1,227 research outputs found

    Foundations of a spacetime path formalism for relativistic quantum mechanics

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    Quantum field theory is the traditional solution to the problems inherent in melding quantum mechanics with special relativity. However, it has also long been known that an alternative first-quantized formulation can be given for relativistic quantum mechanics, based on the parametrized paths of particles in spacetime. Because time is treated similarly to the three space coordinates, rather than as an evolution parameter, such a spacetime approach has proved particularly useful in the study of quantum gravity and cosmology. This paper shows how a spacetime path formalism can be considered to arise naturally from the fundamental principles of the Born probability rule, superposition, and Poincar\'e invariance. The resulting formalism can be seen as a foundation for a number of previous parametrized approaches in the literature, relating, in particular, "off-shell" theories to traditional on-shell quantum field theory. It reproduces the results of perturbative quantum field theory for free and interacting particles, but provides intriguing possibilities for a natural program for regularization and renormalization. Further, an important consequence of the formalism is that a clear probabilistic interpretation can be maintained throughout, with a natural reduction to non-relativistic quantum mechanics.Comment: RevTex 4, 42 pages; V6 is as accepted for publication in the Journal of Mathematical Physics, updated in response to referee comments; V7 includes final editorial correction

    Detection of the BL Lac object 1ES1426+428 in the Very High Energy gamma-ray band by the CAT Telescope from 1998-2000

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    The BL Lac Object 1ES 1426+428, at a red-shift of z=0.129, has been monitored by the CAT telescope from February 1998 to June 2000. The accumulation of 26 hours of observations shows a gamma-ray signal of 321 events above 250 GeV at 5.2 standard deviations, determined using data analysis cuts adapted to a weak, steep-spectrum source. The source emission has an average flux of Phi_diff(400 GeV) = 6.73 +/- 1.27stat +/- 1.45syst x 10^-11 /cm^-2/s/TeV, and a very steep spectrum, with a differential spectral index of gamma = -3.60 +/- 0.57 which can be refined to gamma = -3.66 +/- 0.41 using a higher flux data subset. If, as expected from its broad-band properties, the Very High Energy emission is hard at the source, these observations support a strong absorption effect of gamma-rays by the Intergalactic Infrared field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    A Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on orbital angular momentum for improved vortex coronagraph efficiency

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    The Annular Groove Phase Mask (AGPM) is a vectorial vortex phase mask. It acts as a half-wave plate with a radial fast axis orientation operating in the mid infrared domain. When placed at the focus of a telescope element provides a continuous helical phase ramp for an on axis sources, which creates the orbital angular momentum. Thanks to that phase, the intensity of the central source is canceled by a down-stream pupil stop, while the off axis sources are not affected. However due to experimental conditions the nulling is hardly perfect. To improve the null, a Mach-Zehnder interferometer containing Dove prisms differently oriented can be proposed to sort out light based on its orbital angular momentum (OAM). Thanks to the differential rotation of the beam, a π phase shift is achieved for the on axis light affected by a non zero OAM. Therefore the contrast between the star and its faint companion is enhanced. Nevertheless, due the Dove prisms birefringence, the performance of the interferometer is relatively poor. To solve this problem, we propose to add a birefringent wave-plate in each arm to compensate this birefringence. In this paper, we will develop the mathematical model of the wave front using the Jones formalism. The performance of the interferometer is at first computed for the simple version without the birefringent plate. Then the effect of the birefringent plate is be mathematically described and the performance is re-computed

    Physical propositions and quantum languages

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    The word \textit{proposition} is used in physics with different meanings, which must be distinguished to avoid interpretational problems. We construct two languages L(x)\mathcal{L}^{\ast}(x) and L(x)\mathcal{L}(x) with classical set-theoretical semantics which allow us to illustrate those meanings and to show that the non-Boolean lattice of propositions of quantum logic (QL) can be obtained by selecting a subset of \textit{p-testable} propositions within the Boolean lattice of all propositions associated with sentences of L(x)\mathcal{L}(x). Yet, the aforesaid semantics is incompatible with the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics (QM) because of known no-go theorems. But if one accepts our criticism of these theorems and the ensuing SR (semantic realism) interpretation of QM, the incompatibility disappears, and the classical and quantum notions of truth can coexist, since they refer to different metalinguistic concepts (\textit{truth} and \textit{verifiability according to QM}, respectively). Moreover one can construct a quantum language LTQ(x)\mathcal{L}_{TQ}(x) whose Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra is isomorphic to QL, the sentences of which state (testable) properties of individual samples of physical systems, while standard QL does not bear this interpretation.Comment: 15 pages, no figure, standard Late

