6 research outputs found

    Расчет распределения воздуха при хранении сельскохозяйственной продукции во временных сооружениях

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    Using calculus techniques of solving filter equations the investigation has been carried out to find air distribution in cross-section area of storing bunkers and trenches. The engineering procedure has been suggested to estimate processes of air flow in temporary works for storing agricultural products and a method for calculating aerodynamic resistance in layers of stored products has been developed. At the design stage the presented information allows to choose an efficient ventilating system and the required type of a storing bunker.С использованием численных методов решения уравнений фильтрации проведено ис­следование распределения воздуха в поперечном сечении буртов и траншей. Предложена инженерная методика оценки процессов движения воздуха во временных сооружениях для хранения сельскохозяйственной продукции и разработан метод расчета аэродинамического сопротивления слоя хранимой продукции. Представленные материалы на стадии проекти­рования позволяют выбрать рациональную систему вентиляции и вид бурта

    Формирование температурного режима во внутренних объемах образцов бронетанковых вооружений

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    An algorithm and a program  have been developed for calculation of temperature mode in a T-72 tank tower while using numerical methods. The paper reveals a satisfactory convergence of calculated and experimental data. The results pertaining to investigation of influence of various factors on the processes of temperature mode formation in the internal surfaces of the studied object are presented in the paper. The obtained results make it possible to develop technical solutions in respect of protection against condensation of water vapor on the internal surfaces of armored machinery.С использованием численных методов разработаны алгоритм и программа расчета температурного режима башни танка Т-72. Показана удовлетворительная сходимость расчетных и экспериментальных данных. Приведены результаты исследования влияния различных факторов на процессы формирования температурного режима внутренних поверхностей исследуемого объекта. Полученные результаты позволяют разработать технические решения по защите от конденсации водяных паров на внутренних поверхностях образцов БТВ

    Формирование температурного поля грунтов у здания

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    Applying numerical methods an equation of heat transfer in the soil bonding with floors and building buried parts. Factors influencing on heat transfer have been investigated. New engineering technique for heat loss calculation through floor and buried wall parts has been elaborated. The obtained results have been used as a basis for preparation of a new building normative document.С использованием численных методов решено уравнение теплопроводности массива грунта, сопрягающегося с полами и заглубленными частями зданий. Проведено исследование влияния определяющих факторов на процессы теплопередачи. Предложена новая инженерная методика расчета потерь теплоты через полы по грунту и заглубленные части стен. Полученные данные использованы в качестве основы для разработки нового нормативного документа для строительства

    Calculation of Alr-Distribution while Storing Agricultural Products in Temporary Works

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    Using calculus techniques of solving filter equations the investigation has been carried out to find air distribution in cross-section area of storing bunkers and trenches. The engineering procedure has been suggested to estimate processes of air flow in temporary works for storing agricultural products and a method for calculating aerodynamic resistance in layers of stored products has been developed. At the design stage the presented information allows to choose an efficient ventilating system and the required type of a storing bunker

    Formation of Temperature Mode in Internal Spaces of Armored Machinery

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    An algorithm and a program  have been developed for calculation of temperature mode in a T-72 tank tower while using numerical methods. The paper reveals a satisfactory convergence of calculated and experimental data. The results pertaining to investigation of influence of various factors on the processes of temperature mode formation in the internal surfaces of the studied object are presented in the paper. The obtained results make it possible to develop technical solutions in respect of protection against condensation of water vapor on the internal surfaces of armored machinery

    Formation of Soil Temperature Pattern at Building

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    Applying numerical methods an equation of heat transfer in the soil bonding with floors and building buried parts. Factors influencing on heat transfer have been investigated. New engineering technique for heat loss calculation through floor and buried wall parts has been elaborated. The obtained results have been used as a basis for preparation of a new building normative document