mediated antigen presentation in mouse BMDCs. Our data show that the Hsc/Hsp70 co-chaperone network controls transient protein aggregation during maturation of professional antigen presenting cells and in this way regulates the immune response. Similar mechanisms may modulate the formation of aggresomes and aggresome-like induced structures (ALIS) in other mammalian cell types

    The Ubiquitin-Like Protein PLIC-1 or Ubiquilin 1 Inhibits TLR3-Trif Signaling

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    Background: The innate immune responses to virus infection are initiated by either Toll-like receptors (TLR3/7/8/9) or cytoplasmic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-recognizing RNA helicases RIG-I and MDA5. To avoid causing injury to the host, these signaling pathways must be switched off in time by negative regulators. Methodology/Principal Findings: Through yeast-two hybrid screening, we found that an ubiquitin-like protein named protein linking integrin-associated protein to cytoskeleton 1(PLIC-1 or Ubiquilin 1) interacted with the Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain of TLR4. Interestingly, PLIC-1 had modest effect on TLR4-mediated signaling, but strongly suppressed the transcriptional activation of IFN-β promoter through the TLR3-Trif-dependent pathway. Concomitantly, reduction of endogenous PLIC-1 by short-hairpin interfering RNA (shRNA) enhanced TLR3 activation both in luciferase reporter assays as well as in new castle disease virus (NDV) infected cells. An interaction between PLIC-1 and Trif was confirmed in co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) and GST-pull-down assays. Subsequent confocal microscopic analysis revealed that PLIC-1 and Trif colocalized with the autophagosome marker LC3 in punctate subcellular structures. Finally, overexpression of PLIC-1 decreased Trif protein abundance in a Nocodazole-sensitive manner. Conclusions: Our results suggest that PLIC-1 is a novel inhibitor of the TLR3-Trif antiviral pathway by reducing the abundance of Trif. © 2011 Biswas et al