    Complex Spectral Variability from Intensive Multi-wavelength Monitoring of Mrk421 in 1998

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    We conducted a multi-frequency campaign for the TeV blazar Mrk~421 in 1998 April. The campaign started from a pronounced high amplitude flare recorded by SAX and Whipple; ASCA observation started three days later. In the X-ray data, we detected multiple flares, occuring on time scales of about one day. ASCA data clearly reveal spectral variability. The comparison of the data from ASCA, EUVE and RXTE indicates that the variability amplitudes in the low energy synchrotron component are larger at higher photon energies. In TeV Gamma-rays, large intra-day variations -- which were correlated with the X-ray flux -- were observed when results from three Cherenkov telescopes are combined. The RMS variability of TeV Gamma--rays was similar to that observed in hard X-rays, above 10 keV. The X-ray light curve reveals flares which are almost symmetric for most of cases, implying the dominant time scale is the light crossing time through the emitting region. The structure function analysis based on the continuous X-ray light curve of seven days indicates that the characteristic time scale is ~0.5 day. The analysis of ASCA light curves in various energy bands appears to show both soft (positive) and hard (negative) lags. These may not be real, as systematic effects could also produce these lags, which are all much smaller than an orbit. If the lags of both signs are real, these imply that the particle acceleration and X-ray cooling time scales are similar.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Information-theoretic principle entails orthomodularity of a lattice

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    Quantum logical axiomatic systems for quantum theory usually include a postulate that a lattice under consideration is orthomodular. We propose a derivation of orthomodularity from an information-theoretic axiom. This provides conceptual clarity and removes a long-standing puzzle about the meaning of orthomodularity.Comment: Version prior to published, with slight modification

    High energy photon flux prediction from neutralino annihilation in the globular cluster Palomar 13

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    The distant globular cluster Palomar 13 has been found to have a very high mass-to-light ratio and its profile can be well fitted either by a King model with a tail, or with a NFW model. This cluster may be the first case of the many clumps predicted by CDM simulations that would not be disrupted by the galactic halo potential. We make the hypothesis that Pal 13 is made of neutralinos and run the DarkSuspect code to estimate the high-energy photon flux due to the annihilation of neutralinos through various channels in some benchmark scenarios. These low fluxes may be used as targets to be reached in proposals for future ground-based high altitude Cerenkov telescopes.Comment: A 2-page poster to be published in ``Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics'', the proceedings of the ESO-CERN-ESA Symposium, eds. P. A. Shaver, L. Di Lella, and A. Gimene

    Very High Energy Gamma-ray spectral properties of Mrk 501 from CAT Cerenkov telescope observations in 1997

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    The BL Lac object Mrk 501 went into a very high state of activity during 1997, both in VHE gamma-rays and X-rays. We present here results from observations at energies above 250 GeV carried out between March and October 1997 with the CAT Cerenkov imaging Telescope. The average differential spectrum between 30 GeV and 13 TeV shows significant curvature and is well represented by phi_0 * E_TeV^{-(alpha + beta*log10(E_TeV))}, with: phi_0 = 5.19 +/- 0.13 {stat} +/- 0.12 {sys-MC} +1.66/-1.04 {sys-atm} * 10^-11 /cm^2/s/TeV alpha = 2.24 +/- 0.04 {stat} +/- 0.05 {sys} beta = 0.50 +/- 0.07 {stat} (negligible systematics). The TeV spectral energy distribution of Mrk 501 clearly peaks in the range 500 GeV-1 TeV. Investigation of spectral variations shows a significant hardness-intensity correlation with no measurable effect on the curvature. This can be described as an increase of the peak TeV emission energy with intensity. Simultaneous and quasi-simultaneous CAT VHE gamma-ray and BeppoSAX hard X-ray detections for the highest recorded flare on 16th April and for lower-activity states of the same period show correlated variability with a higher luminosity in X-rays than in gamma-rays. The observed spectral energy distribution and the correlated variability between X-rays and gamma-rays, both in amplitude and in hardening of spectra, favour a two-component emission scheme where the low and high energy components are attributed to synchrotron and inverse Compton (IC) radiation, respectively.Comment: Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics, 8 pages including 6 figures. Published with minor change