328 research outputs found

    R-values in Low Energy e^+e^- Annihilation

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    This presentation briefly summarizes the recent measurements of R-values in low energy e^+e^- annihilation. The new experiments aimed at reducing the uncertainties in R-values and performed with the upgraded Beijing Spectrometer (BESII) at Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) in Beijing and with CMD-2 and SND at VEEP-2M in Novosibirsk are reviewed and discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, invited presentation at the XIX International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energy, Stanford University, August 199

    Extracting W Boson Couplings from the e+ee^{+}e^{-} Production of Four Leptons

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    We consider the processes e+e+ννˉe^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \ell^{+} \ell^{\prime -}\nu \bar{\nu}^{\prime}, including all possible charged lepton combinations, with regard to measuring parameters characterizing the WW boson. We calculate at what level these processes can be used to measure anamolous triple-boson vertice coupling parameters for the cases of e+ee^{+}e^{-} colliders at 500 GeVGeV and 1 TeVTeV center of mass energies.Comment: 13 pages,OCIP/C-93-

    Screening of candidate G-quadruplex ligands for the human c-KIT promotorial region and their effects in multiple in-vitro models

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    Stabilization of G-quadruplex (G4) structures in promoters is a novel promising strategy to regulate gene expression at transcriptional and translational levels. c-KIT proto-oncogene encodes for a tyrosine kinase receptor. It is involved in several physiological processes, but it is also dysregulated in many diseases, including cancer. Two G-rich sequences able to fold into G4, have been identified in c-KIT proximal promoter, thus representing suitable targets for anticancer intervention. Herein, we screened an \u201cin house\u201d library of compounds for the recognition of these G4 elements and we identified three promising ligands. Their G4-binding properties were analyzed and related to their antiproliferative, transcriptional and post-transcriptional effects in MCF7 and HGC27 cell lines. Besides c-KIT, the transcriptional analysis covered a panel of oncogenes known to possess G4 in their promoters. From these studies, an anthraquinone derivative (AQ1) was found to efficiently downregulate c-KIT mRNA and protein in both cell lines. The targeted activity of AQ1 was confirmed using c-KIT\u2013dependent cell lines that present either c-KIT mutations or promoter engineered (i.e., \u3b1155, HMC1.2 and ROSA cells). Present results indicate AQ1 as a promising compound for the target therapy of c-KIT-dependent tumors, worth of further and in depth molecular investigations

    Renegociaci?n de contratos de concesi?n en infraestructura de transporte : diagn?stico, an?lisis y propuestas de mejora

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    Como ha ocurrido en muchos otros pa?ses, en el Per?, tradicionalmente, el Estado ha sido el ?nico en asumir la responsabilidad de proporcionar infraestructura p?blica y de prestar los servicios asociados con esta. Vali?ndose de sus propios medios, ha tratado, durante muchos a?os, de cumplir con la responsabilidad de brindar a la poblaci?n carreteras, aeropuertos, plantas de tratamiento de agua, centrales de generaci?n el?ctrica, etc. Finalmente, el Estado peruano comprendi? que no ser?a posible lograr el desarrollo del pa?s apelando ?nicamente a sus recursos propios, sino que tambi?n era necesario contar con la inversi?n y la capacidad de la empresa privada, para incrementar las posibilidades de alcanzar sus metas. Este nuevo modelo econ?mico permiti? que el Estado delegue la gesti?n de los servicios p?blicos en una administraci?n privada, sin perjuicio de retener su titularidad y competencia para ejercer las correspondientes funciones de regulaci?n y fiscalizaci?n. Por tanto, el objetivo general del presente trabajo es proponer mejoras al dise?o inicial de los contratos de concesi?n en infraestructura de transportes. Para ello, se presenta y analiza el marco conceptual de los contratos de concesi?n en cuanto contratos administrativos, as? como las teor?as relacionadas con su renegociaci?n. Luego se describe el marco normativo e institucional del sistema de concesiones del Per?, as? como las normas aplicables a la renegociaci?n de los contratos de concesi?n en el sector Transportes. A continuaci?n se efect?a el diagn?stico, se identifican y analizan los temas considerados m?s relevantes y que con mayor frecuencia son objeto de modificaci?n contractual. Finalmente, se formulan propuestas de mejora del dise?o de los contratos de concesi?n. El objetivo es que estas permitan perfeccionar los documentos contractuales de los proyectos a partir de los cuales se originan los futuros procesos de promoci?n de la inversi?n privada, espec?ficamente en aquellos temas en los cuales resulta posible hallar una soluci?n a trav?s del dise?o contractual

    The Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment: A Harbinger For "New Physics"

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    QED, Hadronic, and Electroweak Standard Model contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, a_mu = (g_mu-2)/2, and their theoretical uncertainties are scrutinized. The status and implications of the recently reported 2.6 sigma experiment vs.theory deviation a_mu^{exp}-a_mu^{SM} = 426(165) times 10^{-11} are discussed. Possible explanations due to supersymmetric loop effects with m_{SUSY} \simeq 55 sqrt{tan beta} GeV, radiative mass mechanisms at the 1--2 TeV scale and other ``New Physics'' scenarios are examined.Comment: 24 page