1 research outputs found

    Interdependence between Epizootic Activity of Natural Foci of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome (HFRS) and Epidemiological Situation in the Ulyanovsk Region

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    Based on the results of retrospective analysis of HFRS morbidity and epizootiological data on the numbers and contamination of mouse-like rodents, revealed has been epidemic potential shift of the HFRS foci. It requires reconsideration of the scope, format, and objectives of preventive and anti-epidemic activities. Periodicity of fluctuations in the numbers of small mammals, habitant in the territory of the Ulyanovsk Region, makes up three years on average. Since 2011 up to 2013 generalized depression in the abundance rates was observed. The period was marked by the reduction of the segment of main Hantavirus carrier - common red-backed vole. It was the key factor for epidemic process activity decrease, which in its turn resulted in the decrease of morbidity rates among the population. Therewith, the transformations that affect the population of mouse-like rodents are the determinative factors in the evolution of epidemic process which shapes epidemiological situation on HFRS in the territory of the constituent entity