10 research outputs found

    Nutritional status among primary school children in rural Sri Lanka; a public health challenge for a country with high child health standards

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    Abstract Background Nutritional status of pre adolescent children is not widely studied in Sri Lanka. The purpose of this study was to determine the nutritional status among pre-adolescent school children in a rural province of Sri Lanka. Methods A school based cross sectional study was carried out in North Central Province in 100 rural schools, selected using multi stage cluster sampling with probability proportionate to size. Children in grade one to five were enrolled with a maximum cluster size of fifty. Anthropometric measurements were done by trained data collectors and venesection was done at site by trained nurses. WHO AnthoPlus was used to calculate the BMI, height for age and weight for age Z scores. Survey design adjusted prevalence estimates with linearized standard errors were generated using svy function of STATA. Mean haemoglobin concentration (Hb) was calculated using methaeamoglobin method. Screening for iron deficiency and thalassemia trait was done using peripheral blood films. Results Height and weight measurements were done for 4469 of children and the Hb data was available for 4398 children. Based on the survey design adjusted estimates, prevalence of severe thinness, thinness, overweight and obesity in this population was 8.60% (SE 0.94), 2.91%(SE 0.74), 2.95%(0.26) and 2.43%(SE 0.92) respectively. Similarly, survey design adjusted prevalence of underweight and stunting were, 25.93% (95% CI 24.07–27.89%) and 43.92%(95% CI 40.55–47.56%). Adjusted mean estimates for hemoglobin was 12.20 (95% CI 12.16–12.24) g/dL. Prevalence of anemia was 17.3% (n = 749). Prevalence of mild and moderate anemia was 9.4 and 7.6% respectively. Conclusion This study confirms that malnutrition is still a major problem in North Central Province, Sri Lanka

    Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation of the Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) to Sinhala language

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    Abstract Background Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) is a widely used tool to assess functional capacity among patients, but there is no Sinhala version validated for patients in Sri Lanka. This study aimed to cross-culturally adapt and test the validity and reliability of the Sinhala version of DASI (DASI-S). Methods The translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the DASI questionnaire were conducted following the standard guidelines. It was pre-tested on ten pre-operative patients and further modified. The construct validity and reliability of DASI-S were evaluated by administering the modified final DASI-S, which comprised 12 items, along with the physical functioning sub-scale of the 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36), consisting of 10 items to eighty-one patients who were awaiting non-cardiac surgeries at university surgical wards, National Hospital of Sri Lanka (NHSL), and Colombo North Teaching Hospital (CNTH), Sri Lanka. Reliability was assessed through Cronbach alpha, while the validity was evaluated using factor analysis and Spearman’s correlation. The ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Results The mean age of the participants was 46.2 (± 16.6) years and the majority were females (54.3%). The mean height, weight, and body mass index of the sample were 160.5 (± 9.6) cm, 60.3 (± 11.9) kg, and 23.4 (± 4.5) kgm−2 respectively. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the internal consistency of DASI-S was 0.861. The concurrent validity of DASI-S was substantiated by positively correlating (p < 0.01, r s = 0.466) with the physical sub-scale of SF-36. There was a significant difference (p < 0.01) in the total score of DASI-S between the two age groups. Conclusions Sinhala version of the DASI appears to be a valid, reliable and easy-to-administer tool to assess functional capacity among patients who are awaiting non-cardiac surgeries

    Hypertension in Coarctation of the Aorta: Challenges in Diagnosis in Children

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    Evidence indicates that patients with coarctation of the aorta (COA) suffer from increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in later life despite successful repair of COA in childhood. Systolic arterial hypertension is common, presenting in up to one-third of patients, and is regarded as the main driver of premature cardiovascular events in this group of patients. In this review, we discuss the prevalence and pathophysiology of hypertension in children following successful COA repair with no residual arch obstruction. The challenges in accurate blood pressure assessment at this early phase are considered and non-invasive measures of central blood pressure are discussed. Although the pathways for investigations in adults are well defined, we highlight the need to address the issues of cardiovascular surveillance in children and describe techniques which can provide complementary information for cardiovascular assessment in this group of patients such that timely treatment can occur.</p