16 research outputs found

    Archaeometrical studies and recent evolution of a stretch of coast at the Northern part of “Jebel Akhdar” (Libya)

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    The piers of the ancient harbour of Susa (Apollonia-Libya), dating back to the Greek-roman age, are actually submerged at about two meters under the sea level. With the present research we have examined the possible causes that can have determinated the actual condition of these portual structures. In order to this aim, have been analysed the direct data, relative to the alterations undergone by plain sounding-depth, and also to the altitudes of the sea-terraces in the stretch of coast between Ras AĂ mer and Ras El Hilal (Northern Cyrenaica), as well as those indirect data, that are inherent in the eustatic and isostatic modifications. It has mainly turned out that the portual structures of Apollonia cannot have undergone sinkings or dislocations, since they are perfectly jointly for the rocky substratum. In the examinated stretch of coast, in the light of the acquired results, though some phenomena of subsidence, already supposed by previous AA, cannot be excluded, appears the possibility that the rise of the sea level could be the responsible for the submersion. This rise is started, according to the specialist literature, in the third Century A.D., and it is imputable to climatic global modifications